21032730? ago

Get out the rope - Justin needs to get hung from treason among other crimes.

21029210? ago

Justin's father was DEEP into some nasty evil shit

21030946? ago

Do you mean his biological father (Fidel Castro) or his cuckold stepfather PM Trudeau?

21034919? ago


21029202? ago

Trudeau was a puppet put in by the DS to flip Canada. This would have completed North America, except for one thing - they didn't think she would lose.

21028628? ago

he likes 'walnut sauce'

21028343? ago

It's in jewish DNA to be a sexual degenerate and pedophile.

21028140? ago

His chief funder is a Bronfman. Stephen Bronfman.

21027930? ago

Tampon 'TRUDY'(princess Trudeau) is one of the ringleaders. Trudy is a disgrace to humanity

21027827? ago

oy vey!

21027834? ago

Trudeau's father was Fidel Castro. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3479144/21018171

21027680? ago

https://tweetsave.com/howleyreporter/status/1186114111807115267 :

Patrick Howley on Twitter: "Justin Trudeau's accuser was even YOUNGER than previously thought. No wonder she got an NDA settlement. This is OUTRAGEOUS! Why didn't Justin do anything about the Bronfman family's NXIVM trafficking ring? Only hours until the polls open!


This has been an automated message.

21027815? ago

Maybe Justin was playing the part of/identifying as a younger person at the time of the incident? /s

I get the feeling Justin kind of knows what goes on but he doesn't really have a deep understanding of everything (or anything for that matter). I think he genuinely believes in "progressivism" and globalism but he's more of a cheerleader type than qb. He's an attractive and willing to do as he's instructed so "they" probably love him. We know BOzo does so that tells us all we need to know.

21027841? ago

No, he's not just stupid. He's stupid AND complicit.

21029151? ago

Oh, he's complicit alright. I'd just put him at a tagalong level than the planner/leader level. As a substitute drama teacher, he's able to say his lines but he can't write the script.

21033586? ago

Totally agree. Amoral doesn't exclude "empty suit".