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21084344? ago

For those who don't know, TG was way ahead of his time uncovering the trafficking at the FBI. They killed him...

21087194? ago

Barr's father was at Dalton, a school which hired Epstein to teach calculus to teenagers and Barr published a 'fictional' book about interplanetary pedo slavery, cryptic messages inisde? Barr resigned Feb. 1974 and stayed on till the end of the school term which is may/June normally. Epstein was hired by the new headmaster for fall. Here is the sauce.

Resignation story:

Another story:

"In February 1974, Mr. Barr had announced that he was resigning as headmaster, protesting the meddling by the board of trustees, but that he would stay on until the end of the school year. It is unclear whether Mr. Barr hired Mr. Epstein during that time.

Mr. Epstein, from Brooklyn, was just 21 when he joined the faculty at Dalton, arriving without a college degree. The school’s student newspaper reported in September 1974 that he was starting that year as a math and physics teacher.

The next year, he participated in a school musical for parents and faculty, and he appeared in later editions of the paper as the coach of the Dalton Tigers math team until the beginning of 1976.

The school had new leadership under Gardner Dunnan, who tentatively explored a rollback of some of its strict rules. Mr. Dunnan announced in early 1975 a policy that would allow denim inside the building, although students were still told to be neat and clean."


A pedo guide book disguised as Scifi Novel? 1973 OSS scifi. Kosar people? Barr wrote Fiction Books on Interplanetary Slavery & Sexual Abuse? father of William Attorney General H. W. Bush Admin

Thanks, you got it right :)

I think they are more then connected, they are the same, just different Countries

It all started with World War 2 and the OSS

This is the same time Israel was born

Who does 5 eyes answer too?