21094847? ago


21088225? ago

We? All? Who will do the hanging then? Why does she assume she doesn't DESERVE it, being a lying, nigger (foreigner) loving parasite (thief) and TRAITOR and all?

21086341? ago


I could never find a source for this quote.

21086166? ago

She most definitely deserves a noose.

21085620? ago

Can we take turns hitting her with a stick like Mexican kids at a birthday party?

21085592? ago

THAT is the ONLY true statement ever spoken by this woman.

21085348? ago

That's why Swamp Creatures are pushing anti-lynching laws so hard.

21084939? ago

Well let’s get to tying the ropes!

21084812? ago

I hope she is right.

21084784? ago

I'm good with that.

21084000? ago

"If that bastard wins..."

21083894? ago

Source ?

21083041? ago

Hillary...It is Written...by your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned.

You have spoken your future.

21082926? ago

Yes! Nothing like a good lynching to get our country back to freedom.

Seriously!! Lynch the fuckers.

21084468? ago

I was hoping they would get their heads chopped off with the guillotines they purchased for us.


21082859? ago

We're going to need a strong rope to hoist that one.

21082839? ago

Here's hoping!

21082766? ago

People believe in clones round here? Like the original HRC is already dead?

Just curious, I try not to think about it.

21082746? ago

‘If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!'

21082720? ago

I see this quote since 2016 but it always pops up without SAUCE!

21082459? ago

She only said that because she feared that the new corrupt administration would frame them for manufactured crimes.

21082338? ago

We all will be hunted if they ever regain power again. Mark my words. It's a zero sum fight so y'all better get loud and stop worrying about your little jobs cuz all that means shit in the end.

21082111? ago

If I recall correctly it was "If that bastard wins, we're all going to hang from nooses!"

21082080? ago

How come nobody bitched when Hillary talked about a lynching!!!

21081947? ago

Hillary Clinton Lies Like a Pig in Shit . .

21081752? ago

Seems that day is finally approaching.

21081707? ago

Swing like the bloated, fat-cankled piñata you are, you repulsive cunt [[[hrc]]].

21081541? ago

For the hundredth time, some child made this up. Either that, or it is seriously misquoted. I fucking hate this inhumane bitch, but she's not this stupid, and she's too old to just be incompetent enough to word this this way. A noose is a not. The proper way to describe this execution is "hang". You could even just say "swing". Either would be proper nomenclature.

Some kid put some words together that they're not familiar with. She didn't say "We'll all be hung from nooses.". She didn't say "We'll all hang... from nooses", like some sort of retard. She didn't say "We'll all swing from nooses" in the same retarded way..

She may have said "We'll all hang.", or "We'll all swing", as anyone over 30 with a high school education would know how to properly say.

Whether misquoted, or just made up, hopefully the sentiment is right. Hopefully all those who betrayed their oaths will hang publicly. Either on the real Patriots' Day, or create a new holiday.

21084636? ago

Your concern is noted, now fuck off.

21083695? ago

This story was FIRST reported by YouTuber Bill Still in October 2016. Matt Lauer was interviewing her and he went off script and asked Hillary a question that had not been approved in advance. Mr. Still says that he got an email from the crew describing the fit she threw after the cameras were off. The October 17, 2016 Still Report is roughly eight minutes long and reports about an event that has taken place September 7, six weeks earlier.1 Hillary's "nooses' quote begins just before the five-minute mark. You can see it by clicking here

1 I included the dates because Snopes debunks the "origin" being an email Hillary sent to Donna Brazille; so they only debunked a fake source, and then claimed it never happened based on the date of the supposed email. The Still Report is a consistently reliable source, but Snopes does not even mention the real source and dismisses the quote as coming from "unidentified and uncorroborated inside sources" on "an obscure website." I wanted you to see the Snopes' lie too.

21086533? ago

Snopes is famous for that shit...going after any part of the conspiracy theory that is obviously incorrect, blowing it out of the water with actual facts, and then claiming this disproves the whole story while conveniently glossing over the stuff they can't explain.

21085709? ago

Thanks for the refresh anon ... crickets are unsurprising

21088718? ago

(cricket noises intensify)

21083542? ago

The "child" that you are referring to having made up that quote was an NBC associate producer as reported by Bill Still.

Here's the link to an article on Investment Watch by DCG who did the research to track down where this quote came from...

Hillary Clinton: ‘If that f-ing bastard Trump wins, we all hang from nooses’

21083671? ago

Well the you go, if it's on investmentwatchdog you know it's true

21084304? ago

Yeah, cause "Hillary didn't say that because she went to college and wouldn't say it that way" is a super-smart comment from an anon that should be treated as fact.

21082354? ago

U give the bitch way too much common knowledge credit, and who were the four fags that upped that?

21082525? ago

No, I really am not. You're right that it is common knowledge for an adult. This is my point. Anyone who could think otherwise is either very young, and/or incompetent.

21081394? ago

They got a bonus few years life extension on our dollar. Trump was very generous.

21081352? ago

Her terms are acceptable...

21081264? ago

Still not swining from a noose. Epstein lives in Israel raping prepubescent gentiles. Wars in the middle east still ongoing. White genocide agenda on track for completion. No wall. Winning.

21081971? ago

Lol. You goofball

21081116? ago

only thing she has ever told the truth about

21085252? ago

I hope she meant that literally.

21082279? ago

Yeah right, I'll believe it if/when it happens.

21081609? ago

Bull shit.

She will skate.

21081171? ago

Serious question had been asked, why does Bill Gates do what Jeffrey Epstein tells him to do? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3443581

21083303? ago

Because jews are the generator that powers evil on planet earth

21083084? ago

billy boy gates has always been a patsy.

21081612? ago

Because he fucks little boys and got compromised.

21080913? ago

Like satan the great deceiver who mixes just enough truth in with the lies.

21080889? ago

Didn't she say that to Matt Lauer after he didn't do as he was instructed and actually asked her a tough question?

21081844? ago

I was under the impression that she said it to an aide, or possible Donna Brazile, after they allowed ML to ask the tough question.

21082672? ago

Yes. I don't have sauce. Read it over a year ago.

21081895? ago

You're probably right, I just find it hilarious that ML's been out of the spotlight for quite a while now ;-)

21082597? ago

I find it refreshing

21082962? ago

More and more spaciousness in the collective consciousness by the day as The Plan gains momentum and big media goes bankrupt.

21080878? ago

She lies all the time.

21080810? ago

Soon, Hilldawg, soon and we will all rejoice.

21080795? ago

Not yet, but the day is coming.

21080787? ago


21081598? ago

Not OP, but as far as the people I would try to red pill, if it is not from MSM or a dot-gov source, it is fake news. Been looking for this smoking bullet without luck.

21083930? ago

How about a court filing? Would they believe a document filed in a legal case?

The case about how the Deep State set up Flynn was filed yesterday. It is 37 pages and spells out a ton of corruption. You do not have to join scribd to "read only" https://www.scribd.com/document/431949856/US-v-Flynn-DE-129-2

21086713? ago

Yes, thanks that is good. I was looking for sound proof of this "noose" quote though.

21080887? ago

Overheard after Commander in chief debate with that Matt character.

21080827? ago

Its widely known, Do a search, you will find it.