21030144? ago

How do you suppose you will be able to reach all 194 million kids ages 1 - 18?

21028032? ago

Then home school your children and take them out of the government indoctrination centers.

21028024? ago

I do every day. My son just asked me how can you tell if a $20 bill is fake. I told him all Federal Reserve currency is fake fiat money and proceeded to explain why.

21292862? ago

That’s hilarious. Wats the curriculum when the subject of printing presses is taught?

21027754? ago

I've been teaching mine this since the cradle...raise them up in the way they should go.

21026995? ago

aggreed. worked out well. kid is clear, god loving, successful.

21026740? ago

Careful now though, or they might leave your organized religion.

21026724? ago

. . . . Why? What do you have to gain? Hmmmm I say.

21026643? ago

The Prime focus in History classes is the HoloHoax - tell them jews are lying pieces of shit!

21026256? ago

The child will suffer long and hard while participating in a school system specifically designed to discourage this type of behavior.

21026067? ago

Start teaching philosophy in elementary school. Problem solved.

21025900? ago

We did, and our sons (in their 20's) think for themselves. I used to have them watch debates between conservatives and liberals on Fox when they were young and analyze the arguments. They were able to see logically that the left didn't argue points, they just went to emotions and name calling. I don't know if there is any place to see this in action anymore.

21025891? ago

Give them a strong moral foundation like the bible. They will grow up strong and happy. If you use a weak foundation to build your children they will have a harder time. The most important thing is to teach them to love. Love is the opposite of fear. People are controlled by their fears. There is no fear in love. WWG1WGA

21025586? ago

jews write all the text books and set the curriculum for the USA.

Stop fighting the symptoms and solve the cause!

21025551? ago

I teach my kids that the jews are behind all anti-White propaganda and degeneracy.

Do not watch porn and be successful enough to have at least 5 White babies.

21025325? ago

Not just children, I am the boss at work and I encourage any new idea they have. Even if that idea is to tell me to fuck myself. I inform them that of you think somebody is doing something stupid tell them and don't exempt the boss, as i am not infallible.

I find that through completely open dialogue they come up with far greater ideas and learn to think for themselves.

21025091? ago

Very important to pull them out of school and never let them watch TV. Much easier said than done. But we must try.

21024385? ago

Amen. I home-schooled my three, who are now adults and great patriots, business owners. I didn't fully understand why I was called to homeschool and really resisted at first, but realized I must have faith in God for this calling. My adult kids have thanked me many times over. If I had children today I wouldn't let them near a government school.

21025762? ago

Great job patriot! If more parents got involved in their kids education this would be a different country.

21024218? ago

Visited an AP History class in Texas. Antifa sign in classroom over door. Yep.

21024132? ago

Agree. It's called homeschooling.

21024045? ago

I'm unschooling my 6 year old son. I'm teaching him that there are those who have severed themselves from the light of God, and that in order to survive, they must feed off those still connected to that light. I'm teaching him to see their codes and symbols, to embody his higher self as much as humanly possible, and to pray for God to protect Trump, Jfkjr, their families, and our military. My son will remain under my watchful eye, as I recognize this war to be a battle of thoughts. Adults still asleep are blind to the demons of this world.

My parents weren't able to protect me from these demons when I was a child, and far too many "survivors" of horrific abuse have been forced to justify both their abuse or their own actions, and believe that these traumas "build character." Since they themselves have turned out "just fine," then it must be good for children to experience trauma.

To a degree, hardship will build "character." But the heartbreak, abandonment, and enduring isolation that children experience on a daily basis in this world today is beyond what any child deserves.

Thoughts are like viruses, they can spread and mutate unpredictably. I teach him to question everything, to have discernment, to have faith in his connection to God.

"If one of these little children believes in me, and someone causes that child to sin, it would be better for that person to have a large stone tied around his neck and be drowned in the sea." Mark 9:42

21023942? ago

NO! That will make them paranoid idiots. Teach your children to go with the flow. Always. And if they’re wrong they’ll be in a lot of good company.

21023888? ago

Critical thinking was thrown out many years ago in favor of NoChildLeftBehind, Common Core and so on.

It was traded for Grades!

At the same time parents were forced through law to send their children to these schools unless they can afford private school.....not many, or

figure out the homeschool network. It has left many families putting children in public ed that don't belong, and forcing all to accept the narrative shoved by public ed.

Attempting to change the paradigm.

Public ed anon.

21025800? ago

They tried to stop them but millions of kids were,and are, being pulled out of the public indoctrination camps to be home-schooled. They are the future of our country. They can actually read,write and are excelling in the science fields.

21023857? ago

Kind of weird that we’re having to discuss how to teach kids when people have been teaching kids for thousands of years, you’d think we’d have figured that out by now.

21023481? ago

Yes. Teach your kids the truth about jews and niggers. Another important thing is to have a password between you and your children, which means, if your kid is ever anywhere and some jewish pedo comes up to them and says "oy vey, kid, your mom and dad wanted you to go with me" then your kid should ask for the password.

21023099? ago


21023005? ago

The goal of Q was to question everything while following the rabbit hole.

30 years ago I our children required white lies to protect their innocence. Not so much anymore.

21022888? ago

The pharmacuitical industry has brainwashed people into thinking we are the mentally deficiant ones by questioning everything.

21022442? ago

Sending kids to public schools should be considered child abuse. When your kids come home each day, spend an hour or two deprogramming them. And find out what stupidity they are being taught, and show your kids why it's stupid.

21022422? ago

Started 30 years ago, and it worked. Thanks

21022267? ago

Anon, I had this exact premonition today, at about 1230 pm eastern time. I know it sounds weird but something inside me, caused a thought to pop in my head, and that thought was exactly this “American children should be told by their parents that government is mostly bad and should always be questioned.” I have goosebumps.

21022701? ago

Connecting Kennedys, Kashoggis, Royals, Bushes, Bin Ladens, Oswalds, DS in one thread. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3479146/21019349 This is bigger than you can imagine!

21022208? ago

Thins is tough when their mother is a purple pill that believed there was a first ever woman’s space walk the other day.

21022083? ago

I have drilled this into my kids. Never take anything at face value. Trust your instinct. If something feels off about someone, there usually is.

21021898? ago

And teach them that race mixing is morally wrong. Ask them, do you want your children to look like you?

21021763? ago

Why would you say that?

21021732? ago

Since when did that concept got abandoned anyway? Research and learn. If in contradiction, oppose. Even to ones Elders. Which is what (we) kids do anyway growing up. We all become adults at some point. We need to remember to reign in the rambunctious behavior same is we got ours reigned in, yet let loose when able to. Folks tend to forget the past when getting older. We are all the same in our development, only times and 'socially acceptable behaviors' have changed.. Cut the crap already. A brick is a brick, not some weird form of 'basic building material, used to construct various objects with'

We parents are the 'firewalls' to the deranged educational systems and henceforth also the fucked up society it breeds.

Classic values matter. minus the spanking :p Ow wait, I forgot to mention the bar of soap and the mandatory chewing action that ensued.....

21021476? ago

Interesting you say this now.

I was just saying to myself, look at all the amazing accomplishments of Howard Hughes.

Who has done anything close to that in the modern era?

We are all too busy on these fucking electronic devices.

21021251? ago

We need to teach about subversion, as a form of war, in school.

21021210? ago


21021142? ago

We need to teach them about the goodness of Jesus, Diversity and Transgenderism more importantly!

But sure, if there’s time maybe

21021074? ago

I homeschool my children, they know the pledge of allegiance, they study the Bible and they’re encouraged to ask questions. The school system produces good slaves who behave, never question authority, do and believe everything that they’re told. A good education may give you an advantage in the pay scale over other slaves but still a slave to the system.

21027720? ago

Nice to see that others understand what mystery Babylon has done to Christianity.

21021387? ago

Do they attend Sunday school? Caution is wise there.

You should discuss what they learned and interject if needed.

21023681? ago

someone else saying, they replied via an edit since they can only post once per day

21021034? ago

Re pilled a kid yesterday who came to the front door selling ice cream cake in order to raise money for “space camp.”

Red pilled him on NASA and other related lies. He loved what I told him. He was drinking it in too.

The truth is so much easier to remember. That’s why our schools fail. Too many lies. Too many secrets.

21020893? ago

preaching to the choir

21020877? ago

I did. My kids turned out normal.

21020785? ago

kidergarten.. kid garden.. from about 1800 on the public school system has been used to create first good soliders that line up and follow orders to these days good consumer tax cows that are trained to go to a job for 8 hours a day and listen to a boss...

21021372? ago

'Kinder' - like the Schokolade candy, Kinder-eggs.

21021005? ago

You could look at it that way, of course. Lining up also teaches kids civility and order so they act like decent, courteous people, unlike cultures that push, shove, and elbow their way through others to get to a buffet bar or buy a freaking plane ticket.

21023996? ago

from: doglegwarrior

look into the history of education systems in prussia. they started kicking everyones asses in wars because of their education system. it was basicaly tesching people to follow orders and not think literaly the oppisite of the education i want for my kids .. but the line up and go die while shooting millitary strats of the day good obiedient soldiers that had there brains fucking turned to order following zombies was great

21023785? ago

Somehow the Majority, have sort of Missed that bus...

21021278? ago

Have you seen kids these days lol?

21022918? ago

you mean, typical college kids that call 911 when FACEBOOK is down? haha

21020686? ago

do that and they'll stop being christians

21021018? ago

If they 'stop' being Christians, they were never Christians to begin with.

21022063? ago

what i mean is that if people truly start thinking for themselves, the half baked jewish desert myths will take their place in the past. they're already irrelevant.

21020612? ago

Was just thinking this the other day - agreed.

21020610? ago

Make sure to teach them to steer clear of niggers.

21023622? ago

what if they are niggers, like my nephew?

21025729? ago

Then you have to tell them to turn themselves in to the local/county authorities so they can get rehabilitated. I am sure they have already committed multiple felonies.

21023961? ago

Then the same lesson applies. I know that I'm going to get shit on for saying this, but there's some black people that are organized and thoughtful. I know one who worked in a recording room for a music agency for more than 3 decades and he's cool as shit; very knowledgeable, hardworking, and easygoing. Teach your nephew that race does not automatically equal friendship, and that the choice of one's close associates determines whether they will succeed or fail. And make sure he understands who is headed nowhere and who will eventually be rich.

21024038? ago

is "rich" the proper indicator for this zone?

21024071? ago

Riches come in many forms. I wasn't talking about just material wealth. Riches come from family, friends, and a feeling of earning what you have worked hard for. I should have made that clearer. Thanks for asking.

21026891? ago

thanks for answering!

21024007? ago

He's 3 and a piece of shit (especially when compared to the other relatives). But yeah, I'll try. He's an only child, so, "piece of shit" comes naturally, not sure whether it does in my brother's wife's family...

21024044? ago

That's just genetics and parental coddling mixed together. The world caters to no one for nothing. Give him a dose of reality by making him work and earn what you give him.

21020539? ago

Absolutely the best approach. Yet antithetical to NEA policy.

21020526? ago

Inculcate critical thinking and default skepticism, without encouraging an outright paranoia. But thinking critically is very important because the level of deception is mind blowing. I say this as someone who believes in high strangeness but believes the moonshot is historical fact.

21023579? ago

Yeah, just like Star Wars and Star Trek actually took place.

21023945? ago

Well warp drive is being developed. Look up Miguel Alcubierre.

21023977? ago

My joke, which I added the first third to last week:

In my warped fields,

I use my tractor beams,

to fill in the worm holes.

21020482? ago

Don’t knock teachers. By saying all teachers are bad, is like saying guns kill people and not people kill people.

High school and college teacher/professor of physics here. I make it a point to stress to my students that you should always question everything you learn. Never believe things at face value, even the info I teach. If you can’t think for yourself, you will always be taken advantage of... due diligence, questioning, is the root of every scientist... if you can’t do that... then you are not a scientist..

There are many more like me in public education... and if you believe that not the case, then you should take my advice above and not just believe what you read. Misinfo on all sides


Love and Light to all my patriots, Q and Q+

21027765? ago

Good for you. I remember fondly my high school teachers that were honest with the class. Many great discussions for those of us kids that paid attention and where engaged.

21021052? ago

Interesting that you mention scientists... the most notorious group of character-bashers of any who disagree with them.

It's also interesting that there's a bill to protect dissenting opinions in 'science'.

21020313? ago

what if they start to question Jesus and Q ?

21021087? ago

They should. No one can come to Christ until/unless they believe God's Word. No one believes God's Word until they're convinced it's true. The convincing only happens when whatever they're questioning is proven true in Scripture.

As for Q, everyone should question everything. Blind faith is simply blind.

21023561? ago

in my case it took decades of questioning -- and now, i question what would have happened to me in eternity, had i not made it this far i.e., back to Scripture!

21020130? ago

Teach them hatred and other extremes, so they can recognize it.

Teach them how to lie, very useful for fitting in social circles.

Teach them how to kill classmates. Nothing will faze them after.

21020178? ago

Teach them that you and your bloodline exists.

21020041? ago

The public school system in the west is designed for exactly the opposite purpose.

21025574? ago

jews write the curriculum for western schools.

That is why there is so much degeneracy.

21022046? ago

Want to fix the public schools? All it takes is a sound thinker who is not afraid of criticism on all fronts.


Pay close attention to Chapter 9. Students should BE the instructors and the instructors should only be guides to lessons, and serve more as students themselves. There shouldn't be any homework, and classwork should engage each student in a method of practical labor for conquering both the simple and complex problems in life. Students should be taught that time and truth are the two greatest assets available to them for use at all times for free.

There's a lot more, it would take an entire essay to spell out just the basic outline of what's necessary, but the end result is to teach every student how to be a free and independent thinker. The problem with the school system now is that its goal is to force everyone to acquiesce into a very low baseline from which to ascend. It's akin to tasking a zoo full of different animals to climb a tree and declare those who can will be fed.

21023811? ago

There shouldn't be any homework>

This 100% Homework is completely useless and an outdated concept. Homework has no value.

21023957? ago

Yeah! Neither does practicing for a game!

21028130? ago

That's a different situation. If school were organized correctly, you would be able to get all coursework done there. Athletic prowess is only attained through drive and practice.

21021128? ago

Solution: K12 Online. Virtual School/ and you can be there during any "class connects" sessions to discuss privalely and in real time what was just said.

21022492? ago

We did this last year. I wasn't a fan. If you want the paper that you get from traditional education then yes, but otherwise meh. It's all the same content as regular school, but you're doing about 4-5x the work because you don't have constant interruptions.

21021876? ago

wonder if there is K12 online for Canada

21020677? ago

This cannot be stated strongly enough. Facts are skewed, teachers are highly biased to the liberal mindset, curriculum is taught to reduce everyone to lowest common denominator and teach authority and repetition and memorizing over any critical thinking.

21025244? ago

Amen. For example, a middle school child asking, or concerned, about climate change should be encouraged to research the subject themselves; I think this is what an educator would do. Instead though, children can be scared into thinking we are all doomed on some ridiculous time scale...cough...[Greta].

21023706? ago

Amen, I would add if your child K-3 is bored, does only 1/2 of math wk sheet, or spells out phonetically, OR starting in Pre K there seems to be issues brought that do not fit. It very well may be you have a budding genius & not an anarchist! They will try to invent sq peg, rd.hole, shovel piles of guilt in your lap before they will SO suggest testing. The sooner documented, then an IEP may be implemented. I have the battle scars of exp. & it wasn't till 3rd grade & move that in a Pop. of 350K my son was put into a pilot program of only 15 who were labeled Potential Gifted Dropouts. He solved math in his head, but called a cheat by a teacher.

21020036? ago

You can tell them anything but if you hustle them off to the state schools every day peer pressure will undo it all in no time.

21022685? ago

21020576? ago

This is why we home school our kids. And we discuss current events with them along with the importance of the US Constitution.

21019976? ago

I can certainly support this sentiment.