21019983? ago

This is gold anons. This is the Map. Put these connections into a mind mapping software like Freemind, or put a damn pen to paper. No individual can remember all this without recording it. THIS IS THE MAP. and IT IS KEY to this whole thing. When you can look at someones extended connections and isolate their incentive, their motive, you know what's going on. You've awakened to the reality.

Pain the picture. Draw the map. What does it tell you?

There's a SYSTEM of control that uses the Media, Hollywood, Pols, and the Education System to CONTROL YOU.

The one thing that's missing that's beginning to become clear to me...The grant making institutions of the world, with names you're very familiar with, they are TAX-EXEMPT organizations that wield tremendous grant making power to SOCIALLY ENGINEER THE WORLD.

Carnegie Co. et. al.

Rockefeller Foundation

Andrew J. Mellon Foundation

J.P.Getty Trust

John Simon Guggenheim Foundation

Ford Foundation

There's so many more. THESE are the foundations that work together to control the education system, to chose winners, to enrich them and prop them up. They name them fellowships, grants, endowments, all in the name of charity. What's really happening is the FUNDING OF COLLECTIVIST IDEAS WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY. They fund the education of ideologues who then maintain their system of control.

Identify what each of these foundations do, what they focus on, then add it to the big picture of the collective idea of the foundations.

* Andrew J Mellon Foundation funds every major university in america, they database every journal, art, and other supported ideas (socialism, collectivism) that they want to support. JSTOR, ITHAKA, major donations to the Association of School and College Leaders. They're literally training an army of socially engineered students that make up the foundation of Antifa, socialist ideas in the US, radicals...

* Rockefeller Foundation focuses more on world wide education. Donating to areas that are impoverished to improve their situation so that they can then be propagandized through their efforts to instill remote radio connectivity. EACH ONE of these MAJOR foundations have a role in the big picture. They've specialized and organized themselves to engineer the world to their favor.

* Ford Foundation seems to be the epicenter of the post-modernist "everything is infinite and the infinite data points are all valid" school of thought. This is where you get 57 genders, men who menstruate (??!?), etc.

Take a list of the largest, richest, oldest foundations and follow their grant making and that will tell you what they do.

The worst of it is the Carnegie Corp and all it's subs. They essentially CREATED the education system as we know it today. They're setting STANDARDS which rip young children from their parents and thrust them into a system of propaganda and control.

21020026? ago

Who was the South Bend Fishing and Hunting Club?

What was the Johnstown Flood?

Was this the first major action for the newly formed AMERICAN RED CROSS?

What do we know about the red cross? (RED RED)

Take the above foundations, what major names show up at this club?


21019824? ago

I saw that Kashoggi was in Epsteins little black book. Very interesting. Epstein, Khashoggi's, Clinton, Bush's go back to the Iran-Contra days. He is nephew of Adnan Khashoggi, who was a middleman arms dealer for Iran-Contra - & his cousin Dodi Fayed who was dating Princess Di

died in the crash with her. During IC, they used BCCI, which was a CIA bank. this was not any journalist. His uncle formed relationship with the Bin Laden’s & Bush’s well before Jamal befriended Osama. The Bin Laden/Khashoggi relationship spans more than a decade-- from

Afghanistan, to Pakistan, to the Sudan.

Whenever the Mockingbird MSM and the American Deep State apparatus is in agreement about any particular issue, that's when the event in question should be viewed with the utmost scrutiny.

We are living in strange times. Very interesting truths are starting to bubble to the surface.

Don't forget that Comey was at HSBC, the dirty money laundering successor to BCCI, too. There are no coincidences.

HSBC drug money laundering took place while Comey was board member. Loretta Lynch settled a sweet deal with HSBC Bank while Comey was on HSBC board.

Clinton was involved as governor of Arkansas. Drug planes would fly into the Mena airport to unload and refuel. Slick Willie made sure they were left alone.

Also remember two warring Royal factions were literally killing each other.

The current crowned Prince bin-Salman, and al-Waleed were not getting along. Salman is being sold as a more lib leader for SA. Khashoggi was a member of the Opposing faction and came to the US this time last year to escape an inevitable death sentence for corruption,

much like the rest of Al Waleed's crew.

The interesting things for me are:

  1. There has been no evidence brought forward to support the death.

  2. The only people who have anything to gain from this are the Deep State.

  3. those "elites" are an incestuous bunch, just sayin'

Bill Clinton even pardoned Marc Rich in exchange for cash money on his last day in office.

Bill Browder found a new mentor in Edmond Safra after his previous mentor Robert Maxwell died. Robert Maxwell got his yacht Lady Ghislaine from Ahmed Khashoggi.

Alwaleed Talal hired Jamal Khashoggi as a “journalist”. Jamal Khashoggi knew bin Laden. Adnan Khashoggi got his start providing Kenworth truck to the Bin Laden Family construction company. Mohamed Fayed at one point was screwing George de Mohrenschildt’s daughter.

George de M worked for Aristotle Onassis in Haiti. George de M dated Jackie Kennedy’s mom & Jackie Kennedy called him Uncle George. George de M was also friends w/ Lee Harvey Oswald & his wife. Epstein’s ex-GF/Friend/Procurer Ghislaine Maxwell was Robert Maxwell’s daughter.

Epstein also had company w/ Ehud Barack who got Marc Rich his pardon despite being on FBI’s most wanted list.

Before Robert Maxwell had his "accident" , he had hired a young Bill Browder. After Maxwell, Browder went to work for Edmond Safra.

A few years later, Safra's Republic Bank of New York, was used to launder $4 billion of stolen IMF funds from the Yeltsin government. Soon after, HSBC bank took over Safra's bank, the next day Safra died in a suspicious fire in his Monaco penthouse.

Years later, after Browder was kicked out of Russia, leaving his tax accountant to take for fall for his massive tax evasion, before Magnitsky could spill the beans, he died mysteriously in a Russian prison.

Considering that almost every part of Browder's "Magnitsky the Lawyer" story is false, how did Browder "convince" so many in the US Congress to pass his Magnitsky Act?

Something tells me that anyone who flew and stayed overnight on that island didn't leave without being compromised. Few are just victims, if you want to call them that. They likely visited and became initiated, some perhaps against their will.

Really makes you wonder about Bill Clinton though. I mean the guy flew 25 times! Invited him to the White House and even mentioned Epstein CO FOUNDED Clinton Initiative/Foundation. Did he simply fall for the trap over and over...or did he have a bigger role in this scheme?

Even Spielberg was in Mega Group with Ghislaine Maxwells father, Robert. Edgar Bronfman was also in this group and his daughter Clare was Keith Raniere's right hand woman in NXIVM. Les Wexner was also in the group.

And let's not forget that Epstein wasn't merely a rich pervert and pimp to the elites. He was running a sophisticated and satanic deep state human trafficking and blackmail operation ---- CIA, Mossad, whomever else--Mega Group, etc were all involved. Crazy shit folks, believe me.

A lot of the yacht based trafficking by the elites goes through the greek island of corfu where the Rothschilds have a home and prince phillip was born. Abramovich Deripaska, Murdoch, Maxwell Charles and Andrew all pass through quite often to get their orders.

Well when you connect this to the people I mentioned Greek shipping billionaire Aristotle Onassis had a private island that is now his granddaughter’s not far from the one I mentioned.

Saville is a good rebuttal to sceptics who say, "if this is all happening then 1000's of people would have known about it and someone would have said something". Jimmy Saville is calculated to have raped 1000's of children/killed some/necro etc.

If only 10% of families reported the crime to police then at least a few 100 policemen knew about it. No one talked until he was dead. No media. No Royals. No Politicians. No one.

The whole "people cant keep big secrets" argument is to deflect from having to take things seriously. The bigger the conspiracy the easier it is to conceal imo. It is not hard to keep people in the dark and focused on one task without knowledge of where they are in the machine.

When you consider all the devious and evil things people have done in the history of humanity in order to gain or retain power, it becomes a no-brainer that the corrupt establishment would:

  1. Make deliberate decisions that would harm/weaken the country you are supposed to represent when you're paid enough money.
  2. Have a would-be witness murdered if he/she threatened your position
  3. Create a pedo honeypot for purposes of blackmail, entertainment, & power.

  4. Engage in brainwashing techniques

  5. Dumb down the populace
  6. Open your borders so wretched people will flood your country and replace the population.
  7. Infringe on people's right to bear arms
  8. Enable the take down of big buildings and create wars and steal trillions

The list is endless. If they are already involved in crimes against humanity, nothing is off the table.

Yes that's right, all of these things have been done by our supposed leaders and respected noble scum. And it's not unimaginable at all. They WOULD do it and HAVE DONE it.

Mohammad Bin Laden, Osamas dad, hired Adnan Khashoggi when he was young for a deal where he made a quick $50,000. Khashoggi's dad was Bin Ladens personal physician. So the Bin Laden/Khashoggi family connection went way, way back.

Yes! Epstein and Adnan worked together to funnel the money during the Iran-Contra arms debacle!! I read that somewhere previously.

Explain the #amalclooney involvement. Her arms dealing uncle did dealings with Adnan Khashoggi (both with Manafort), her mom foreign editor of Al Hayet where Jamal had a column, George = Clinton/Obama, hosted Epstein in Como

21019367? ago


21019349? ago

This is bigger than you can imagine!

21022708? ago

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21020592? ago

yes, I agree and can't wait to find out the details.

21020401? ago

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21019374? ago


21019158? ago

The amount of corruption and crimes by these elite POSs is unfathomably massive. If law enforcement actually do their job with all this information out there, tens of thousands would be incarcerated. But, hence so far none have been charged or prosecuted. The world's problem is not the mafia, it is the elite who crave for power and money any way they can get it with immunity from prosecution, including child/adult rape and murder.

21019083? ago


21018320? ago


21018583? ago

The Rosicrucian Mason Sirhan Sirhan, Palestine Jordanian was stabbed in a California State prison. RFK Tapes? the attack is so severe he's been removed from the prison for treatment. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3407197/20400245 See the Masonic Order of the Rose Cross, Rosicrucian Mysteries and Albert Pike...Little Freemason is going to survive or dead? "Whitey" Bulger, Iran attempt in Denmark, German politicians both left and right, Khashoggi embassy, 'Lady Ghislaine' Epstein, other Celebrity suicided?

21017917? ago

https://tweetsave.com/saywhenla/status/1185760427818569728 :

Wyatt on Twitter: "I saw that Kashoggi was in Epsteins little black book. Very interesting. Epstein, Khashoggi's, Clinton, Bush's go back to the Iran-Contra days. He is nephew of Adnan Khashoggi, who was a middleman arms dealer for Iran-Contra - & his cousin Dodi Fayed who was dating Princess Di"

This has been an automated message.

21017901? ago

George de M worked for Aristotle Onassis in Haiti. George de M dated Jackie Kennedy’s mom & Jackie Kennedy called him Uncle George. George de M was also friends w/ Lee Harvey Oswald & his wife.

Interesting. There has been some speculation [1.] that the whole JFK assassination was another hoax. Would explain how Jackie O could be close to someone who was mutual friends with Lee Harvey Oswald

  1. Did JFK fake his Death and take the REAL American Presidency Underground? http://www.cabaltimes.com/2015/06/29/jfk-faked-death/

21017782? ago

Khashoggi ain't dead

Also remember two warring Royal factions were literally killing each other.

The current crowned Prince bin-Salman, and al-Waleed were not getting along. Salman is being sold as a more lib leader for SA. Khashoggi was a member of the Opposing faction and came to the US this time last year to escape an inevitable death sentence for corruption, much like the rest of Al Waleed's crew.

The interesting things for me are:

  1. There has been no evidence brought forward to support the death.

  2. The only people who have anything to gain from this are the Deep State.

  3. those "elites" are an incestuous bunch, just sayin'

21018646? ago

the Maxwell woman and the boat