21093745? ago

Anyone who voted for Obama the second time lies at one of two extremes: He/she is in love with him/herself -or- is filled with self-hatred. Those who voted for Obama the second time were making an emotional decision rooted in their own dysfunction. No one who is emotionally healthy could have rationally evaluated his first term and concluded that he was good for America.

There is a difference between Voters and Supporters. Obama's Supporters would support trafficking and all the corruption & hollow glitz that he stood for. His repeat Voters were supporting their emotional selves.

21095815? ago

Mitt Romney and traitor Paul Ryan??

yeah.. you're exaggerating

21093095? ago

That's because Obama was always a manufactured and a trained Manchurian candidate designed for the purpose of delivering for the Deep State. It seems he did his job for those 8 years. Then along comes sloppy Hillary (the gangster that couldn't shoot straight) and it all went to hell. "Well it was a good run...gotta end someday." - Al Pacino in The Devil's Advocate

21092896? ago

Speaking of that shooting quote, is that Real? Why would his lawyer say that ? The libs ran wild with it, how are we supposed to counter It? It does sound kinda bad..

21092669? ago

Proud to say, " I never voted for Obama".

21095842? ago

so... it was traitor McCain and traitor Mitt Romney?

let's face it... they're all shit and they're all traitors

21093640? ago

ditto, including like in ghost

21091824? ago

Probably, but until it's proven calling it "REAL" isn't accurate.

21090185? ago

And not just Haiti. Also were F+F guns used by the Cartel that overtook the Federales (and killed all their families) in order to free El Chapo's sons last week?

21089747? ago

My understanding is if obumer pardoned hildabeast and others it could only cover crimes within US not international crimes or any crime committed after Trump was elected.

21093626? ago

Correct. A pardon, on the date signed, is for all behavior prior to that date.

21089199? ago

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21088953? ago

Someone make a meme...

Trump could literally allow his Secretary of State to Traffic, rape and sacrifice Haitian children and his supporters would not care.

Wait, my bad. That was Obama.

21089635? ago

Oooh. That is damn good!!!@!!!!!!

Someone make this meme!

21088840? ago

Why would anyone want to even touch a Haitian?

21090266? ago

Better gene with re to andrenechrome in blacks.

21090302? ago

Also better chimp genes.

21089233? ago

Organs and sacrifices. That and they are cheaper than the Chinese or even Irish slaves.

21089258? ago

Wouldn't any self-respecting God be disgusted by a Haitian sacrifice? Yuck.

21089751? ago

You must be gearing up for Satanic Panic version 2.0. Good luck with that.

21089874? ago

Is that out? I loved the first one.

21098068? ago

o snap

21088769? ago

45% of population controlled by reptillians. 5% are reptillians.

21089248? ago

Call the Rothscillians and we all know you are talking about the 13 bloodlines.

21098066? ago

This is my favorite storyline.

Tell us again gramps :)

21088937? ago


21088717? ago

He did. And they didn't.

21088575? ago

Looking forward o the "Hatain" reveal (drop).

21088545? ago

Someone please turn tis into a meme to share

21090002? ago

The left cannot meme because they are unable to check themselves. When faced with valid criticism, they turn away. I agree we need to meme this and the whole theme of that they don't care about corruption so long as it has style and is well-spoken and has the appearance of morality. The problem is that, if they watch Reservoir Dogs, the identify with the torturer. They identify with Dexter. They are not embarrassed by their violence, their crudity, their hypocrisy. Therefore, the memes cannot be about being stylishly evil. That will only encourage them. The memes need to be about being stylishly good, about the evil ones missing the fashion mark and being, alas, hopelessly out of touch with what's cool now. You will see it coming. When all the fashion designers and culture magazines show Trumpesque elements, there will be no more left.

21091427? ago

Anyone with a desire to clean up the world would be able to identify with Dexter. Don't know the other show you mention.

Dexter wasn't evil.

21093739? ago

You cannot kill people to clean anything up.

21094228? ago

I'm glad you're anti death penalty. Glad you believe a pedophile has the same right to life as a positive and productive citizen. Your thinking is part of why we are where we are. Congratulations on buying the shit sandwich of propaganda.

21091742? ago

Dexter? He literally believed that the spirit of moloch was guiding his hand - his dark passenger.

No, this is garbage thinking.

21094214? ago

You're projecting Moloch into his dark passenger; his dark passenger was not a religion or demon. He called it that but as the show went on it was obvious that he was programmed by his step father. Hence, his dark passenger was his programming at a young age.

21088535? ago

Most would care if they believed it. They don't. Most of the liberals I know still trust the media. They know it's biased in their favor, but don't believe it would hide anything major from them. They believe that right wingers are the propagandists. As for the hardcore radical leftists, no, they wouldn't care; to them, anything that forwards their agenda is acceptable.

21099843? ago

When Liberals become ostracized because of what they have done wrong they start to see themselves as martyrs and then they attribute anything good that comes about from their demise as having come from their actions. Then they move on - tell their story - and indoctrinate an new batch of "believers".

I've seen this play out on a small scale in executive levels within large companies. Those companies have layers of embedded administration type tyrants similar to the deep state - that's how they seem to react.

21102542? ago

There are a few types of liberals - a smaller group of psychopaths and narcissists, who are incapable of blaming themselves and learning and behave as you describe, and a larger group of basically decent people who believe the messages we are constantly bombarded with, that liberalism means sharing with the poor, taking care of those who can't help themselves, including the excluded, and uplifting the oppressed - which it partially does, until the leftists gain full control, at which point it means poverty, helplessness, and oppression for all.

21088419? ago

What Democrat voters ushered into our world is sick and unforgivable. The rabid support they continue to show for this corruption and evil says everything.

21089168? ago

I voted for No Name and Mitt. Two evil human trafficking Rothscillians with US political connections that appear to lean just left of center. (I now know better)

Get this, the last vote I voted for the most Socialist Candidate of the two.

Because Hillary is more centralist than Trump's Big Government support based on sound bites and written ideology from his books.

I was right, Trump has increased spending more than FDR or even Slick Willy.

21091473? ago

Does spending matter when it's printed from thin air, by evil people? If you are going to right a country it will take lots of money. It only makes sense to do all you can before pulling the plug on the fed reserve.

I don't support Trump. I watch him carefully. I voted for him with great enthusiasm against Hillary because of the WikiLeaks. But he does many things that I think are worrisome. Only time will tell. But the money spending seems a necessary thing if he's doing what Q claims he's doing.

21093564? ago

had to fix the fucking chinese steel in the military, for one...

21088600? ago

Here's the thing, it's not just democrats. It's Republicans too. I think the majority of us here are conservatives, including myself, but if and when the shit hits the fan and things are made public, ushering the names of both parties is gonna be fuckin taboo.

21088386? ago

My first(18th bday) and second votes ever were for Obama. Was slapped awake in 15-'16 and proudly voted for Trump.

I was so blind. I pray for forgiveness all the time. I want things to be set right. I want justice.

21092108? ago

Every president in my life time has betrayed us in one way or another, made promises they later broke and always signed into law acts that destroyed our liberty in some way. Ronald Reagan, yes, Ronald Reagan sold us out after he was shot. He allowed the amnesty for Illegal Aliens on the DNC promise that the border problem would be addressed and security tightened. What he didn't realize is that the left would use the amnesty and family reunification to bring in millions of Latinos from across our southern border. Chain Migration began with Reagan. In real time I watched as my home town was flooded with Spanish speakers and even more illegal aliens. A trickle became a flood. Now, some of them are conservative minded but a great many of them isolate themselves in Spanish speaking communities and never learn English. Most of them have no understanding of our Constitution, our form of government or the law.

I watched as the Bush family went into politics and squandered our nations wealth on pointless wars. 9-11 was a serious wake up call. After that, I just lost all faith in our government and began to question everything. By the time Obama came along I was very suspicious and researched him. I warned all my friends how evil he was and how fake his promises were. He proved me right ten times over.

21091728? ago

Repentance is the first rite is all of Christianity. It is the heart and core. "Baptism for the remission of sins" is the most overt signs of this. All of Christianity, at its heart, revolves around Repentance and living a life worthy of the repentance.

Just don't run from one cage into another, in your eagerness to separate yourself from your former life. We all must awaken to the reality that choices we thought we had at first were both designed to keep us imprisoned.

21091571? ago

The alternatives were NoName and Mittens

You never had a choice.

21094663? ago

Yep, I voted for no name and mittens.. they were no better. But God knew, and has a plan. Sometimes we gotta see how bad it is before we can recognize redemption..and THAT is His plan. He chose Trump to lead humans into a safer place for world wide revival. Watch it...it will be spectacular..and evil will be chained!

21089615? ago

Same here. Voted for Obama the first time. Cried tears of joy when he won.

Boy was I deceived. What a low grade idiot I was.

Now I pray for his demise and all to be publicly flogged and persecuted.

21089549? ago


Obama was casting some powerful spells for the apolitical type.

21089189? ago

no worries,we were all fooled

god forgives all of us (except the cabal type people who do really bad things)

21091508? ago

No. Not all of us. Many of us have been awake for decades.

21089634? ago

speak for yourself. we were not all fooled.

btw, that is not how forgiveness works. it isn't merit-based.

21093010? ago

Matthew 18:6 not all sins are equal nor will they be adjudicated the same. Our God is a just and wise God who forgives the repentant and will punish the evil.

21089949? ago

thank God it ISN'T merit-based (for my sake)

21098055? ago

So... JUDGEMENT... but not not merit-based.

o ... k......

21104697? ago

Judgement is merit based. Forgiveness is not.

21115980? ago

Ok, I hear that.

As I have heard/read it, repentance is the deciding factor.

ie: being truly sorry for hurting others, instead of merely apologizing knowing it is the road to redemption.

I'm pretty ok with that model, if I ever hurt someone, I'd really be sorry about it and wouldnt do it willingly under the presumption of being forgiven for it later. ie: I'm not a douchebag.

Someone I dare not quote once said that if the 'recently repented' were allowed into heaven, then it would be filled with assholes and traitors, while the truly pious burned in hell for slightest perceived offenses.

Imagine a heaven filled with politicians, or even worse, californians...

I've known a number of people who feel completely safe to treat humans outside their immediate church group like total garbage, confident that we cannot follow them into heaven to tell dad.

anyways... good talk ;)

21125222? ago

I guess what I’m trying to say is that there is a mechanical like way that doing harm creates its own comeuppance. Like pissing in the wind or screaming in a small room.

21125192? ago

Yep. Thanks! It is not ever safe to hurt others. Bounces right back at you. Forgiveness let’s a person see the thing in rear view mirror. But there is still pain. I don’t need to manage the pain.

21088492? ago

Kill yourself.

21089008? ago

All children are born as Socialist hero worshiping titty suckers.

To become a grounded Democrat before 21 is considered maturity that today is well above average.

Hell, I voted for the Bush dynasty 4 bloody time. I even voted for No Name and Mitt.

Then again the Democrat candidates at the time made my vote more of an instinct.

Survival instincts of the politically awake.

It's the sleepers we need to worry about...

21088552? ago

You're cool

21088788? ago

What? I can’t be pissed that your ignorance, along with millions of others help to enslave me and my children and possibly forever depending on what happens these next 13 months?

21089338? ago

You can be whatever you want. This is America after all.

21088878? ago

No, you don't to do that. You don't get to blame people who didn't even know about it, for your own suffering.

21089991? ago

Gosh, calm down, pussies. Fuck, I voted for bush, hell I voted for fucking no name!! I was just fucking around.

21088262? ago

I think this is an exaggeration. They will look to the media to reassure them that any evidence is fake.

21088296? ago

Don't get hung up on the subtext.

The headline is the absolute truth.

Why do Obama worshipers not know what went on in Haiti or why are they choosing to ignore it?

His arrest is going to happen and the fallout needs to be mitigated.

I can't think of a bigger fuse that could trigger Martial Law.

21088912? ago

Why do they not know? That's the issue.

Most people aren't evil and will drop support in a heartbeat. It just has to be exposed in a convincing way.

21089302? ago

'most people aren't evil'

sure... but 'most' also means +50%

21089477? ago

I think 95-98% are just deceived. Not evil. At least in my circle, I don't know a single Democrat who wouldn't turn on them if this came out in a clear, provable way.

21090244? ago

“Clear, provable way” is the issue. Mueller report was finished and to everyone it was clear and provable until the left and the msm completely muddied it all up. When these crimes that we all pray are going to come to light, do come to light, the left has already told us how they are playing it...... Barr and Guiliani are doing the authoritarian dirty work for trump and that will be enough to delegitimize all evidence that will be brought forth in the eyes of the brainwashed, naive, left.

21089505? ago

Sounds like you're doing a poor job of enlightening your circle of friends.

21089696? ago

Or maybe I'm doing a good job, building bridges and not alienating them with undue hostility. Like I have friends who have different political views.

21089730? ago

lol you're withholding information from your 'circle' about Hillary being a kid fucker and a human trafficker and calling that a 'good job', while summing it all up to 'respecting different political views'

I changed my mind. You're a dumb piece of shit.

21091911? ago

Ooh, bully anonymous guy on the Internet. Bet you feel pretty tough right now.

21090187? ago

yeah wouldn't want to 'offend' anyone.

wow these shills are idiots.

21089042? ago

Shock and awe has groomed rational logical beings into emotional problem solvers. Indoctrination to make soyboys and bull dykes is all too real.

21090199? ago

yeah it's horrible and they're everywhere. So hard to find strong males and feminine females.

21088202? ago

Damn straight nigga