21098503? ago



FMSF is a Satanic Front >

"1992 – (Although this entry isn’t directly connected to Michael Aquino, it directly relates to the cover up of events that he and his pedophile cronies have been involved in.) After being accused of molestation as a child by their daughter, Peter and Pamela Freyd established the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF). The original board members included doctors who were directly involved in MKULTRA mind-control programs, such as expert hypnotist Martin Orne and Dr. Louis Jolyin West, as well as many others who have been accused of child sexual abuse. One board member, Richard Ofshe, is an alleged expert on coercive persuasion techniques, and another, Margaret Singer, was a government expert on cults and cult tactics. Elizabeth Loftus is an expert on memory. The mandate of the FMSF has always been to discredit the recovered memories of people who report having been traumatically abused as children – usually by claiming that the child’s therapist has implanted false memories – and to develop legal defenses for protecting pedophiles in court. They have resorted to lies, intimidation, character assassination, legal tactics, and coercing victims to recant their claims and sue their therapists for large settlements. The FMSF has routinely argued in court cases that satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and multiple personality disorder (MPD) don’t exist, and the organization and its members have specifically targeted any therapists who claim that they do. This defense strategy, which has proven to be quite successful, has allowed victims of trauma-based mind-control and ritual abuse to be completely discredited, while allowing their perpetrators to continue their activities unimpeded.

At about the time that the FMSF was established, a number of mind-control and ritual abuse victims were starting to remember being involved in these events, and this threatened to expose the perpetrators, so it was important that a means to discredit them was put in place.

The False Memory Syndrome Foundation was created by known pedophiles and its board was fortified with CIA mind-control experts who cut their teeth on MKULTRA victims. Many of them are known to be closely associated with Michael Aquino. This organization of pedophiles and mind-control experts have been very instrumental in covering for Aquino and other pedophiles while destroying the lives and careers of their victims, the victim’s families, and their therapists, even long after these pedophiles performed their vile acts against them".

Do NOT be fooled. <

21104898? ago

Larry Sanger red pilling Twitter re Podesta & Pizzagate (again) "There's no innocent explanation for that taste in art. Period." https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3487816 There's no innocent explanation for that taste in art. Period."This. So much this.

21107040? ago


Have some fresh bread <

Coded Messages from KANSAS > Q PROOF > Are you Paying Attention?




21098008? ago

implying it already hasn't - by demonising conservatives

21096621? ago

History of Mike Warnke, author of, Satan Seller (circa 1992).

Book about Warnke, Selling Satan, is available on Amazon.

In Christian circles Warnke pulled the wool over many eyes. There was an outbreak of "deliverance ministries" and sham ministries based on Warnke's lie. Warnke is/was a showman and his only desire was sex, power over people, and MONEY, the latter being the drive behind his kooky cooked up false theology that fed on dramatic fear of Satan (Beelzebub - Lord of Flies).

21092172? ago

Deleted pages = 176.

I would like to see those pages.

21092070? ago

Are you saying that paranoia about Satanism and child sacrifice as well as aliens among us were fabricated? Wow, if you really believe those things you are either a shill or a fucking idiot or both. Plenty of evidence for both if you've looked AT ALL.

21091707? ago

Not to hijack the OP, but the comments remind me of this anaylsis of David Icke's ideas, looked at in context of the shifting cultural narratives in recent decades among those who look to paranormal or supranormal explanations of declines and progresses in society as a whole.

Worth a read (PDF)


21091388? ago

I remember ALL of this. Even Oprah had segments and then it all disappeared!

21091386? ago

Donnie Darko called it

21091320? ago

Turns out the Son of Sam didn't act alone but was connected to a network of Satanists. Then there was Charles Manson. And the Rosemary's Baby movie.

Then we have Kubrick's Eye's Wide Shut movie that hinted at a satanic network without naming it.

Now we have Q exposing it all.

Remember, those who protest the loudest are those who have the most to hide.


21096222? ago

The satanic networks aren't even hidden. I could archive 10+ instagram accounts every day if I had a solid internet connection.

21093249? ago

Manson was an intelligence project, most everything is. http://mileswmathis.com/tate.pdf

21093187? ago

Schiffty and the Standard Hotel.

21091117? ago

WE. ARE. READY. And unified. The awakening is occurring now.

21104878? ago

Most recent thread on top:Finders ThreadCurrent Finders ThreadUpdated Current active /pol thread:Finders ThreadCurrent active thread on /pol here: Finders Thread


The finders FBI file just dropped

21090858? ago

What's old is new again. Many of us have been around this circle before. So what's next? Will the Trump years get us off of this ride? I suppose it gives us a fighting chance.

I recently had to walk away from a job where the religion was the ABA behavioral system for 'helping' Autistic kids. Big Insurance and Big Pharma are running the show and have their system in place mostly run by anal, detailed, repetitive reinforcing females. Operant Conditioning right out of B.F. Skinner. It seems the only method used today to help these kids and families. Of course they will swear by the effectiveness of their God. After all, would I have a better idea? After I remind them these children are human beings and capable of out thinking the droid behaviorists. Unfortunately, they are stuck with the technique and suffering until they are 18, but what kind of job would help them become free people? Wash, Rinse, and Repeat until 18. Good Luck...

"Burrhus Frederic Skinner, commonly known as B. F. Skinner, was an American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher. He was the Edgar Pierce Professor of Psychology at Harvard University from 1958 until his retirement in 1974."

21091365? ago

I was a behavior technition for just under a year, and behaviorism is like a religion to these people.

21092955? ago

I noticed that there are a lot of jobs for Behavior Tech available in So Cal, my area. I think it's a revolving door. People were dropping out even during the training class. You would think in our area, people were used to being brainwashed and toeing the line. The next level up from me were using the behavior tools on me, if I wasn't focusing on their insistent instructions. After the training, I was only given 15 hours of work for the week, driving in L.A. traffic 50 miles a day round trip. Needless to say with the fuel prices being jacked up to $4.75 - $5.00/gal, that ate up a good chunk of my measly paycheck and couldn't pay my bills.

21090372? ago

Styxhexenhammer666 ALWAYS mocks the 'satanic panic' of that time. For someone who used to be a satanist he acts as if their members don't commit evil acts in the name of their god. He thinks because he found his own morals that ALL satanists somehow align with him.

21096234? ago

Please save at least one video of him making fun of it. We need to save as much as possible. People need to see how much they tried to make it look crazy.

21098002? ago

There's many!

21096195? ago

The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.

If he makes fun of the satanic panic and "used to be a satanist", then he almost certainly still is one.

21098013? ago

He could be. He did make a video a couple years ago about why he left satanism.

Timeline up until 3 months ago

8 yrs ago


2 yrs ago


3 months ago


So you'd be right. I guess he technically is still a satanist.

What's crazy is I almost completely agree with him in regards to political views. He seems pretty level headed there. He doesn't seem like a bad person at all despite his fucked up spiritual views. Satanism is for fag snowflakes.

21095258? ago

Someone has a skeleton in their closet.

21091220? ago

Styx is a fool. He's one of the biggest fools there is.

21090749? ago

I didn't know that about him, but that makes sense given his wardrobe in videos.

21090224? ago

The Army Presidio Child Care Development Center (ground zero for the 80's "Satanic Panic"), Lt. Col Michael Aquino, psychological warfare officer during Vietnam, and founder of the Temple of Set. He sued the Army over the handling.

Pubmed for the Presidio Child Care Development Case

Recent interview. May 2019, 1 hour. It's like a biography in his own words. He's 73.

In video: History of military PSYOPS, Area 51, ToS Belief System, how consciousness works, and how we can manipulate that; it's basically a break down of what's going on now, and why. Nothing new to some, but it fills in some gaps for others.

Another interview

To me, the guy is really damn interesting, because you never hear about him, but he's connected to so much shit in the intelligence community. It's almost like he wrote the book, or had great influence over it.

21092468? ago

plenty of testimony out on youtube that aquino has tortured kids

21096548? ago

Then he should be fucking beat to death.

21093013? ago

I know, I've seen a lot of the cases, the guy is a lynch pin. Can't stress that enough.

21091245? ago

Fiona Barnett mentions Aquino quite a bit on her website

21092204? ago

There's a connection with Austrailia.

Satanists fracture like any other belief system. This guy is connected to Satanism, Military Intelligence, DC, CIA, and probably many others. He's a lynch pin of sorts.

21090367? ago

Lt. Col Michael Aquino

He co-wrote a book on Psyops with General Paul Valalley, the guy who recently confirmed Q as getting information from the Army of Northern Virginia aka Task Force Orange

21096248? ago

He didn't confirm anything. If he co-wrote a book with Aquino and wrote articles with Corsi, he knows jack shit about Q.

21092038? ago

Let's just keep connecting the dots. He seems to want us to understand something. I listened to his 1 hour interview. He seems grounded; wanted to share with the audience, to understand how the MIC thinks, why, and what that means to their targets. His take seemed pretty consistent with what we currently understand, so he seems like added confirmation on how and why the system works like it does.

21090451? ago

Also called the Intelligence Support Activity, ISA. There is or was a comic about the group. They were painted as the elite of the elite soldiers.

21090098? ago

"Satanic Panic" sounds like an 80s line dance. Or like something where Kanye could have a dance imitating a seizure, call it the satanic panic, and get it trending and make it a song played in every dance club in the world for a year or 2 until people can't stand it anymore. Like that one "Sliiiiiide to the left, one hop this time. "

21089777? ago

The Hearts and Minds thing back then required more than just local FBI/State authorities. NSA was working over time on that one. All hands on deck freak out I'm sure.

21089648? ago

ya they tried to use dungeons and dragons as the reason for the hysteria.. its all bullshit small group of psychos at the top running shit.

21089644? ago

Sadly these events happened in my hometown. McMartin Daycare was real. They had tunnels.

Yet not a single guilty person served time. Only patsies that were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sad. But don't worry. I'm Satan's worst nightmare.

21095259? ago

Where is Michael Aquino?

21094346? ago

Because it was not satanism. It was freeing kids from indoctrination of the masses and existing and prolific CIA mkultra campaigns that are still running today; Music, Sounds, Vibration, Visual Stimuli, all programming.

Wake up Neo. Smith is as confused as you are.

21094442? ago

This entire life was programmed and scripted for one ending only. We are about to fuk up their plans big time regarding "their" harvest.

We are about to rock planet Earth like a Hurricane. God's back.

21092420? ago

I watched this court case live I think. They got off.

Later when they sold the house and did excavation did they find the tunnels.

21091502? ago

Michelle Remembers happened in my hometown. One story in the book was about a young couple who ran from a meeting at a notorious occult place in town to a church. That happened to be the church I grew up in. I think they may have been targeted because they had potential to be successful in a field that is useful to powerful people. It turns out they were very successful they just decided to play for the other side.

I worked briefly with someone from a large city who said her father was in a position of power within those circles. He was highly successful financially in a field you might not initially think was useful to them. Anyway, she said she'd never step foot in a church because her dad used to go to various churches and preach. That seemed to completely break her trust of organized religion.

With all the craziness that goes on in the world I don't know why people find in so difficult to believe others might have a spirituality that is untethered to morals. Then again, there's people that don't believe powerful people/families/organizations might band together to gather more money and power to themselves.

21093061? ago

Elite wealthy people working together to maintain wealth and power, preposterous!

21090479? ago

Did you check out the FBI records vault drop from yesterday in The Finders? They had a document in there about the McMartin Preschool tunnels. Details and measurements, I couldn't believe it

21090770? ago

Could you provide some more detail? Assume I'm someone that doesn't know anything about McMartin Preschool and surmise that part as to why you think it's important so I can review later to check details on when I can sit down and read it - I would greatly appreciate that. Just the thousand foot level.

21092602? ago

It detailed the size and dimensions of the tunnels, where and what directions the tunnels led to, dimensions of the rooms that were connected to the tunnels, some artifacts they found in the tunnels, etc.

It looked like a report prepared by investigators that inspected the tunnels/rooms personally. The document also said that the tunnel DID extend to the business next door's bathroom. The bathroom had a hole cut through the floor that was back filled. The document states it is obvious that the rooms and tunnels were hand dug.

The document also stated that due to extreme time constraints, they could not explore the entire tunnel system or sift through all the debris found.

21092452? ago

here's the pdf in the fbi vault, can't do a search so you'll have to manually look. let us know if you find it.


21090973? ago

I just looked it up. The diagram with tunnels starts on pdf p.48 and there are memos that follow re: McMartin Preschool.


21089884? ago

Then you are a blessing.

21089662? ago

same thing with the Franklin Scandal where the victims were the ones who got prison time...

Warren Buffett ran 2 of 3 papers in Omaha that conspired with the FBI do destroy the victims

21090662? ago

The entire world is run on corruption. Not a single visible piece of the puzzle is real. All a facade to the Greatest Lie Ever propagated on humanity.

Jesus did warn us.

21089527? ago

I suspect "Satanic Panic" has always been a scapegoat for the Jew.

Judaism is an anti-Christ religion that promotes lying, stealing, sedition and treason, raping children and infants and mass murdering non-Jews.

I challenge ANYONE to differentiate between the stereotype Satanist and a Jew, based only on their beliefs and actions.

21096166? ago

The satanists are very real and so numerous it's impossible to believe. They even have their own magazines. They cover themselves in blood and make jokes about crime scenes.

21092474? ago

"its not the jews!!!! its satanists!!!"

(same difference)

anyone who is fine with cutting the tip of a babys dick needs to be shot

21091922? ago

Jesus was a Jew. 100% God, 100% human and 100% Jew.

21097154? ago

Jesus was sent into the viper's den to end Judaism by fulfilling the Jew laws.

Jesus is the anti-Jew.

21093196? ago

Argue with the religious types https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Jesus+was+not+a+Jew&t=ffnt&atb=v160-1&ia=web

The word Jew and the letter J didn't even exist back then.

21092802? ago

He was an Israelite, not some Ashkenazi Talmudic jew.

21090603? ago

I mean Jesus is pretty clear they are the sons of satan

21089464? ago

um the satanic shit was real and proven... yesterday.

21089495? ago

Of course it's REAL

just as it was real in the 1980's

Prepare to be gaslighted.

21089524? ago

Drug take back video is counting down to 10 am... 15 minutes?

21089519? ago

Hard to follow the argument for some folks it seems.

21089573? ago

NYTimes ran this article yesterday:



EDINBURGH — Tucked around a corner facing Edinburgh Castle is a modest memorial to accused witches, so unobtrusive that most tourists walk right past on their way to the larger attraction. Made in 1894, the Witches’ Well is the only such remembrance in town. A plaque shows the profiles of two women, one angry, one mild, and a snake circling them both. Beneath is a small basin that holds not water but a few flowers.

Its size and tone belie what the University of Edinburgh recently demonstrated in a startling project published last month — that Scotland was the locus of an extensive witch-hunting craze from 1550 to 1750. Its new interactive map shows for the first time the scale of the panic, when the authorities targeted more than 3,000 people throughout the country, from the largest cities to the most remote and sparsely populated islands.

21089695? ago

They’re setting bus up to believe that belief in evil i merely a type of social contagion — a moral panic which the masses and rubes periodically fall into.

Not this time. We will allow for all due process, and will not be swayed by attempts to gaslight or by social pressure to conform to the groupthink.

21093887? ago

"They’re setting us up to believe that belief in evil is merely a type of social contagion — a moral panic which the masses and rubes periodically fall into."

Underrated comment. And a large part of how friends and family get to the state of complete denial they are currently in

21089390? ago

Thank you for sharing this. Highly important consider the FBI's recent drop for the Finders.

It really shows how little we've evolved since then, and now. Red Scare, 911... When will people realize the intentions of these scare tactics?

21089246? ago

https://files.catbox.moe/k5ws7u.png :

A Brief History Of "Satanic Panic" In The 1980s

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