21110731? ago

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21087826? ago

Is there a history of really bad people who befriend really good people in order to keep their evil hidden?

21087744? ago

Ted Gunderson was one of my first red pills... I was researching the ritualistic murder and cover-up of the 3 Alcasser girls... I read the coroner’s report, he detailed the 72 hours of martyrdom each of these 3 poor little teenagers endured... inhumane, so awfyl, so painful... I think of it every single fucking day... the monsters that did this are protected, even by the present US administration, whom, I have no doubt, know who did it...

The thing is, this nightmare brought me to find Ted Gunderson. Finding him gave me hope and reconciliation with the Human condition.

21087235? ago

Was this found in the Fbi vault?

21110702? ago

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21087197? ago

Ted Gunderson was a major redpill for me re: human trafficking ring and satanist cult. I mean, the man was a well respected retired FBI agent, starting to hold conference about sex cult and kidnapping. And FOR WHAT?? Selling 100 books? Na, the man was for real and he was telling the truth. RIP Sir, people down here continue your work.

21104460? ago

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21086984? ago

It seems Mr.Barr is well informed.

Im not supprised if this investigation is mutch older than the arrival of the internet investigators ;)

21086749? ago

Sessions, Barr and Mueller… WTF?? Hoping Barr and Sessions are trying to do right this time. RM is a write off. This was so frustrating to read.

I loved how it ends with a call to action signed by someone, it's redacted, then Muellers name written above it. As if he grew a pair.

21086488? ago

I remember that Johnny Gosh kid. Never remembered what happened to the fellow or even if they found a corpse.

21086554? ago

We called him Johnny G. Williker. He was a shy kid who got picked on by negroes a lot.

21086064? ago

GHW Bush was President of the time... soon after that, his man in Mena had the job. Is anybody unaware of the dirty stuff 41 got away with as VP? If we knew then what we know now!

LMAO! I'm having memories of PC's that booted up with a floppy disc, 90 seconds to dial up and connect, was Quick Carl stuff! Everybody, let's sing a hymn for AlGore, creator of the internet! Him... Him... F' Him!

21086045? ago

I was not aware of this man's efforts to expose the DS.


Very brief, condensed profile. But there is this:

In 2008, Gunderson stated that he had tested positive for arsenic and cyanide poisoning.[13] Gunderson's associate, Dr. Edward Lucidi, treated Gunderson and stated that his fingers were turning black, a characteristic symptom of arsenic poisoning.[14] On July 31, 2011 Gunderson's son reported that his father had died from cancer of the bladder.

I'm sure this poisoning was just a coinki-dink

21087308? ago

Standard hotel. Hoover the Homosexual Shriner, the OSS and Israel, an old cult from Babylon? the Vatican, Arabia rituals, Blackmail ...house on St. Charles in NOLA...

21085780? ago

So I wonder what's up with Barr. Was he compromised back then and couldn't do anything about it at the time, and now he is free to go after these scumbags?

Is that what's going on? Or is Barr being exposed?

Either way.... wow.

21086778? ago

problem is for one person with no support going after the deep state players. if Bar had gone after them he would of lost. remember the president was a deep state asset. Bar could still be deep state. I believe that there actualy very few real bad actors and most actualy are going along with the power players because to go against them can destroy your career. now that things are starting to fall apart you will see the power players or as everyone calls them the deep state slowly loose control tell at some point they have no ability to destroy careers.

21088120? ago

yeah, I tend to lean this way as well. Thinking most are not bad people but have been blackmailed and trapped. Being free after all of these years must give some of these guys (perhaps Barr) a hell of a lot of energy to finally be able to fight back against their "captors" so to speak.

21085991? ago

Doubtful. But this plan is de ades in laying the foundation of success. As much as we think we an just jump and stop evil easily. It's been entrenched do long they had to lay a solid foundation work methodically. Not making one rushed step to assure total eradication.

Otherwise it wont be destroyed completely

21086093? ago

You're absolutely right. It's like trying to stop a hydra. Cut off a head, 2 more grow in it's place. Gotta have a plan and get all of those heads cut simultaneously and burn the stumps.

21086693? ago

Yeah... And that will be the Friday we get the tweet: qmap.pub/read/55

21085876? ago

Agree. This could be really bad for the pending justice.

21085735? ago

wow, if he was still alive today im sure he could have been top level member of trumps team

21086095? ago

most definitely.

21085655? ago

What will the Finder's Hide? Parts 1 & 2



The Finders Cult | CIA Connection Explained https://youtu.be/NIbXbzK-XIA

EX FBI Head Ted Gunderson Satanic McMartin Preschool Tunnels Pt 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YLpvKAR5fA

21085418? ago

"The Story of the CIA's "Finders" Abduction Operation

The CIA Traffics in Drugs, Child Ritual

Sexual Abuse, and Global Murder


E-Y Posted July 2005

"[Note from Ken Adachi: I first saw the report reproduced below in Ted Gunderson's spiral-bound expose titled The CIA's "Finders" which he had assembled somewehere in the late 1980's following his invovlvement with John DeCamp in investigating The Frnaklin Cover-Up story. There is no author attributed to this article on the voxfux web site, but the article may have appeared in The Spotlight, as Ted often ran his breaking stories through that publication.]"


[ Introductory notes from Voxfux]

"One by one, the dots get connected. The same names keep popping up and they are linked with the same activities over and over and over again until the pattern becomes so clear and undeniable, the circumstantial evidence becomes so overwhelming and the picture emerges that is so frightening that it is hard to believe that it is true. The picture that has emerged is that indeed the major institutions of the United States of America, the CIA, the FBI and the many of our governmental and media institutions are involved in child sexual slavery and ritualistic abuse. The same names keep surfacing in relation to the same subjects over and over again. The CIA, child sexual abuse, the Catholic church, George Bush Sr., The secret societies of the Scull and Bones, the Freemasons, The Knights of Malta and others and on and on and on."

21085352? ago

Wooooow now if I had read his wiki bio a few years ago, I would have said "he's out there" but NOW we know differently that TG was SPOT ON

21084992? ago

Is Barr cleaning up the deep state as penance? Repentance?

21087223? ago

So daddy Barr in Dalton was born to a Jewish family?

Joker Epstein dead

That other scifi writer Arthur C Clark was probably also pedo liked to hang out with the kids in Sri Lanka


1.0 out of 5 stars Really badly written

August 11, 2019

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase


I have a copy of this book. It is a really badly written book whose only excuse seems to be to refer to human trafficking and sex slavery either as an appeal to prurient interests - in which case it fails, or to relate reminiscences in fiction, or possibly as a payoff, because the dialogue and connecting thoughts are lacking, as well as any real plot even after half the book is read.

The writer seems to like putting everything in terms of girls, and boys, and children, even when the scenes do not necessarily (but often do) involve kids. So while for instance the 14 year old girl getting raped in the first few chapters is really supposed to be 14, the hero of the book in danger of being sodomized - 'bend down kid and make it good' (sic) is not supposed to be a kid. It is that way throughout the book. They are either labeled like they are children (the queen was a 'child'), or actually boys or girls. So it pretty much starts with the word "naked" and goes down from there.

It is pretty shocking a headmaster of a school would write this junk. It's not the only low grade sf story out there with this non-writing in it - but they are always bad reads. exploitation novel at best, says something about the writer regardless.

Could you write this fiction, you got donald barr, the pedophile scifi writer at masonic dalton school with the dead voodoo president from haiti and school boy cooper on cnn ?


Barr resigned Feb. 1974 and stayed on till the end of the school term which is may/June normally. Epstein was hired by the new headmaster for fall. Here is the sauce.

Resignation story:


Another story:


"In February 1974, Mr. Barr had announced that he was resigning as headmaster, protesting the meddling by the board of trustees, but that he would stay on until the end of the school year. It is unclear whether Mr. Barr hired Mr. Epstein during that time.

Mr. Epstein, from Brooklyn, was just 21 when he joined the faculty at Dalton, arriving without a college degree. The school’s student newspaper reported in September 1974 that he was starting that year as a math and physics teacher.

The next year, he participated in a school musical for parents and faculty, and he appeared in later editions of the paper as the coach of the Dalton Tigers math team until the beginning of 1976.

The school had new leadership under Gardner Dunnan, who tentatively explored a rollback of some of its strict rules. Mr. Dunnan announced in early 1975 a policy that would allow denim inside the building, although students were still told to be neat and clean." The teacher headmaster dude was a perv https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/f225/extra-now-jeffrey-epstein-dead-204338/index2.html who funded the scifi book, it sounds like some weirdass soft porn crap

21087673? ago

Fuck that forum bullshit. That little bitch was being paid by the Clintons to file a false report on DJT. Go fuck yourself. It got dropped because she got found out. Fuck off.

21085806? ago

Barr never had anyone around him who would have supported any such effort to set things right. As a result, even if he had dreamed it, he wouldn't have dared to do it.

But now he has a boss who is laser focused on this mission. Any decent minded AG would LOVE this opportunity to correct this country's course.

21086120? ago

100% in agreement! GHW was his boss... that man was..... even worse than I know.

21084968? ago

Son of fucking bitch, I can't believe the deep state has gone on unopposed for so long until NOW, and there was only 1 in 1 million people like Ted Gunderson who actually gave a damn.

21087210? ago

That scifi pedo themed book and Dalton school? The ziggurat design on the cover looks like Epstein's temple? ....They say Just because Barr's father was part of it doesn't mean Barr was.... Shill Masonic Anons say don't ask...trust the plan... But um, Barr is childhood besties with Mueller and his dad was an associate of Epstein who wrote a pedo book ..... maybe Q hinted at something else, a deeper darker network. https://nypost.com/2019/08/16/jeffrey-epstein-conspiracy-theorists-peddling-sci-fi-novel-written-by-ag-william-barrs-late-dad/


Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy theorists peddling sci-fi novel written by AG William Barr’s late dad

By Lia Eustachewich

August 16, 2019 | 2:08pm

Donald Barr's 'Space Relations' was published in 1973.

Donald Barr's "Space Relations" was published in 1973.

Becky Ferreira

A little-known science fiction book penned by the late father of US Attorney General William Barr is being sold online at astronomical prices by sellers eager to attract Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy theorists.

“Space Relations: A Slightly Gothic Interplanetary Tale” by Donald Barr has been thrust into the spotlight in the wake of the convicted pedophile’s apparent suicide, and eBay sellers — quick to link the two men — are now hawking it for as much as $4,999, Vice’s Motherboard reported.

“Parallels have been drawn between the plot of the novel and the current allegations of sex trafficking brought against the now-deceased Jeffrey Epstein,” one listing says, Motherboard found. “When Donald Barr wrote this novel he was a headmaster of a school that Jeffrey Epstein taught at.”

The fantasy novel portrays an Earthling named John Craig, who is sold into slavery on a planet called Kossar. Craig falls in love with Lady Morgan Sidney — a Kossar leader described as having “high breasts and long thighs.”

Craig goes along with Lady Morgan’s demands to sexually assault a teenage slave as part of a clinic used to “breed” people, Motherboard said. The novel includes other instances of rape.

Donald Barr and Epstein are loosely linked by their time working at the elite Dalton School in Manhattan. Donald served as headmaster there from 1964 to 1974, while Epstein began teaching math and science there three months after Donald left.

It’s unclear, however, if Donald Barr was involved at all with Epstein’s employment, which only lasted two years.

Donald Barr published “Space Relations” in 1973, a year before resigning from Dalton over “budget priorities and his disciplinarian approach to substance abuse,” his New York Times obituary said. The novelist died in 2004 at age 82.

He wrote one other sci-fi novel, and once described adolescence as “a relatively modern invention.”

“And the romantic wretchedness of it appears to be more modern still,” Donald Barr remarked in a 1986 New York Times essay.


21086845? ago

There were many Americans that gave a damn. It's why we first voted in Obama in '08, thinking he was not a part of the dirty crowd. By 2012, we knew we messed up. Trump came along and spoke out about the deep corruption and we voted him in. There have been hundreds, if not thousands of Americans who have lost their reputations, careers, and even lives fighting against this corruption over the past several decades.

21085404? ago

The vast size and sheer number of people involved makes me feel overwhelmed and very ill.

21086491? ago

Get a puke bag and buckle up, this ride hasn’t even started yet.

21084814? ago

Come on, Barr, help us destroy these evil motherfuckers.

21087295? ago

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21087290? ago

Peter Marino ... he knows the Epstein island? Architect & principal of a NY based architecture firm. He's been recently under fire for #MeToo https://www.flickr.com/photos/creativetime/2440711481

21088199? ago

One of the associate architects actually has (unwittingly) some of the Epstein Island property on her website.

21086041? ago

FBI just kidnapped my kid so nothing's fixed yet

21086814? ago

Shut the fuck up, you faggot ass LARPer

21087788? ago

LARPer = playful liar

21086114? ago

What do you mean?

21084344? ago

For those who don't know, TG was way ahead of his time uncovering the trafficking at the FBI. They killed him...

21087194? ago

Barr's father was at Dalton, a school which hired Epstein to teach calculus to teenagers and Barr published a 'fictional' book about interplanetary pedo slavery, cryptic messages inisde? https://files.catbox.moe/m7f2bh.jpg Barr resigned Feb. 1974 and stayed on till the end of the school term which is may/June normally. Epstein was hired by the new headmaster for fall. Here is the sauce.

Resignation story:


Another story:


"In February 1974, Mr. Barr had announced that he was resigning as headmaster, protesting the meddling by the board of trustees, but that he would stay on until the end of the school year. It is unclear whether Mr. Barr hired Mr. Epstein during that time.

Mr. Epstein, from Brooklyn, was just 21 when he joined the faculty at Dalton, arriving without a college degree. The school’s student newspaper reported in September 1974 that he was starting that year as a math and physics teacher.

The next year, he participated in a school musical for parents and faculty, and he appeared in later editions of the paper as the coach of the Dalton Tigers math team until the beginning of 1976.

The school had new leadership under Gardner Dunnan, who tentatively explored a rollback of some of its strict rules. Mr. Dunnan announced in early 1975 a policy that would allow denim inside the building, although students were still told to be neat and clean."


A pedo guide book disguised as Scifi Novel? 1973 OSS scifi. Kosar people? Barr wrote Fiction Books on Interplanetary Slavery & Sexual Abuse? father of William Attorney General H. W. Bush Admin


Thanks, you got it right :)

I think they are more then connected, they are the same, just different Countries

It all started with World War 2 and the OSS

This is the same time Israel was born

Who does 5 eyes answer too?

21086177? ago

Yes. He wrote to Mueller about the same thing and Mueller blew him off.

21085773? ago

It's really HABBENING. Shadilay.

21085395? ago

21085805? ago

Interesting. DNS blocked. What's the numerical IP address?

21087318? ago

21090024? ago


21084137? ago

This is dated from 1992 ???

21085204? ago

When Barr was AG the first time

21084418? ago

Yes we are from the future. You'll be sorry to hear Ted has since passed away.

21084279? ago


21084423? ago

Same year JFK Jr called (IIRC) chuck schmuck a traitor.

21086092? ago

Biden in 94, but Chuck in 92 would have been just as accurate, far as traitor goes.


21084076? ago

Nice find!!

21087286? ago

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