21073789? ago

If you actually catch them in the act, then yeah. Go nuts, I guess.

Then watch as the authorities show up and take you into custody.

You won't catch them in the act, though. Contrary to what Q says, these people are not, in fact, stupid.

I honestly would like to see this happen. Set a nice precedent.


21070450? ago


21070306? ago

A citizens arrest is no different than an arrest made by LEOs, and even they are not able to arrest politicians.

And then there’s this shit

21070286? ago

Yeah, why not?

21070165? ago

When has a citizen arrest worked on a politician? It's generally a purely theatric tactic leftists use to get people fired up.

21071037? ago

The only politician that I did a "citizens arrest" on was a former Sheriff of Madison County Alabama. He was in line at Home Depot trashed and loud mouthed. I walked up and said "I know who you are and your under arrest for drunk and disorderly in public.. He started to walk away any my buddy slammed him to the floor. When to local police showed up they were ok with it all the way.

21072195? ago

Someone visibly creating an immediate disturbance seems the only type of citizen's arrest likely to work.

21070114? ago


21069608? ago

You are fucking stupid if you think this post is effective in any "useful" way.

21070830? ago

I am not stupid and this post is not intended to do anythingother than "thinking out loud" I did a citizens arrest just a few days ago. Drunk driver on I 65. I put her under arrest until the cops showed up then I left. I showed the cops "dash cam" footage and she was taken in. You do have to be very carful though it's a small step from an "arrest to kidnapping" The difference is evidence. Lots of evidence on swamp monsters. Just think only one would get attention and response.

21076541? ago

You're fucking stupid if you think your little story will convince anyone of anything.

21077406? ago

"Your fucking stupid if you think I really care about your opinion". I told the truth 100% Every thing I said is 100% true. I am not sure if you saw the first "Lethal Weapon" movie, I am Like the character Gibson played' "No fear and here is my gun fuck with me". People get to a certain point and loose all of their reasoning about certain things. I am 100% honest, 100% do not give a fuck,100% in your face 100% holding doors for ladies, 100% true friend, You just piddle along and clean your room in moms basement listening to Taylor Swift while playing with the turd on top of your nappy little head.

21078391? ago

Are you ACTUALLY playing up the internet tough guy angle?

Really scrapin' the bottom of the barrel, aren't we?

21080694? ago

Nope you are to much of a sissy to realize that some people are not like you. I told the truth 100% your job is to prove me wrong. Ya can not. You should consider just backing off and go kiss your boyfriend. I told ya "I lost fear when my son and wife were murdered" Now fuck off tiny dick.

21081913? ago


It's not my job to prove your bullshit wrong. Just to call out poorly written posts for the textual diarrhea you stain on QRV. Plus, you never mentioned, to me, your "murdered wife and son."

Stop cosplaying on the internet, "Frank Castle."



21082149? ago

I am not selling anything BUT I sure do have you tied up. You have no idea how to troll or being trolled. I told the truth AND I expected at least one attempted troll. Your being trolled but I am telling the truth. The murder of my wife and son were posted in the original post that got you trolling me. I told the truth. You should smoke a doobie and forget about me, I am deep into your head right now. I use spell check so my post are correctly spelled. "No Idea who Frankie is" as for a failure I retired at 49. Awesome career. I was in Jax Florida when my kid was killed I was working with Toyota at the port, teaching the techs about the new car changes and how to fix them.. Have fun and consider moving the tampon to the front hole.

21082478? ago

Again, you're wasting your time as no one BELIEVES you.

21083802? ago

You are wasting your time, slowly you will give it up. It is true all of it. As for no one believes me I do not even consider that as a problem. Not many people know how to take on other people face to face. I said I have many regrets about "not giving a shit" I will be the first in line to fuck with you, I will stay in your face as long as you can take it. I have to be carful about a few things, I can not instigate any situation, Have you ever considered that I may have a history of law enforcement? State level law enforcement? Can you even comprehend that?

21085086? ago

I assumed, from your lack of proper grammar skills, that you don't have a history of basic education, much less a law enforcement background.

Your empty threats are amusing to read.

In fact, EVERYTHING you type sounds like someone DESPERATE to be believed with no substance to back it up. In other words, a man-child. A foreign one, at that.

Run along now little one, the adults are talking.

21090542? ago

Az uff rit now ur sew mezzd upp ofvr me dat u steel dunt re a lyze Ima wasting ur tyme. U fergoten that eye amm only hear to fukk wiff you now. efery tyme U rezponnd "--- eye've wasztedd evener mow uf yur tyme. Iffin I bee worff it } u kud bee duing somtinn krre a tiv lyk jekkin off " > eye specialyz in "mental masturbation" und right noww yew ur fallun fer it> whose?? tha dummi """" Gramerr Nattzi" Itz funn now. As for the original post once again it is true %100%.1on hudredd per sent . I spent more time in "Atlanta Federal Prison than Al Capone" That is where Georgia trains " State Troopers" and in 1991 I passed all the test and was certified and badged. I did not cruise or carry a weapon (until 9/11) my specialty was automotive crimes like taking a car with the alternator unplugged to shops and see how many would "estimate" replacing" parts like batteries and alternators(55 of 56) Sears Auto Stores wrote me estimates for the repairs around $500 average a car. Sears was forced to close down 55 stores in Metro Atlanta >> This is where NTB (national tires batteries) came from, Sears just changed the name to NTB, Only 1 Sears Auto repair was left alone (Mountain Industrial Blvd), Stone Mnt Georgia, is / was the only store to "hook the alternator back up". Next I took an older Benz car out for "emissions" certify ( My area of training) over 100 shops "rigged the test". the Benz was tested and failed every time "before" going to a test shop By Commander Davis. CO% was 5-6 times higher than allowed. Most all the stores would simply lay the tail pipe probe on the floor and not In the pipe. Most ( 75%) passed the car with 0% CO2/NOX. >>reason >> if the car failed the "testing shop" would have to do a retest for free after the car "was repaired" to met specs. By faking the probe test the "testing shop" would pass the car just so they did not have to retest the car. Facts. BTY have fun today, pet you dog and kiss your mom and tell her you love her.

21069498? ago

None of you pussies will do anything that requires leaving the house

21071120? ago

I have been a lot of things but never a "pussy" " I am mean and care less about you if your fucking up. " As I walk through the valley of Death I will fear no evil because" I am the meanest son-of-a-bitch in this valley" I regret not having fear it has cost me lots and lots >> I lost my fear when my son and wife were murdered in a home invasion<<

21069258? ago

Of coarse the answer is no. Go put your hands on Pelosi or Shifty and see how that works out for you.

21070866? ago

Start small. Small rats to larger rats. Every one whining about "No arrest" hell go out and do it yourself. The bigger rats are for bigger "vector controllers"

21070457? ago

technically you can, and use deadly force.. look it up.

21071397? ago

See how well that works out for anyone who attempts it. I don’t care what somebody hypotheses. How would it turn out in the real world if you tried to put your hands on a member of Congress and initiate a citizens arrest? You’d be arrested yourself for assault and subject to Psychiatric evaluation. Courts would probably take your guns too. Enjoy

21070962? ago

I know you can do it "I have" as for deadly force you are "right" After I arrested this girl I told her that " I can not let you go now" until law enforcement arrives. I told her that if I did let her go and she killed someone or herself that " I would be in trouble" she calmed down and waited I have arrested more than just one drunk driver, the first one tried to run away on foot, I tackled him and held him down telling him" No matter what it takes your not going anywhere. I am not a bad ass any more but I can be if needed.

21069227? ago

Yes. But only for a crime committed in sight. Littering, assault, etc. For what you are asking, Americans( veterans) take an oath to protect against enemies foreign and domestic. Then they are to be declared as a “ prisoner of war” which affords them under Geneva convention some rights. If the enemy resists I think you can shoot them. Don’t quote me on that. I “ believe” the entire democrat/ communist infiltration can be mowed down without mercy for sedition and traitorous activities against America and the Constitution and the President of the USA. Your legal bill would require a go fund me but, I think you might win!

21071132? ago

Evidence is all you need. Either people or video or both.

21069100? ago

Watch the next book signing

21069015? ago

better have ALOT of firepower... private security is known to carry the H&K MP-7... nasty lil gun

21071143? ago

No firepower just patience and willpower.

21071274? ago

ahhh.. so they can infect others & slink off into the shadows

21071346? ago

No. You have to catch them in pubic/crowd and do it. The guards are useless "patience and willpower" You also have to be >>VERY LOUD<< so people will look your way.

21071599? ago

molitolvs & pipebombs are rather effective

21068998? ago

Eventually the streets will not be safe for them to walk

People will get their chance at Justice

21069080? ago

old article but i found it extremely interesting and disturbing. THE CIA RUNS THE PEDOPHILE RINGS https://voat.co/v/QRV/3484775/21067334 Many anons have known this for awhile, but thanks for sharing the link. It's a nice compilation of some of the information.

21068943? ago

why stop there... the whole system is corrupt, it is your duty to try them and punish them yourself too

21071201? ago

No I would not punish them myself. That would make you the criminal. The worst kind of punish for swamp rats is exposure "I mean look at this "The Hill chick that just got busted for the nude brushing the girls hair" She is a mess right now (mentally) and once she was busted "" more people posted more photos of her crap. I admit that I have smoked a bong while nude myself>> BUT<< I am not an active politician