21007938? ago

I used to laugh at the Army commercials a few years ago that said they were protecting us from cyber threats at home and abroad cause it ran around the same time the pentagon had been hacked. Apparently a midget in a wheelchair is moire powerful that the NSA.

21008024? ago

Agree, how it that 1 and only 1, can completely shutdown a site.. Its inconceivable and improbable.

2 points, for the we're being played team!

21008343? ago

It should be inspirational but it isn't. I mean if hotwheels can keep the NSA from putting a website up how come millions of us cannot come together peacefully and force our government to do something about corruption in it. No more trusting the plan and waiting on our asses for them to keep allowing the democrats to do whatever the fuck they want.

21008403? ago

You know the answer in your heart, the corruption is deep now in people at large. They want justice but won't lift a finger if they might feel some pain themselves. Just look at you neighbors and ask yourself who's benefiting from the corruption? Sick isnt it!

21009907? ago

Yeah it's sick. Wish there was something I could take to numb the pain..or forget the things I know. I want to go back to sleep and be ignorantly bliss instead of abandoned by the ones I thought I knew because I want what is best for humanity. I don't know anymore, spent too much of my time trying to counter online propaganda I missed out on making my life better and the only thing that kept me from a toaster bath Jan2018 was the hope Q gave me. I always wanted to call the people who would not sacrifice themselves to make the world a better place pussies, but those pussies have a life and they smile. I just don't know anymore.

21010080? ago

Been there also. Q gave some sense of hope. Now I feel played for a fool.

21007478? ago

Lets talk about anything else, but not the subject of the post. Interesting!

21006746? ago

Everything isn't a conspiracy.

21008162? ago

Until it is. Is that what this place was built for.

21006778? ago


I hate JIDF cunts

21006728? ago

Welp looks to us like HotWheelsBrennan has it out for Watson. This is with a personnel vendetta, blackmail or HotWheels gets a huge pay off if he's successful shutting down Watson.

21007202? ago


21006698? ago

Best to deal with Silicon Valley DS now versus next year.

21006694? ago

Dude, proofread your posts.

21006677? ago

all their emails and calls are tracked. conspiracy to impede civil rights invokes RICO.

21006653? ago

<copypaste>/Hotwheels and "StephenLynx" Chatlog discussing 8kun


log-direct-link: https://archive.ph/6oLTa

21008374? ago

Looks like a couple teenagers talking.. what am I supposed to be seeing?

21008514? ago

Pertinent information begins at line 24.

21006570? ago

its all a game.if anyone thinks a little troll can stop MI they are really stupid.........if this is true we are really fucked

21007457? ago

Yes it's game. The real question is "who's game is it"?

21007190? ago


21008366? ago


21006556? ago

what does Q do? Gives people dates and info, what does the dark state not need about now, people dates and info, they hang themselves quite well on their own. It will be up when the deed is done.

21006543? ago

Gotta setup payment system.

21006558? ago
