20998489? ago

Expect more of this coming up on 2020, but also remember it gets darkest before dawn and the masses are catching on to these censorship games

20997617? ago

Aaron Swartz warned me it was coming. I didn't believe him. Then he got murdered, and then it was impossible not to see it everywhere.

It's all a fraud, everything's a fraud, books are frauds, newspapers are frauds, it doesn't matter. There's almost nothing real left in the world thanks to them. Its lies piled on top of lies, and once the lie is inconvenient they make up a new lie.

20997221? ago

It’s Reddit FFS LOL

It’s been that way for years


20996892? ago

We have mods like @Crensch asserting the right of mods to censor content here using the "PV or SBBH or "troll" (pick a boogeyman). Conveniently ignoring the fact that users can just ignore or down vote stuff. Be on your guard. Free speech is under assault everywhere.

21012114? ago

...voat dying or already died? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3459300/20849526 AS per CNN in the US, people need to simply stop watching. However the population are so used to this bastion of authority, especially those above 50 they will never see the light sadly. Their whole lives' have been a lie!

20996639? ago

What kind of loser hangs out at reddit

20997439? ago

I love these posts that act like there arent actual subs with quality content that you can benefit from. Just because they are censoring faggots doesn't mean there aren't other non political subs that have content you may want to consume?

Get out of the basement once and awhile... i know the sun burns your eyes and all

20996556? ago

After they removed CBTS, I deleted my acct. Never going back to that shill haven.

20996649? ago

I remember they removed the great awakening. Maybe CBTS was before my time?

20997728? ago

IIRC - it was deleted, but quickly replaced by great awakening, and most all found it. Then it was when great awakening board was hitting the top trending that they shut it down.

That's when I gave up on Reddit. It doesn't even matter though, I've seen forums with even 25-50 members start getting all SJW NPC and getting ban happy with conservatives.

20996519? ago

Why would anyone remain to post on reddit? It's a comped, fucked up platform.

20997431? ago

Because some people have other hobbies that there are plenty of decent non-politcal posts in those subs. Get off your god damn high horse you stupid basement dweller

20996895? ago

It really is bad.

20996644? ago

like an abused idiot returning to its master

20997063? ago

The PPC and Maxine Bernier are blacklisted in all mainstream media, I am attempting to get his platform out through any social media possible, Facebook shadow bans, Reddit at least has sites to post his videos and messages. Many Reddit sites have overwhelming support for him. Call names if you wish, this is important to me and I am trying to do my part in a very unfair situation.

21001403? ago

If they have sites to post his stuff, post it there, and leave Reddit drama there too. No one cares about Reddit, but you.

20996336? ago

Reddit deleted my 2 year old account don't know why fuck reddit!