21039075? ago

Lucky bastard. Listen deep state, it's so easy to get me to shut up. Invite me to an orgy. Instead of killing my father in law. That sucked but it didn't give me incentive to shut up. I want in

21035664? ago

It’s not gay if it’s an eleven-way...

21033528? ago

Only 1 more comments till this thread dies.

21032847? ago

You definitely gotta have some wires crossed and severed to be sexually aroused by dissociative fear, you know not a single one of those girls was objectively "good" sexually, they were probably like frozen blocks of ice, how is that arousing for a man??? It isn't, because they aren't men, they're sadistic monsters

21032661? ago

I bet Bill Clinton did, too. I bet Bill wore that little tight red dress for Jeffrey while Benjamin Nitwityahoo watched and stroked his little jew dick in the corner.

21032581? ago

Besides, which, Epstein's Island is part of the US Virgin Islands. It's not 'nationless'

21032426? ago

That is one hot little number. A guy would have to be a genuine faggot to not want a piece of that.

21032424? ago

The girls were from poor families on top of that the pedodoctor gave the sex slave girls drugs for depression and anxiety. Peso of Windsor needs to be locked up now.

21032139? ago

I think the Epstein case won't go away. It's happening!

21031799? ago

Look at all these triggered haters.

Young girls are literal fuck machines, made for non-stop fucking.

21032309? ago

Wtf?? Young girls cannot consent. We all kind of joke about how the shills fuck babies but...

21039365? ago

Who the fuck cares if they consent? They are subservients.

21041096? ago

Begone, demon.

21032690? ago

It’s a higher price for those that don’t consent.

21033912? ago

And all the shekels in the world won't be enough to pay it.

21031468? ago

As Tom Petty used to sing..."Its good to be King, if just for day". or a prince.

21032322? ago

Having sex slaves is not good in any sense. How would you sleep at night if it were you?

21032761? ago

Just making a joke, he's a real piece of shit taking full advantage of his position in life. I hope it brings down the Monarchy.

21031265? ago

Sick fuckers

21032712? ago

Oh, yeah, heterosexuality is now “sick” to your kind. Beautiful.

21033940? ago

Heterosexuality isn't sick at all... But this orgy was with 9 children under 18yrs of age. So unless you're a fucking pedophile, you'll see what's wrong with it.

21039357? ago

If there’s grass on the field, PLAY BALL!

21031204? ago

Did the Prince take it in the ass?

21041392? ago

This Mirth...What are the the Royal Order of Jesters and their Bizzare Acts? Do they Connect to Judges, Euro Royalty and FBI? The Trouble With Occult Jesters, Masonic, Vatican, Jewish, Arabic Rituals? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457657/20836995 Two monkeys fucking a football would be more appropriate...

21031104? ago

Lucky guy

21032291? ago

Like raping minors do you?

21033471? ago

17 is legal in Nevada... sorry... so is 16.

21033901? ago

If you're travelling some place so you can get around local age of consent laws, you're fucked in the head.

21031096? ago

He denied it because he was under the impression that she was younger.

21031075? ago

The 'shills' ' behavior; suggests they KNOW, they are about to be toasting with satan soon.

21033703? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3476892 CALL TO DIG: New Jeffrey Epstein files in the FBI Vault.

21030909? ago

Sounds fun!!

21032333? ago

For the girls? Degenerate fuck.

21030843? ago

If I was rich as fuck, having orgies would be on my bucket list.

Not sure why this comes as a surprise to any of you.

The question is, were these girls there by choice (prostitutes/call girls) or forced? As for "underaged", what's the age of consent in the country where it happened? Or, if done on an island that is not "technically" a part of any country, then the legal definition is mute.

Don't you people get it? If you're rich, you have attorneys and will do anything to circumvent the law which is designed to keep YOU in line. Not those those rich enough to pay everyone off.

21034062? ago

YOU don't get it. No one is surprised. Ive known about Epstein and Andrew for many years.

The OP is obviously highlighting the fact that UK media and a MAJOR UK channel is airing an investigatory documentary at prime time.

This is exposure for normies. Not even a shock to most UK normies since we're all well aware of Prince Andrew is not a squeaky clean royal.

Keep up or stop making it obvious your a shill.

21035209? ago

"You're".... neanderthal

21033101? ago

The Boomer faggots on this board think fucking a girl under 18 is wrong. They're just a bunch of brainwashed idiots.

21033181? ago

It happens every fucking day around the world.

21032914? ago

WOMEN are NOT the same thing as GIRLS.

21033042? ago

Reading comprehension is your friend.

Read up on the legal term "age of consent" and "country of jurisdiction" and go down the rabbit hole of what other other countries find acceptable.

21033191? ago

And you're a snide prick.. No need to reread shit like that. In some places, murder is basically legal, but not amongst us in the civilized world. Do you actually need legalism to define pedophilia for you? Most of us have this built into us.

21033289? ago

Snide prick or not, you have your head up your ass.

You have no need to reread for comprehension as your pollyanna worldview is being challenged. Legalism exists for a reason because not everyone thinks or acts like you. Making an observation doesn't make a person a pedo. However, it's all you have... to redefine a pedo because being morally superior makes you feel superior. Guess what fucker... you, like every human on this earth, eat, breath, and shit. You're not better for being ignorant.

21033390? ago

Keep defending pedos, fucko. Fucking children is a sick sick thing, and you don't need a group of people to tell you whether it's right or wrong. I am not ignorant (though I feel like ignoring you), nor do i feel morally superior. You're right, I do eat, breathe, and shit, but what I DO NOT DO is harm children or defend those who do. Legalism exists to bind humanity to arbitrary rules and statutes. Right and wrong, for the most part are pretty clear for all to see. Don't be so fucking emo, faggot.

21033603? ago

As a seprate annon to this your not reading the message your inferring it. And im against pedovour.

21033648? ago

i hear ya, just remember that once we get past all the emo bs in here, the view gets REALLY REALLY clear

21033499? ago

LOL "keep defending pedos".... who the fuck said I do? You did. Faggot.

"Legalism exists to bind humanity" ROTFLOLOLOLOLOL.

It exists to keep YOU in line. Why are the Epsteins, weinsteins, and royalty walking free? BECAUSE THE LAW DOESNT APPLY TO THEM FAGGOT. That's the fucking point. Thats the great wake up call. That's why the deep state keeps fucking with Trump. They've weaponized the legal system to protect themselves and keep your sorry ass in line. YOU protect the pedos by keeping your mouth shut and attacking those that see the truth. I am but a messenger, if you really cared, you'd go open your mouth and get accountability from those that rule you.... and you'll fail. Because the system is designed to keep YOU in line. Wake the fuck up faggot.

21033625? ago


21033656? ago

Isn't the length of civilization roughly 200-250 years? Then shit goes to hell and the world rebuilds?

21033760? ago

Doug vogt complete reset every 12068. Last reset 600 survied. Sun cycle 11 years. Tis Why q chose 11 11 for the GA. Can you count how many riots are we having.... inc glatic wave. Sauce and source code too long to list. Will humanity rise to the call or fall to the shall.


21033551? ago

OK, I apologize faggot. I see you're new here and are still wiping the sleep from your eyes. I get it, you're upset with what you've discovered or should i say rediscovered as all of this info is really old news, predating both of us. Your fervor is cute, but don't lash out so much at the other Goats. Maybe lurk a while and get to know a few more details before you get so amped. Hey, God bless you, faggot.

21033608? ago

You know what's really fucking annoying? The constant "you're obviously a <insert degenerate name here> but I'm not" routine. For that, you're a fucking useless twat.

However, since you obviously see where I'm coming from, I want you to know that I appreciate it. When I call you a faggot, I dont mean you're dick sucking soy shill... I just mean you're a faggot. And I'd buy you a beer.

Peace out anon. Thx for the chat.

21033637? ago

Aaaaaaaand this exchange has been brought to you by two Goats who would be all over the place in a pub.. peace, faggot

21032904? ago


I would hope that in human trafficking the age of consent defaults to the place they were taken from, as that's the origin of the crime.

21033018? ago

Sadly, the age of consent is 11 or doesn't exist in some countries.... this is what allows them to continue doing what they do.

It's similar to child labor laws... in the US, kids need working papers and permission. In some countries, kids are expected to work or even forced. Yet, large multi-national conglomerates utilize the cheaper labor so 1st world countries can have cheap stuff.

21033638? ago

Nz aoc is 16. Interdasting huh.

21031969? ago

Under age children are not Prostitutes! Jeez! They're abused children! None consenting!

21035216? ago

I'd be banging 17 year olds too if I was born a Prince.

21033351? ago

NO ITS MY EMOTIONAL DEFINITION! exclaimed the boomer

21032150? ago

Define "underaged"... "age of consent" varies by locale. Its different around the world. It's a legal term. Not a universal moralistic dogma. The wealthy fucks have manipulated the laws and skirted the laws to avoid apprehension for centuries. Your pollyanna worldview does not make it go away. The human desire to have sex is universal. What humans are willing (and not-so-willing) to do in exchange for sex varies across a wide spectrum.

21035067? ago

Found the petrified pedophile

21035200? ago

Oh FFS you're dense.

21032262? ago

If men cannot discern between woman/children, God help us! Discernment!! Cultivate it.

21032547? ago

Nice cop out

21032706? ago

You're not very smart.

21032733? ago

I’ll throw my hat in the ring: if it bleeds, it can give head and fuck

21032817? ago

A girl can bleed at 9! Fuckwit! You're understanding is flawed and barbaric! Discernment cave man!

21032782? ago

Il bet you're Muslim? Jewish? Thats classic text book their primitive understanding.

21032725? ago

LOL. Fuckless twit

21032746? ago

Im married i get plenty thanks

21032801? ago

Don't care.

21031790? ago

That's why yachts, international waters.

21032552? ago

Crimes on international waters if on a vessel are under the jurisdiction of the country of which the vessel is registered.

21031575? ago

well considering that Epstein was arrested for trafficking underage prostitutes, I think it's a safe assumption that at least some of the participants were prostitutes and/or underage.

21032078? ago

The age of consent is different in various parts of the world. They have been skirting laws because of their wealth and prestige. Combine the two factors, and you wind up in the current shitshow. Besides, what is "legal" is not the same as "moral" or "ethical". ..

21031483? ago

If I was rich as fuck, having orgies would be on my bucket list.

That makes you one of (((them))).

21032041? ago

No, not at all. The only abnormal sex is no sex at all. But forcing your sense of morality onto others is just short of fascism. Comrade.

21031370? ago

i see your point, to a point. To the point I started looking at women as a mother, daughter, sister, niece etc... Sex trade whether consensual or not is not healthy for that woman. Any any girl at 18 - 21 even is being forced into that way of life for a multitude of reasons and their choice is not one of them. Owning an island does not give you full governmental rules over that island. Yes blackmail was the game. Yes it was worst than a mere adult to adult transaction. Manipulation through power and mind control to get girls to do whatever is depraved.

21032018? ago

You're not wrong. Just keep in mind that not everyone sees the world as you do. Different cultures have different ideals. And what is unacceptable to some is totally acceptable for others. I'm not condoning it, just sayin.

21031840? ago

You're practicing manipulation and grooming when you court your future wife. Get your head out your white knight ass.

21031272? ago

No, a lot of people don't believe that laws are for the masses, not "them". Your comments are so on the mark that your post should be upvoted to 1000. Why were gangsters often prosecuted on tax evasion charges?

21033714? ago

Because like Capone, that's all they can pin them on. <

21031251? ago

My theory as to why so much madness is happening and those in power say NOTHING is because they are all being blackmailed. So we are at an impasse. Those in power are terrified that people will find out what they've done / been doing, so they will never stand up for the average citizen. The average citizen is powerless because we have a system that relies on leaders.

The only logical solution it to replace all of our current leaders immediately and work on laws to make sure something like this doesn't happen again.

21031993? ago

I do believe blackmail plays a big role in the deep state... and it impacts all of them.

21032409? ago

I figured out 25 years ago that black mail was a problem when an aid for hillery Clinton was caught with the FBI files of all the current reperesenitive of the house and that of our senators. I t

21031952? ago

Under age children are not Prostitutes! Jeez! They're abused children! None consenting!

21030820? ago

Prince Andrew is untouchable like Harvey Weinstein.

21035804? ago

What club are they in?


21033683? ago

Epstein Accuser's Lawyer: [Ghislaine Maxwell] Can't Be Found https://voat.co/v/QRV/3466908/20912461

If there are DS agencies involved in this case it would simply open the door to more saboteurs. I expect the MSM news to continue pushing AWOL Maxwell stories, because it makes sense for an agency to be pissed off that they are intentionally being left out on this case. The only way they can get themselves back in the loop on this case is to build public sentiment for Maxwell's whereabouts.

You know these corrupt DS organizations want her too, whose to say she hasn't already been picked up by US military and is undergoing processing for military tribunals as we speak?

21033670? ago

Is the prince and his malato wife leaving the nest?

21032280? ago

Military tribunals needed

21030978? ago

And Epstein

21031676? ago

And the clintons.

21030638? ago


21030333? ago

https://unvis.it/https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/prince-andrew-had-orgy-paedophile-20664407?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar :

2019-10-21 | Prince Andrew 'had orgy with paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and nine girls' - Mirror Online

"Prince Andrew and paedophile Jeffrey Epstein had an orgy with nine girls on the disgraced financier's private Caribbean island, it is claimed."

'Mrs Giuffre [nee Roberts] claims she was trafficked by Epstein to have sex with his rich and famous friends. ', "A special edition of Channel 4's Dispatches is set to re-examine the court papers which claim Epstein and Andrew had an orgy with Mrs Giuffre and eight other girls."

'The documentary claims Andrew, now 59, met Epstein at least 10 times during a 12-year friendship and had stayed with him for several days on occasions. '

'"Epstein laughed about the fact they couldn't really communicate, saying that they are the 'easiest' girls to get along with."'

This has been an automated message.

21030280? ago


21030262? ago

"A new Channel 4 documentary revisits claims that Prince Andrew joined in an orgy with Jeffrey Epstein and nine girls at the American financier's Caribbean mansion - allegations that the Duke of York has denied"

Program airing tonight in the UK

21033716? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3417944 Duchess of York (Sarah Ferguson) and the facebook social media page of the Zorro Ranch house keeper

21032919? ago

Bet it's a whitewash.

21034084? ago

Not bad so far. No mention of Clinton but lots of damaging insights on all the others.