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21015435? ago

they were bringing kids from all over the world, not just Haiti, and using Red Cross money to do it. he had several procurers for teenage sex victims (Rachel Handler, for one, who then had others under her). those were modelled in catalaugoes, then purchased by elites for use and disposal. untraceable people.

Epstein was heavily invested in Psychological research (much for video games) and Transhumanist endeavors (super soldiers, chimera, etc.). This ties to abortion. I guarantee that sick fuck had at least one frankenstien lab where unborn babies brains are made into robots. someones been working on this and Epstein either funded them or knew them... he had Steven Hawking at his island at least once, as well as pals with Ray Kurzweil and Bill Gates. many victims Epstein tortured for video game research. they wanted to get the really intense emotions right. this article gave me a deeper insight into his very SICK and twisted mind. unfortunately you have to pay for the full article.

also, sidenote: y'all are gonna think I'm crazy but I think demons might show up tangibly at these events. Alister Crowley had frequent visitation with demons (used drugs, yes, but thats another portal) and wrote about how there is power in the shedding of innocent blood, and wrote very specifically about how to do it. I think these demons are ancient 1/2 gods or fallen angels (Genesis 6) who still eat humans and drink their blood. this cult of Baal has been around forever, and innocent blood sacrifice is global. heads rolling down pyramids all over the globe.

21017518? ago

Old Myspace? Archive it! Adriana Ross & Rachel Guinness/Rothschild Chandler's With many Epstein Co-conspirators... "connection " private profiles yet pics are fucked. 2 girls inside a pentagram Yea no doubt. The art is just a front.

21027979? ago
