21034938? ago

"Look, I was introduced to him by the Lady Rothschild." https://streamable.com/89t53

21039182? ago

Dersh, Roth, Epst ... bunch of 'fellow white people'

21034817? ago

I just spent 20 minutes reviewing his posts....he's pretty solid and I don't get a "paytriot" vibe from him at all. That said, I think this should have been phrased better....something like "If Q could talk frankly, he'd probably say..."

21036360? ago

Joe once said that Michael Jackson was framed to seem like a pedophile. I quit following him on twitter after that but he does make solid points otherwise.

21036917? ago

What makes you think that doesn't have some truth to it? MJ was most certainly the victim of these evils growing up in the industry. Not saying he never did anything bad/hurt children but what if there's more to it than what we see?...like with almost everything.

21040307? ago

I imagine a great number of pedophiles were abused as children and became abusers themselves. That does not excuse their behavior. MJ had choices and he made them.

21041523? ago

Still doesn't mean he wasn't thrown under the bus by the cult

21037347? ago

The name Evan Chandler... Something weird with that whole situation with MJ... Then the Doc OD's him....

21034936? ago

I agree. I've spent a few months watching his/her posts and have seen nothing "Pay"-triot. Seems solid.

I also agree in reading some of these concerned responses, that he could have possible worded this differently. But from being familiar with hi/her posts, I believe that's what was intended.. "If Q could talk frankly, he'd probably say...".

I also agree with other respondents here that "no outside comms" from Q him/her/they selfs. However, that doesn't mean others working tirelessly towards the Plan can't keep us updated in this battle between Good and the Evil. There are many... and crumbs come in all shapes and sizes from every direction, if you're paying attention.


21040014? ago

correction "She'd probably say" :-)

21034544? ago

wizards and warlocks?

21115327? ago

https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3409025 Jeffrey Epstein & The Lifeboat Foundation

21034519? ago

21041177? ago

Joe's a Q wannabee

21034513? ago

beware who u follow

21034485? ago

No one speaks for Q. Not Joe M, not anybody.

More narcissistic personalities trying to vie for Q’s followers.

This is as odd as Shiffs speech where he larped as Trump and role played a conversation.

Don’t do that Joe, you’re not his voice.

21036195? ago

I think youre misreading the post. It's not claiming to be "from Q" or even to have any new information. It's just a plain speaking summary of the main thrust of Q's comms.

21037947? ago


some faggots are too damn literal.

21035512? ago

You arent either.

And you dont know that wasnt given to him to post

21039164? ago

No outside comes.

21034048? ago

I voted for Gary Johnson since I couldn't stomach TV celebs in office. But yes I get the gist.

21034976? ago

He's not a "tv celeb". He's been famous for much longer than that and it was a result of his wealth from running successful businesses. And he has ALWAYS stood for love of country, and when asked always said he didn't want to run, even in his thirties. But he also said he would, if his country needed him. And we did. So he did. You were fooled.

21037276? ago

I'm speaking of my mindset at the time of the 2016 election. Of course I've changed my views since then, just making the point I'm not one of the ones who voted for Trump initially. He grew on me

21034439? ago


21034964? ago

He's not a "tv celeb". He's been famous for much longer than that and it was a result of his wealth from running successful businesses. And he has ALWAYS stood for love of country, and when asked always said he didn't want to run, even in his thirties. But he also said he would, if his country needed him. And we did. So he did. You were fooled.

21033516? ago

https://tweetsave.com/stormisuponus/status/1186328333056786432 :

Joe M on Twitter: "If Q could talk frankly:

1. "Peeps. Well done for voting right. You made the right call, Trump really is going to drain the swamp. A few things first. You have no idea how deep it goes or how bad things had become. I'm not gonna lie, some of what you'll learn will test you...""

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