21004947? ago

Hotwheels and "StephenLynx" Chatlog discussing 8kun


https://archive.ph/6oLTa <-log here

21004825? ago

Great idea. Lets flood his Twitter page and show him he will not kill our movement.

21004098? ago

The greatest plan to save the the world got beat by a crippled chicken nugget in a wheelchair.

21003951? ago

had this idea about him not being able to climb the stairway to heaven and choosing instead the highway to hell, thus earning the title "Hot Wheels"

21003904? ago

Attn: @pyn3rd, @luica, @ebrahimpopat, @wanghq, @azure_xu, @alibaba_cloud:

Your company is being used by Jim Watkins, owner of 8chan, to host his 8chan clone 8kun.

Leaks show that 8kun, "the darkest reaches of the internet", is no different than 8chan. http://archive.fo/GqJpD https://twitter.com/HW_BEAT_THAT/status/1185099126452572160

Robert Evans (The Other Robert Evans)


Hello, @azure_xu I am a journalist writing for Bellingcat. I have some questions about the fact that your company is providing services for the resurrection of 8chan, a website that has spurred at least four mass shootings.

Robert Evans (The Other Robert Evans)·


Hello @alibaba_cloud, your services are being used to host a website that will spread terrorist manifestos and encourage mass shootings.

21003897? ago

If they are caving to one email, it wasn't going to last anyway. He is prevetting a permanent host for 8

21004018? ago

Not one email. He is getting his followers to do same. Email and Twitter.

21004092? ago

Oh no!!! I guess we should pack it in then.