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21098503? ago


FMSF is a Satanic Front >

"1992 – (Although this entry isn’t directly connected to Michael Aquino, it directly relates to the cover up of events that he and his pedophile cronies have been involved in.) After being accused of molestation as a child by their daughter, Peter and Pamela Freyd established the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF). The original board members included doctors who were directly involved in MKULTRA mind-control programs, such as expert hypnotist Martin Orne and Dr. Louis Jolyin West, as well as many others who have been accused of child sexual abuse. One board member, Richard Ofshe, is an alleged expert on coercive persuasion techniques, and another, Margaret Singer, was a government expert on cults and cult tactics. Elizabeth Loftus is an expert on memory. The mandate of the FMSF has always been to discredit the recovered memories of people who report having been traumatically abused as children – usually by claiming that the child’s therapist has implanted false memories – and to develop legal defenses for protecting pedophiles in court. They have resorted to lies, intimidation, character assassination, legal tactics, and coercing victims to recant their claims and sue their therapists for large settlements. The FMSF has routinely argued in court cases that satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and multiple personality disorder (MPD) don’t exist, and the organization and its members have specifically targeted any therapists who claim that they do. This defense strategy, which has proven to be quite successful, has allowed victims of trauma-based mind-control and ritual abuse to be completely discredited, while allowing their perpetrators to continue their activities unimpeded.

At about the time that the FMSF was established, a number of mind-control and ritual abuse victims were starting to remember being involved in these events, and this threatened to expose the perpetrators, so it was important that a means to discredit them was put in place.

The False Memory Syndrome Foundation was created by known pedophiles and its board was fortified with CIA mind-control experts who cut their teeth on MKULTRA victims. Many of them are known to be closely associated with Michael Aquino. This organization of pedophiles and mind-control experts have been very instrumental in covering for Aquino and other pedophiles while destroying the lives and careers of their victims, the victim’s families, and their therapists, even long after these pedophiles performed their vile acts against them".

Do NOT be fooled. <

21104898? ago

Larry Sanger red pilling Twitter re Podesta & Pizzagate (again) "There's no innocent explanation for that taste in art. Period." There's no innocent explanation for that taste in art. Period."This. So much this.

21107040? ago


Have some fresh bread <

Coded Messages from KANSAS > Q PROOF > Are you Paying Attention?
