21028549? ago

Easier to manipulate. They come and take, not contribute to get attached to culture and welcome any invading troops offering more. Of course this is only for border states

21023170? ago

But if whites go live elsewhere they get Rhodesia’d or South Africa’d.

21021764? ago

Rapugees in tooo.

21021309? ago

why does san antonio and portland maine have fucking kikes as mayors? makes zero fucking sense.

21021784? ago

2Destroy white bastigons.

21021157? ago

jews doin what jews do

21020563? ago


21021794? ago


21021176? ago


21021172? ago


21020077? ago

Flooding an unconquered area with migrants from Africa? DEJA VU. Isn't that how Moses got the people to the Holy Land, from Egypt, Africa? Seems to be the only conquest method that the jews know....

21020048? ago

You answered the question: Jewish.

21019182? ago

Kalergi Plan -- Maine

21019225? ago

Jerusalem cross could indicate Templars and the red lion refers to house of David, doesn’t it? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3356760/19928415

21019180? ago

Same with Burlington VT. Mayor Miro Weinberger. Wears the kike cap and all. Fuckin makes me sick. It's ALWAYS the fuckin jews

21018985? ago

Are they Muslims?

21019203? ago

Mystery Babylon, ask is there a connection the Shriners and the Arab rituals, the Vatican pedos, the Jewish Occult. Why do Masons in their grotto say prayer to a Moon god named al Lah? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3398558/20319876 Explains everything.

21018871? ago

Run his ass out of town now.

21019181? ago

and Europe France? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457619/20838833 Anyone know the story behind this picture? Is it a gay photo op?

21018627? ago

Increasing supply for potential voter fraud schemes, should they be needed.

21018585? ago


21022680? ago

RFK Jr says more than one shooter? in long Instagram post he says the security guard at the murder, fires fatal shot. Sirhan's apartment a Rosicrucian Mason? with AMORC monographs. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3436440

21021129? ago

The Jews are the real supremacists, using eugenics to try to establish themselves as the master race. Any whites feeling shame at suspicion of them need to realize that the only people who should be ashamed are the Jews themselves. They're the only community that's so rotten that it needs to push for laws preventing its criticism.

21019167? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3470488 Why is Macron redecorating the French Elysée Palace?

21023012? ago

Why is your bot following me spamming me? I want to noe

21018399? ago

Oy Vey, goyim!

Diversity is your strength!

21021136? ago

Open borders for Israel!

21021771? ago

Can we sign a petition?

21018652? ago

Would any of this matter to you if the guy was just a regular "Christian" based Leftist?

21021148? ago

There are more of them than these self defeating Jewish leftists.

Yet Jews, 2.2% of the population, planted the seeds and are wildly overrepresented in participation in subversive groups.

21022210? ago

You have ascribed nearly every subversive movement to Jews. It seems that many different groups are responsible for committing unholy acts. Not just Jews. Even if you were right, if we have let such a tiny group totally dominate, the issue is more with us. Not them.

21023305? ago

You have ascribed nearly every subversive movement to Jews

Probably because it's true. They're at the forefront of most grievance mongering orgs. They're the ones at the forefront of the trans kid push. Epstein's Jewish as is much of his orbit. 2.2% of the population. People have figured out that Muslims are an issue, but there's a lot of brainwashing counteracting people from realizing the same about Jews.

Even if you were right, if we have let such a tiny group totally dominate, the issue is more with us. Not them.

Yes. You're letting them dominate. You really don't "notice" their domination in the entertainment and news industries?

21028096? ago

So do you suggest we persecute Jews, to "knock them down a few notches"? After you create the system to do this and make it ok, what happens when the other side takes power and decides that White Christian's are the cause of societal problems?

21028329? ago

So do you suggest we persecute Jews, to "knock them down a few notches"? After you create the system to do this and make it ok

Did I say that? I'm suggesting that we talk honestly about the problem. That's all. And that's all it would take to start to take back control.

what happens when the other side takes power and decides that White Christian's are the cause of societal problems

You've somehow not noticed that this has already happened?

21029274? ago

I've noticed that sure. It is why it bothers me to see demographic groups pegged for bad behavior instead of concentrating on individuals causing trouble. I know what it feels like. Let's not make it ok for them to pursue that path to persecution.

21020149? ago

The groups that used to be Christian surrendered to women and queers. They're funded by tax dollars that they get for betraying their communities.

They're still traitors, but we know where the attacks on Christianity come from.

21020064? ago

Acting in puppet positions. Follow the shekels or the video taped blackmail.

21018938? ago

Keep digging. Who's behind them.