21010513? ago

When the people are desperate and hopeless, jews thrive by manipulating and taking advantage of the goyim. Weimar had child prostitution all over the place and sex clubs galore. Pregnant prostitutes sometimes involving their children in the degenerate acts. Go to the pharmacy and use coded language to order a child prostitute, debauchery was rampant and disgusting. Jews get off on other peoples pain, sorrow, and the control and power they have when in a desperate country.

21007943? ago

Spot on

21007018? ago

World Peace is my favorite sketch show

21006685? ago

Why do they spend lots of money to merely create chaos?

Because when the public is upset and angry, they can't think straight, that's why. People loose a significant amount of their ability to notice and deeply understand what is going on around them.

Remember those old safety advertisements on TV that said, "Don't drive when you're upset"? "If you just had an argument, wait awhile before you drive"? The reason was because people can't think straight when they are mad, and loose their ability to really analyze what is occurring in their environment.

So the NWO Cabal Communists create division and anger between groups of people. Get them fighting mad.

And that's when they pull their biggest crimes, legislate un-Constitutional laws, make crooked court rulings, and so forth.

And nobody notices.

They are pure Evil....

21007370? ago

People loose lose a significant amount

and loose lose their ability

21009417? ago

Heh heh. Thanks for turning lose your spelling acumen on me

I'm correcting it.

21006663? ago

'Globalists are satanists' would be simpler.

21011631? ago

Resurfaced video from a 2005 police raid on Epstein's mansion shows a mysterious photo seeming to show him with accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell in the White House https://voat.co/v/QRV/3406699/20395154 the monster exposed

21008226? ago

"Jews are satanists" < Simpler still

21006373? ago

Glad you woke up Welcome to the party

21006887? ago

I've been at the 'party' for over 3 decades

21008205? ago

Then why didn't you name the Jew?

21005530? ago

Evil bastards, you are correct.