OK folks, the Younger case has pissed me off so much I had to post. I am a surgeon - I won't say what specialty or where. I am going to outline some things you need to know about transgenderism that will probably be confronting (good). The whole concept is heartbreaking and intended to abuse children (and vulnerable adults).
First off, if you haven't seen the Walt Heyer - Candace Owens interview please do so. It is an eye opener.
Here's the link because it is suppressed on youtube:
Essentially Walt explains that he was abused and put into a dress aged 3 by his grandmother and that resulted in his dysphoria. He then had he penis chopped off and his life ruined. Once he realised he had made a mistake he tried to have corrective surgery but has to live a life withoout functioning genitals. He runs a support group with hundreds or thousands of victims and all - 100% - are victims of abuse or PTSD. They manifest as a transgender (because they feel safe) and then get their genitals mutilated as self immolation but don't realise that it doesn't address the problem, it just brings more problems to focus on.
So here is the thing that you probably don't realise:
A vagina is one of the most complex biological creations on earth:
It contains nerve fibres on the front wall of the vagina that promote a specific form of orgasm ("G-spot")
It contains lubricating glands.
It is associated with the clitoris that is completely different from a penis yet contains a high density of nerve fibres that facilitate an orgasm.
It stretches in a way that no other organ in the body can do.
Nothing can replicate a vagina. Nothing. Surgeons have been striving to recreate a vagina - in women that are born without one or lose it due to cancer and treatment - for 100 years, and failed. The closest we have ever got is to put a tube of bowel in its place which has zero sensation and produces mucus. It's pretty gross, and a tragedy for the poor women who have suffered a vaginectomy or vaginal atresia.
When "male to female" surgery is performed the penis is removed and - depending on the surgery - the skin of the penis is inverted into a hole. This is the new vagina. It has no lubrication and no sensation. It shrinks within weeks and becomes useless. In order to keep it open you have to keep inserting a dildo (with lube, because it can't lubricate itself). The person whose hole is their new vagina won't use it because it is useless. If they are well motivated they will keep it open with a dilator but will never experience an orgasm. They could have "sex" with a man but many are not gay so that is never going to happen and in any case will never ever be fulfilling.
Such operations are rife with complication. In order to produce a tube of skin you need to keep its blood supply which has a really high risk of failing. When it fails, the skin goes black and the tissue becomes "necrotic" which means it dies off and starts smelling of rotting flesh until the bacteria digest it and the body heals from beneath the skin. The healing will just close up the hole. The person is left with no penis and no hole. They can have another operation but some will choose not to because there is no way to stop the same thing happening.
In order for a heterosexual man to have sex with a M-F "woman" they will need lube and will be putting their penis into a blind-ending tube of skin and will require lube even to have a chance. The "woman" cannot experience an orgasm.
Even if you understand all this there is one thing that you will not know. If the male is caught at a young age for "transition" and given puberty blockers his penis will never grow to an adult size. This is called a micropenis. A micropenis is one of the worst stigmata possible for a man because he can never have a normal sex life. You might think that's OK if the person is going to transition but it also means that there is not enough skin on the penis to form a vaginal tube/hole in "reassignment surgery". So the puberty blockers will completely and utterly destroy that person's life. They can never have sex normally. Ever. Even if they are given male hormones later in life they have lost their only chance of growing their genitals normally.
OK let's switch genders...
A penis is one of the most complex biological creations on earth.
It has a foreskin (unless the person has already been abused with circumcision) which contains one of the highest density nerves fibres of any part of the body.
It has a glans ("bell end") which has specific properties not seen in any other part of the body. It is unique.
It has a glove of skin that is specifically evolved, and is thin and elastic but completely different from vagina which is thicker and more elastic.
It contains two spongey fillings that fill with blood to create an erection. These cannot be replicated by anything else in the body. You can put plastic tubes in a fake penis but they are completely unrealistic and can erode through the skin .
In order to create a fake penis what happens is that a rectangle of skin is taken off the thigh or arm (hairy skin), rolled into a cylinder around a mould, and filled with fatty tissue from somewhere else. It has no sensation. It is literally like a sausage and cannot become erect or deflate. It has no sexual function. If it is fitted with plastic erection pipes it can act as a dildo (or strap-on) for a while until the pipes fail or erode through the skin and need to be removed. There is no ejaculation, no ability to reproduce. In order to use it you would need to find someone with a vagina who is prepared to have "sex" with someone who has a permanent "strap on" and who is gay (many TG are not). They will never experience their "male" partner having an orgasm.
Essentially what we have going here is an industry designed to mutilate vulnerable children and adults. There are endocrinologists, psychologists and surgeons involved in this industry who have a vested interest in keeping it going for financial gain. There is NOT ONE study showing any improvement in the suicide rate or mental health of the victims undergoing mutilating surgery. Supporting them is the media and (((activists))) who will crucify anybody that attempts to raise the alarm.
Finally please watch this short video that is only available on bitchute for obvious reasons. It helps you understand what is going on. https://www.bitchute.com/video/KtbIdjx8741G/?list=favorites&randomize=false
The [media] have subverted the population into believing that "transition" is possible but it is not. It is not real. It is abuse of vulnerable people.
How do we stop this and protect those people who claim to be transgender but are simply crying out for help because they have been abused? REPORT THE DOCTORS INVOLVED TO THE HEALTH BOARDS. It is the only way that this can be addressed. The health boards are failing the population by not providing any pathway for vulnerable people to reach out to psychologists and psychiatrists that will help them avoid going down this pathway.
Transgender treatment does not reduce the suicide rate - there is not a single study that shows that it does. The suicide attempt rates quoted (40-50%) are for those who have already been treated. All doctors are required to practice interventions based on evidence. The bigger the intervention, the more evidence is required to support the action. Any public person can report doctors to health boards and they have to investigate. This is the only way I think we can restrict medical practitioners in this industry to take stock and stop the conveyor belt of abuse that is currently ongoing, confirmed by Walt Heyer.
Please listen to him.
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21074943? ago
This kind of post IS why /QRV/ remains relevant.
21077250? ago
Getting the symbols yet, a Motel, Shirners in the South, a New Orleans House? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3484563/21066125 The TV show Bates Motel was actually pretty good.