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21056338? ago

Something I learned in AA and the military. Shut up and not only listen but hear what is being said. That's what I did in this storm for the longest time. I never commented just liked. I was computer down right stupid. So I took a basic computer course and worked hard on how to use it proficiently. Now I am pretty good. By studying and watching and hearing, I have come to the point where now I am supplying info to others and meme like crazy. Even learned how to archive on thumb drives. To you younger folks, you are probably laughing and I dont blame you. Lol. But when i went to school, we didn't have computers. The cool thing then was a electric typewriter. lolol. But i could build you a kick butt house. Not sure where I'm going with this comment other than if you have the will and desire for what is taking place. Then learn what you need to learn to fight the good fight. Was bummed when 8chan went down. Had just started figuring out that site a poof gone. Lolol. God bless Patroits and its because of you I got the desire to better myself with the tech needed.

21058622? ago

Woman in video of Prince Andrew at Jeffrey Epstein's house is daughter of ex-Australian prime minister