21063122? ago

Where is it heading? Nowhere. Because Trump and Q.

I don't get why people post shit like this all day, stating problems with no stated solution. It's like they're trying to say "Trump isn't doing enough" without getting laughed at for saying "Trump isn't doing enough".

21061920? ago

Why can't they drink alcohol? Or drive if they can pass the driver test at whatever age?

21065536? ago

Yes, why not?!! The arguments for his fall apart instantly, but one can't DO logic with libs, and sadly I know this because my only kid and I are on the outs because she thinks I spout "political nonsense".

21098557? ago

That's a shame. It IS where it's going, and the Bible says it's GOING to happen (near the end)...father turns in son, brother turns in brother for NOT worshipping the anti Christ, ONLY THEY think they are worshipping Christ (doing the good thing by supporting evil people and policies)

21061420? ago

Communists are all for no minimum age requirement for mutilating yourself, for age of consent, for voting age.. all things that parents and society should insulate children from.

How about guns?

21064058? ago

... "Hollywood Babylon" is a cultural term for a reason? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3393827 Miley Cyrus gets tat of snake eating a child.

21061270? ago

Yes. and then after that jews will say its okay to marry and fuck your dog. It can be your new life partner and it will feel great because it has no say in important decisions, goys!!

21059811? ago

Oh God, I never even thought of that.

21064020? ago

TiffFitzHenry - For anyone who doesn't know, CAA is the biggest talent agency in Hollywood and the world....Reminder about CAA https://voat.co/v/QRV/3390524/20249791 Alyssa Milanos hubby is a bigwig there, no?

21059868? ago

Pray that no one ever again preys on any of us.

21059663? ago

Since you didn't go all god and satan on us, I'm more inclined to believe you.

However, I think it is more of a psychological test and the children will be monitored.

We are lab rats.

21059374? ago

Ultimately they want to turn humans into asexual commodities that are easier to cintrol

21059441? ago

Eliminate sexual reproduction altogether. Biounits will be farmed in the laboratory when deemed necessary. Sex dolls.satisfy sexual urges.

21059568? ago

Absolutely. Merging with machines, human-animal hybrids... incremental weakening and dehumanization.

21059709? ago

Days of Noah

21059074? ago

My boner says it'll all be ok.

21058925? ago

Inversion magic

The Jew trick.

21064065? ago

In Psycho Horror film, mother locking him in a closet, forces wear girls dresses, smears lipstick on his face... now this Norman Bates horror Tranny thing is celebrated by media / hollyweird? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3484563

21058885? ago

Careful, don't give them any ideas - they might start pushing to give them the right to vote; you just know they'll get them to identify as democrats.

21061121? ago

They already have been pushing for children to have the right to vote

21058829? ago

You have to choose your sex before you can have sex obviously

21058802? ago

This sick satanic transgender pedo LGBTQ whatever bullshit needs to meet the dustbin of history.

21064011? ago

Evelyn pokes little Prince Charles in the chest telling him Lady Rothschild got blackmail tapes on him & little brother Randy Andy. Now Eugenie quietly puts back sex trafficking slavery podcast? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3406463/20392501 Nobody touches a “ royal” unless they own them.

21058499? ago

Are 7 year olds allowed to sign contracts?


So how are they allowed to contract for any kind of sex alteration? That's just a bunch of Commie drivel, and they think if they repeat it often enough, it will be believed. They need to be arrested. Period.

21059463? ago

Let's just say Hitler was right

21072828? ago

No, let's not.

That doesn't even relate.

Typical bot non-logic.

21058546? ago

It's satanic inversion

21059317? ago


21059176? ago

It's getting more difficult to explain this as anything else.

21058234? ago

Dems demand 6 yr olds be allowed to Vote~!

(Ice Cream for everyone that votes for Hillary~!!!)

21057916? ago

fuck, let em vote!

21057884? ago

More like subversion but pure horror either way

21064030? ago

Why Are Actors Treated Like Royalty? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3409675/20425991 I never understood it. I've met a few over my 50 years in CA and believe me, they are not even close to what they might seem. 99% are uppity assholes who truly look down on the rest of us. A very long time ago actors were considered what we might call 'useful idiots'. Just a little entertainment for royalty and the upper echelon of society. They were not held in high regard at all. I wonder when and why that all changed.

21057846? ago

For years I have been calling on anonymous or real hackers to hack nambla. You can sing up up through their website, they brag about having judges, politicians and rabbis in their ranks. If I knew anything about computers like they do it would be one of the first things I did. They want this, they have been planning this for years and unless the hammer comes down they will keep trying to make it a reality. Out these goddamn pedophiles and make the world know who they are.

21061974? ago

Spielberg's film production company is called Amblin.

He says it's meaningless.

I propose this stands for American Man Boy Love International.

21063067? ago

add network to the end, i get you mean "in" being short for international , but the inclusion of network gives it more punch , i think, not that what i think is crucial or anything.

21061338? ago

Anonymous are likely Deep State feds, like antifa

21058532? ago

Anonymous does take websites down constantly but it only lasts from a few hours to a few days. Whether you like them or not they are taking child sexual abuse sites down.

21058784? ago

I want their members list exposed and shared with the world. The old anonymous died when sabu the faggot snitch gave it to the fbi. I do not know other hacker groups names so i just go with what i know.

21057409? ago

There is a post on here about a 9 year old who killed 5 people by intentionally setting a fire. Two of those killed were babies. Heres my question to those lunatics. So if at 7 you are able to fully understand your body your mind and comprehend the consequences of changing your sex, should that 9 year old who people are fighting for saying he does not understand what is going on be found guilty locked up or receive the death sentence? Its a real nice red pill if you use it wisely.

21061937? ago

A 9 year old is not eligible for the death sentence and depending on jurisdiction is probably not old enough to actually be charged with a crime.

21065265? ago

But he has been arraigned on murder. https://wgntv.com/2019/10/22/9-year-old-arraigned-on-murder-arson-charges-in-illinois-fire-that-killed-5/ EUREKA, Ill. — A 9-year-old central Illinois boy believed to have set a fire that led to the deaths of five family members has been arraigned on first-degree murder charges.

The Journal Star in Peoria reports Woodford County Circuit Court Judge Charles Feeney on Monday read a juvenile petition citing the murder charges, along with arson counts.

Feeney explained the juvenile counts and legal processes to the boy, who at times indicated he did not understand. The boy appeared to sob before being taken out of the courtroom by his paternal grandparents.

21062049? ago

Duh. That's the point moron.

"Too young" to be responsible for actions.

But "old enough" to castrate self.

21058564? ago

Don’t waste time with logical arguments. Everything since the 60’s has been about expanding sexual opportunities for leftists.

21060000? ago

^^^This right here^^^

21056902? ago

Hey Pedo... you better head to Chicago where there are lots of school chillun walking the streets because of the teachers’ strike. Not only might you get some, but you might also get your fucking pedo ass shot just for showing up.

Go for Door No. 2.

21056846? ago

Let's give them booster seats and let them drive. Maybe make some shorter rifles so they can go off to war too. Or put them on submarines - they would be a perfect fit lol.

edit: and DEFINITELY let them vote

21064005? ago

Madonna = Evil? Madonna Louise Ciccone from Bay City, Rochester Hills, connects to Martha Graham, Dan Gilroy. Crazydays had lots of rumors about her, Madonna aka Madame X is as evil as they get.. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3398494/20388290 Baal or Moloch is the bull /goat god it connects to Saturn / Cronus the guy who ate his kids. The owl is Lilith demon woman, ISIS or Minerva