Where is it heading? If children can choose their gender at age 7 without parental consent why can't they choose to have sex. It's all connected. INVERSION (QRV)
submitted 5.3 years ago by 3483674?
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21058925? 5.3 years ago
Inversion magic
The Jew trick.
21064065? 5.3 years ago
In Psycho Horror film, mother locking him in a closet, forces wear girls dresses, smears lipstick on his face... now this Norman Bates horror Tranny thing is celebrated by media / hollyweird? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3484563
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21058925? ago
Inversion magic
The Jew trick.
21064065? ago
In Psycho Horror film, mother locking him in a closet, forces wear girls dresses, smears lipstick on his face... now this Norman Bates horror Tranny thing is celebrated by media / hollyweird? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3484563