21019073? ago

I really don't like his current attempt, though. Going through Tencent based cloud hosting company (China). The most oppressive regime in the world. Maybe he's just trying to get it online and stable enough for Q to post and announce a new platform. But with all these rumors of "Military Technology" in the upcoming 8Kun, it honestly appears he's just hopping around DDoS protected dedicated servers.

21010064? ago

If you run a trace route on 8kun.net you'll see it's routing through a DoD Network Information Center !!,

with an NetRange: -

sauce: https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/

They're just waiting for a go signal from Q/Q+

Trust the plan

Maybe this has something to do with it: https://qmap.pub/read/1038

21007554? ago

Its clearly by design....that is 8kuns front page!

21004765? ago

YES! The company hosting 8kun is proudly posted on the "No Access Allowed Page"

I like that company. May they stay strong and weather the storm.

21004622? ago

So this Brennan guy, is he by any chance in any way, shape or form related to the other Brennan we know? #justaskingforafriend

21004609? ago

I wonder if Hotwheels is personally receiving wrath from weaponized autists.

21004208? ago

With a name like brennan, it has to be corrupt

21003925? ago

He's a fucking traitor, erroneously blaming free speech for domestic "terrorism" to prevent free speech.

21003428? ago

Thank you OP for this thread. I did a yt video on it. I apologize for mixing my little spat into the midst of it but I think it served a purpose. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbZVcAqOrUs

21003205? ago



Can anyone confirm or deny why does this IP supposedly link to 8kun.net can be trace to this specific area?

21003344? ago

you think it is wise to doxx this?

21002945? ago

i don't get it, if it is different web address , why not just have a new site thereby there;s no need for Fred

21002865? ago

Republican vs. Democrat - Good vs. Evil - Watkins vs. Meatball...............seems like another game to keep everyone distracted while being led to the slaughter house.

21002537? ago

Daily reminder that during that pos crippled manlet administration, 8chan hosts a numerous amount of CP boards, /h*be/ is the biggest and most active one and he even dared to promote those boards into his front page.

And dont forget how he ended up on the Phillipines, a country that openly promote underage prostitute in their red light districts.

21002327? ago

This situation reminds of HAL from 2001 Space Odyssey.


Of course, HAL = Brennan.

21002984? ago

HAL was calmer, kek.

21008522? ago


21002186? ago

Should be pretty simple. Watkins needs to contact a provider and speak to them getting his side of the story out before hotwheels has a chance to run interference.

How long is this expected to keep 8Kun down?

21002100? ago

We are at war. As Q says, move and countermoves. Yes, Patriots are in control however the deep state is fighting hard to keep the site offline. They may be able to delay the launch of 8kun, but not forever. The plan is still going according to script, but sometimes the script needs to be slightly altered to counter the massive attacks. Do not worry, justice is coming.

21003024? ago

Bingo. That passage in the QR intro about being in a "war zone"--it wasn't just window dressing. It's all too easy to think that when Q says, "enjoy the show," it means everything is gonna be hunky-dory, comfy with popcorn. Well--there are those moments. But they don't come cheap. Disappointments, delays and tactical retreats are part of any successful military campaign. Our job is to do the best we can with what we have--and to pray our asses off to keep POTUS safe and this effort moving ahead. o7

21001670? ago

We don't need Q any more. We are still doing decodes from POTUS, communication was never lost.

21001578? ago

You really think a severely disabled former owner of the site, living in the Philippines (on Watkins' dime btw) is capable of keeping keeping this site offline? Get a grip OP. It's offline for a reason and that hotwheels is not it.

21004004? ago

He is clearly contacting the DDoS protection services and trying to convince them to bail on 8ch.

21003467? ago

Please enlighten us

21001437? ago

I believe that Q is being stalled, since 'they' give dates and data. We are close to Halloween, their sacrificial part of fall. I think Q is stalled to let these idiots squirm a bit more, and make even grander mistakes.

21001198? ago

I did find it strange that my laptop was blue screening after trying to access 8kun.

Bring on the war....

21000913? ago

Thanks! Upvoted and will mention this in my next yt video to spread to the masses who are wondering wtf is going on. Can you link me to the podcast?

21000798? ago

Posted this alleged chatlog in the Revolution Radio live chat just now and Jim said he hadn't seen it before. https://archive.ph/6oLTa

21000506? ago

21000302? ago

Someone should hack his account and release information about the Clintons. Problem solved..

21000274? ago

$$$$$$$$$$ and/or Blackmail. What is Fred Brennan really hiding????

21000098? ago

How convenient "personal vendeta" that poor soul is being used by cabaal.

They probably promised him money and a waifu

20999901? ago

Blackout Necessary.

20999900? ago

A retarded jew... Why am I not suprised...

20999855? ago

When all is said and done Brennan will have the rest of his life to regret it. It's going to feel like missing a ball that could have won the Super Bowl.

20999746? ago

Twitter link1



Either empty threats or he is really DDoSing. Last time I checked, it is illegal. Tiny hand cuffs in his future?

20999647? ago

Good post...thanks for update.

20999396? ago

where's the interview, black "person"?

20999072? ago

Fuckin clown has no clout. Dead issue...

20998985? ago

watkins should have a lawyer send a cease and desist letter.

20998845? ago

We eagerly await the return of our prophet Q, wish they would hurry!!

20998797? ago

Well, Jim is a bit better than obamas mulitmillion dollar obamacare website developers. This is theater.

20998560? ago

Okay - so the guy sells an asset to someone and then goes about trying to destroy the asset.

I didn't know you could get away with that...

20998435? ago

It would be truly awful if someone doxx3d this guy, S$N, bank acts, address etc. horrible.

20998433? ago

I thought 8kun was supposed to be some sort of super uninterruptible web site and just one crippled faggot is able to keep it offline?

20998336? ago

Hot Wheels became a YUGE faggot after he lost his virginity to some Thailand prostitute.

20997901? ago

Brennan is one of those fags that siphons shit from his ass into his face.

The ultra fag.

20997860? ago

He's born again. Now his past sins are blamed on the demon Watkins and he himself gets to go to heaven.

No longer oppressed when you can oppress other people! GO CHRISTIANS... DESTROY THE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND RELIGION AND SPEECH!



20997851? ago

I get this :

Access Forbidden

Remote DDoS Mitigation by VanwaTech

This website is not hosted on these servers nor is this website operated by VanwaTech - VanwaTech is purely a remote CDN and DDoS mitigation service. Contact [email protected] with any comments or complaints regarding the website's content

could a Computerfag please explain what they mean by "Remote DDoS Mitigation"

20998072? ago

Remote Ddos protection works like this: There are a bunch of servers around the world that have a link back to the main website. When you access the website, like 8chan, you visit the server closest to you. If you attack a website under protection, you are attacking one of the hundreds of servers closest to the attacker, not the main machine. It makes it harder to saturate the main pipe.

20998307? ago

ok so how do i get Un forbidden > i really am clueless

21000284? ago

It's just a generic error. 8kun.net hasn't gone live.

21000767? ago

... thanQ

20997180? ago

CM & Watkins are working hard to get it done an they will

found a twat reply of CM https://files.catbox.moe/4w9y7i.JPG

20997124? ago

Who is Fredrick Brennan?

Fredrick Brennan (born 1994) is an American software developer with brittle bone disease who founded the imageboard website 8chan. His life with brittle bone disease was written about by the international news agency Al Jazeera and the New York Times, and he has recommended testing and voluntary sterilization for others with the condition. He founded 8chan as a free speech friendly 4chan alternative in 2013, defended its use by advocates of Gamergate in 2014, and cut ties with it in 2016 after having an dispute with NT Technology's owner Jim Watkins, actual proprietor of 8chan.


20999795? ago

So he left 2016. Was it around the time Q was setting up there?

Or did he leave just before Q got setup.

The timing seems important

21003995? ago

He was put out in 2016 but he sold control in late 2014. And his people slowly got supplanted as watkins paired down the dev team and enforced stricter anti cp policies.

20997086? ago

I think it will coincide with IG report release, which just got shoved off till the end of the month.

20996934? ago

Wheels doesn’t have a moral take on this.

He wants 8chan offline because he wants users to go to webring and lynx Chan.

If 8 is supposed to go online it will. If it can’t do so with wheels out there - then this whole thing is subject to a single point of failure that is epic enough it’s never going to have secure comms anyway.

If you follow Q then it doesn’t matter if Q comes back or not.

The plan is in action.

I am far more concerned that FISA DECLAS comes out and they expend any fucking perceived validity that HRC has left. She’s out there calling more people Russian assets. This person is fucking sick and we can all have a chat about other shit once she’s decomissioned.

This won’t end for this Anon until my kids are safe from HRC and her cronies.

21003750? ago

What's webring and lynx Chan?

21004031? ago

Webring = Chans at large from 2chan to 12chan to 4chan on. Basically “the webring of image boards”. Here Brennan is basically saying “we don’t want people gathering at 8chan we want them scattered everywhere”

Lynx Chan = http:// www. lynxhub. com/

20997069? ago

thank you.

20996781? ago

Jim's update from this afternoon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44qs9TJUfzI

20996384? ago

If you want the background to the story, there is a qanon anonymous podcast from aug 25th where Brennan is interviewed and explains his position.

I listened to this now. What an absolute cunt, pussy asshole. I bet he's a pedo too. He says free speech should not be allowed because a handful of people celebrated a shooter. Fuck that guy.

20996310? ago

Eat shit :)

"it will be stronger, and it will be unbreakable"


20996285? ago

They are getting the ip blocked or domain?

20996284? ago

This guys a nubber- zero reach.

20996095? ago

I thought the dwarf guy was given a big blue Q by whoever as a gift for supporting 8chan and Q. Now hes mister 'Q is a LARP', but why? I read his recent Twits but it didn't explain why hes now Q arch enemy.

20998205? ago

He says Jim Watkins gave him the Q and told him to pretend he found it.

20996708? ago

I think he was persuaded to sell 8chan......... So you know maybe he is not happy about that.

20995697? ago

Look ... I know absolutely ZERO about how this all works, or doesn't - but i digress ... I find it REALLY hard to believe that 8Chan/8Kun/Whatever can't be up and running at any time it wants to be since PATRIOTS ARE IN CONTROL, riiiiiight? ... This has to be by design.

21010792? ago

Not quite. "Patriots in control" doesn't mean that nothing unexpected ("uncontrolled") never happens. It means patriots have contingency plans when things go off the rails. However, it may take time to implement new plans and workarounds. It's like when you're a good cook and have a well-equipped kitchen--you can deal with unforeseen problems via a combo of knowledge, resource mgmt and creativity.

20997040? ago

referencing comment above, Q/military must have hands off. but dropping crumbs through 8ch/kun is only one way to seed the soil...

20996949? ago

If patriots were in control, hundreds of prosecuted traitors would be dangling by their necks to restore the republic. Patriots are not in control, they only have a convoluted, slow, and inefficient plan to fight back now. 50 more executive orders and 6 more years and maybe you'll be able to put a POTUS sticker on your car without it being vandalized.

20997155? ago

the nazis under Hitler were convinced they were "winning". until all of the sudden the weren't.

Patriots have the center of the chessboard. whoever controls the center, wins.

20998619? ago

the jews under Moloch were convinced they were "winning". until all of the sudden the weren't.

Patriots have the center of the chessboard. whoever controls the center, wins.

20995680? ago

Brennan lost the plot after becoming a drug addict. I have to wonder whether the woman he hooked up is some sort of handler, too.

20995878? ago

Did srayzie send him pics of her boobs?

20995663? ago

Get thru ur fucking heads morons. It's not coming back online this year.

20995815? ago

A theory pulled out of your ass... cool

20995390? ago

Irony: Watkins is housing Brennan.

20995455? ago

Watkins was housing Brennan. Brennan quit working for him a couple years ago and has completely severed ties at this point.

20995358? ago

On Wheels’s twitter he posted a message he sent to Chinese hosts to try to deplatform then there.

Get this: as part of his argument for why 8kun should not be allowed to exist, he points out that the Hong Kong protestors were using 8chan to organize.

So he’s basically licking the boots of the central communist government and attacking the Hong Kong protestors, simply as a means to keep 8kun offline. What a piece of work!

20995473? ago

It’s sad for a former champion and defender of free speech. I don’t know what his deal really is, but it seems like he has a deep-seeded grudge against Jim.

20997198? ago

I think his rose didn't bloom until it came under Jim's control. Green, impotent monster of jealousy is my guess... fwiw

21003522? ago

It’s literal petty coding kicks.

CodeMonkey displaced Freddy and Freddy is ass hurt. He’s talked about it a ton. Ron refuses to because it’s below him.

20997188? ago

it seems his security and identity is threatened by Jim. lets wish him, pray for, peace and a renewed sense of purpose.

20997406? ago

Isn't that the way all communists are born? Turns out they're all the kids who were picked last for dodge ball who now see a chance to swing their balls around.

20995344? ago

The genetic dud is mad. Just remember he wrote an article for the Daily Stormer about why he hates his life and wishes he were never born lol.

21005512? ago

Shills wreck 8chan as they try to destroy voat? Many users on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net https://www.16chan.xyz/pol/ , https://gab.ai/topics ... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .. ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , and https://kiwifarms.net/threads/ , steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

20997272? ago

That can be remedied easily enough. Just saying.

20998240? ago

Need to make it good, though. Maybe wire up his chair batteries to put out 10x normal voltage, then watch him rocket into a wall when he wakes up and tries to go to the toilet.

20995298? ago

I'm still thinking that there letting this happen to smoke out the trash out now then later kinda deal.

20995294? ago

Hot wheels recieved a large blue 'Q' in his room awhile back after Watkins took over. I thought it was voluntary?

20995386? ago

He talks about this in the podcast I referenced. He said Jim put him up to it and it was all staged. He claims he still has the receipt.

20995243? ago

Oh you mean this guy?? he won't ack the Q picture of him with the blue Q lefft in his room https://twitter.com/KiloCrypto/status/1183875158597091328?s=20

20998234? ago

He said Jim gave him the Q and to pretend he found it to fake a Q proof.

20995175? ago

fuck its shilly in these comments section.

anyway, from what little I understand about the internet here is my rambling:

  • If DDOS is the #1 way to take down websites, and 8kun finds a way to not be affected by DDOS, then doesn't that change the WHOLE FUCKING GAME? Couldn't every site copy what 8kun does and be immune to DDOS?

  • If whoever the f this hot wheels guy is (ya, i dont know, dont care) can take down 8kun within hours, before it even come online, then isn't the whole 8kun op doomed to fail? Getting rid of hotwheels interference wouldn't matter because someone else will take their place, right?

  • Finally, this whole debacle is shining a GIANT light on how there actually is ZERO free speech on the interwebz. Any free speech we think we have is in a "free speech zone" that is monitored and destroyed as soon as it become effective.

20998178? ago

Finally, this whole debacle is shining a GIANT light on how there actually is ZERO free speech on the interwebz. Any free speech we think we have is in a "free speech zone" that is monitored and destroyed as soon as it become effective.

Bingo! Think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are stupider than that. POTUS/Q have to make it GLARINGLY FUCKING OBVIOUS for the nitwits to comprehend that something is wrong.

As much as I'd like to see 8chan come back up, we have to wait for the message to get pounded through thick skulls...just like in school when they'd repeat the same ******* math lessons five years in a row to get the bottom half of the class to realize that 1/2 isn't half as big as 2/4.

21006134? ago

Fun math posit that you did right there.

20998466? ago

" 1/2 isn't half as big as 2/4"

It's not??? what the fuck lmfao...but 2/4 has twice as much lol...

21003875? ago


20997598? ago

It’s sort of weird that the tippy toppest military intelligence behind Q has to rely on Chinese hosting infrastructure and that a fight of such an epic biblical nature is reliant on some weird grifter in the Phillipines getting his shit together.

21003881? ago

underdogs come from ranges of places

20996506? ago

The problem is censorship. The current state of things was inevitable the moment big-tech started supporting deplatforming anyone for any reason.

Hotwheels happens to be the troll on the trigger, but the larger question is why has big-tech configured itself to be the weapon?

20998151? ago

HotWheels. The guy who let DOST soft porn of children on his website.

21003949? ago

The dost test was his standard for banning users and deleting images of children, it is the legal standard. They even tightened up and enforced an arbitrary and far more severe standard, considering 8ch was meant to allow all content so long as it didn't violate law using the dost test was correct.

20995445? ago

All the DDOS protection in the world won’t help if you can’t a connection to the internet, which is 8kun’s current problem.

20994941? ago


Fuck off back to 8kun

20994619? ago

There isn't going to be a 8Kun. EVER. So get past the hyper delusional thinking and move on.

20994589? ago

Ehh we're talking Q, and the gov.

If they want the site up, it'll go up, right in time.

20996987? ago

The government can't openly support 8ch

20996776? ago

How much did Barry's Healthcare website cost again?

20997898? ago

$1.7 billion

20996195? ago

I say it was to go online with FISA IG release, but that report got delayed so perhaps waiting for the end of the month.

20995402? ago

Let’s accept your point for sake of argument.

You realize that the deniability of Q is damaged if it becomes transparently obvious it’s being hosted or supported by the government.

So to the extent that deniability is still a mission objective government or military support in terms of internet infrastructure is counterproductive.

Not to mention the obvious fact that hosting image boards or doing DDOS mitigation for them is not the business of government. I mean we might as well have a Q posts section on the DIA website if that is how it must go down.

20999059? ago

Can someone remind me what the usefulness of deniability is?

21000021? ago

I think the other poster is somewhat correct, but supposedly Q is not breaking the law because he is able suggest information “socratically” via leading questions in order to introduce information and connections into the public sphere. So supposedly they are skirting the law by being so oblique.

But there are other aspects to consider. For example, the mere fact that it is an unofficial source of purported insider information means the info can be injected in an end run around the media filter. As an unofficial source the media has to decide how to cover the movement without giving credence or drawing more support to it. Whereas if it were an official source they would just filter it and repackage it in order to counter, dilute, and spin the message.

Plus it has a moral building cheerleading effect because we sense that POTUS is talking to us through the unofficial channel because it gibes with what we’re seeing and hearing from him, when he talks about the deep state for example. So it builds a movement, a base of support from people like us who know something is wrong and who need our President to fight back. Plus the intrigue built in draws interest on its own.

Plus it functions as an implied threat to the deep state. Many drops speak directly to the deep state players who are then forced to react. You want your enemy to be forced to react because then he’s playing your game rather than making you react to his moves. I believe it’s called initiative in chess.

So there are potentially several aspects to it as a deniable and unofficial source which become nullified or mitigated once it is actually owned or disavowed.

20999681? ago

Dropping classified info is against the law

21000563? ago

Q had never dropped classified info...pokes around the edges and lots of digs...but never anything explicit.

21000244? ago

Also protecting the face of US is important.

Imagine chinq and bears when they get confirmation that cabal runs things in the USA.

They will use it as propaganda tool

20996973? ago

you are correct, sir.

20996671? ago

See ... the one person I converted has talked about Q or Trump needing deniability from the beginning ... isn’t , or didn’t it seem Q was daring the media to ask “the Q”? I have seen a couple videos where a question about Q was asked with a half ass answer ... but it always seemed to me they were blatantly connecting trump to Q ... color me confused

20997519? ago

It’s meant to be confusing. No one knows exactly how much of Q’s demand for the media to ask the Q is actually a bluff.

At least naively there would seem to be some obvious risks involved, especially after 8ch got tarred as a hate site or after it got associated with shootings. Imagine how much hay the media would make out of an admission like that if it came from POTUS.

It could be a game of chicken. They haven’t called his bluff yet, preferring to discredit Q as a LARP and to shit up 8ch as a violent hate site. Arguably they’re in a better position now if the revelation did come out.

This has always been a risk, and could explain why the secret service tamped down on Q at rallies following the Hoover dam incident.

If everyone in Q army could be extremely responsible with their actions and statements, and not commit / incite violence, that’d be great.

Anything else clearly works to the advantage of the deep state, since they can position themselves to condemn POTUS if there ever were an official admission.

Of course, it’s basically impossible because even if every sincere Q follower did conduct himself / herself responsibly, we would still have shills and agent provocateurs who can make use look bad to the normies. And plus the power of mind control / subtle forms of manipulation to goad ideologues into actions like Hoover dam (assuming it wasn’t an agent provocateur) is still there as well. That’s some actual black magic type stuff yo.

Basically we’re screwed. But the good news is, if God is for us, who can be against us? No one. So get your hearts right with God. Eventually we are all going to meet our maker, but we’re hoping it will be later not sooner.

Also there’s a time travel aspect to this. Basically there seems to be different possible futures pulling us in different directions, which helps to explain why things are so crazy right now and how this particular battle should have a definitive end at some point, win or lose.

The stakes could not be higher.

21000168? ago

You are basically saying that this eight years are a converging focal points of multiple dimensions/timeliness which will grow From battles won by us....

21000349? ago

It does seem that way. And it doesn’t seem like Hugh Everett’s many worlds is correct, but rather a version of David Bohm / Louis de Broglie pilot wave theory of quantum mechanics is right, in which the future state can retroactively affect the present in order to bring about the unlikely but not impossible outcome out of the multiple possibilities. This is known as teleological retrocausality.

In other words, there is a process whereby possible futures are pared down to become the singular present moment, and due to the time-symmetric nature of QM laws, the future can reach back into the past and influence what happens in our present.

So in the view, the notion that everything that’s possible really happens in some universe is (many worlds) is wrong. From our perspective different futures are possible, and they’re fighting it out to be the winner of what actually gets to take place.

How we choose to spend our energy, attention, and willpower directly contributes to the outcome. So let’s keep pulling for freedom, and keep asking that God’s will be done below as it is above. Because the alternative means human potential is handicapped and we will enslaved in a nightmarish invisible Huxlean prison for untold generations.

21003154? ago

When I first REALLY LISTENED and understood Richard Fynemann lectures on quantum mechanic

I immediately got to know that this exlpains multiple parallel dimensions, multiple serial or hierarcchy leveled dimensions ie. heaven and hell


everything is possible, this universe is magical, immensly complex and beautiful !

20998712? ago

You had for about 75% of that ... god and time travel not so sure. Treating your fellow man how “god” would ask and how you would ask to be treated ? Couldn’t agree more ...

Which is part of the problem with this movement ... we are a little quick to snap off, and tell people to fuck off, which is understandable ... but you can’t teach anyone or tell someone they are wrong by yelling at them ... which is what we do. But, I’d people are that gullible to be swayed by the likes of a confused little boy (mad cow) or a Vanderbilt, they sort of deserve it.

Back to Q, I kind of think the point of this is that it must come out eventually ... this thing doesn’t survive without exposing Q is ( to paraphrase Q) “you won’t believe who is talking to you”

If future proves past, and news unlocks yada yada ... then the story must come out, and all of the moderate doubters and libtards who aren’t totally gone, must be able to go back and look at the posts and go “fuck, this was no joke” ...

The simple refusal by the media to acknowledge the content in any of the posts is proof enough to me. They scream “larp” and use words like “alt-right” and “conspiracy”, but can’t actually draw a debate and more eyeballs ... the series of debunking articles may prove many “hits” Q was getting where people can actually track that stuff ... chatter over cell phones by us, could be astromical, and I have feeling if words start trending in texts by large amounts, alarms go off somewhere ... in places run by psychopathic ass-holes

21000207? ago

Absolutely correct asumption.

We are actively Monitored by both blacks and whites

They all bragged to ask the question and nobody dared

20997930? ago

^^^this, big time

Human nature, evil, etc have not been magically transformed by or because of Q, this is mostly, the same world it was in 2016. We have to let the pros in SIGINT, Special Forces, etc work this through and just sit tight.

20995179? ago

I think it's down to counter New Zealand 2.0. Of course they were going to frame the Q movement in a much bigger way. It'll be down as long as their timeframe to execute the opp.

20994963? ago

talking Q, and the gov.

If they want the site up, it'll go up, right in time.

Yes, suddenly the government is competent lol

And yet so incompetent that a high level official in the military gets surprise kicked offline for 6 weeks

21000234? ago

No dumbass that's a retarded comment the government is literally capable of coming to your house right now I'm figuring out exactly what you ate last night the power they have is no joke website is simple especially something that looks like f****** 8chan

21007255? ago

literally barely literate

20999045? ago

They better be, considering this mission

20998771? ago

Well thankfully Obama moved ICANN OVER to UN control.


20998861? ago

Yet ICANN didn’t knock 8chan offline.

21004403? ago

Chatlog : Hotwheels and "StephenLynx" discussing 8kun


20998149? ago

In all fairness, we are talking about multiple factions of the government competing for a winner takes all position. a literal clusterfuck coup is in progress

20998705? ago

That doesn’t sound particularly fair to reality.

21007261? ago

while i do believe Q is strong on multiple levels, Q is not an all powerful deity. Q deals with variables as does any tactician waging wars on multiple fronts.

21007463? ago

waging wars shitposting on fullchan

There you are

21007630? ago


20997611? ago


20995282? ago

It may be a surprise to you. It makes perfect sense to me. It has been better for Q to be offline during this time.

20998064? ago

Oh come on. I'm a Q supporter and even I don't believe that.

Trump could get assassinated by Pelosi with a handgun in public and you idiots would still say it's part of Q's plan.

21003445? ago

They're cultists. It's honestly sad. I feel sorry for them.

21000232? ago

you obviously arnt a reader of Q, nor a patriot..

20999330? ago

I assure you she is searched thoroughly before she ever steps into the OO.

But, if his military guard blinked long enough for something bad to happen to the prez...... are you ready? THE FREAKING MILITARY WOULD POUNCE ON ALL YOU FUKING CRIMINALS.

That is part of The Plan.

20996961? ago

Yeah, it’s been a difficult thing to spin.

Call you l8er!

20996919? ago


20995067? ago

Likely that both sides have competent programmers....

20997138? ago

Light programmers vs Dark programmers.

They can't stop what is coming. We are watching a show.

20998782? ago

Hey man, do you write in all 1's or 0's?

20998957? ago


20998009? ago

Im still in the boat that the patriots are not in full control. Fighting a winning battle yes, but these evil cunts aren't gonna go out without a fight.. Nothing is given

20998387? ago

The essence of Light is creation - i.e. 8KUN

The essence of Dark is obstruction i.e. current 'remedy' to 8KUN.

(((They))) are displaying 'text book' desperation. I do not doubt their 'might' but I know what happens to the DARK after LIGHT is introduced - D5

20995017? ago

Those who are blind, will soon SEE

20995042? ago

I wasn’t going to believe you, but then you add CAPS and fuck, Q IS TRUE

20995345? ago

Yet, you are here...

20994995? ago

No we are talking about a private individuals website that we think a person in the Govt uses as a platform to communicate, that's what we are talking about. There is no evidence that 8chan/8Kun is operated by the Government.

20997977? ago

It wouldn't be operated by the Gov... It would just be leveraged under the Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically For Engagement Act of 2017 or the COVFEFE Act of 2017.

8Chan was never protected (physically), it's the conversations coming/going. Similar to why Twatter doesn't screw w/POTUS tweets... They are protected official communications/materials (of sorts)...

An ethical Govt/mil mbr will not interfere w/the destruction/resurrection of 8 Chan... There is a legitimate/silent cheering section though. The actions taken by bad actors, were akin to a huge middle finger to all anons, real or perceived.

For the record, Govt mbrs do sometimes utilize Chans/Voat due to the ability to leverage greater anonymity vs using a .gov/.mil site that we must give our consent to be monitored upon login.

20995026? ago

is no evidence

This doesn’t really seem to bother anyone around here

20996928? ago

Fuck off projector.

20994939? ago

I think it's safe to say "LARP" at this point.

20994638? ago

I tend to agree with you, but I wanted to post this so everyone could be informed, as lots of people are still asking about the status of 8kun.

20995108? ago

It’ll be up when it’s up, until then we don’t need posts like this.

20995490? ago

The purpose of this is to keep everyone informed. Anons should know what is going on.

20999912? ago

I appreciate your post.

20995733? ago

We already do. The someone posts about it every hour it seems. I agree with commenter. It’ll happen when it happens. This is just noise that slides the board.

20996264? ago

Fuck you faggot.

20995639? ago

Thank you for keeping us up to date. More info is always good.

20995661? ago

Agreed...anyone who says more info isn't necessary is playing for the wrong squad...Thanks, OP!

20994495? ago

Hot Wheels is just an angry little fucking manlet.

20995877? ago

He is just a paid spokesperson.

20999172? ago


20998561? ago

From who?

20998676? ago

Rothschild? He has a boner for Q.

21003926? ago

Various kikes

20995947? ago


20995063? ago

Voat honey trapped?

Anyone wanna chime in?


21002528? ago

Interesting. What's ipfs? Can't really find info on it.

21003453? ago

Permanent Upload is a simple, secure, and easy tool to upload any file onto the IPFS.

IPFS is an open source file sharing mechanism that uses extreme redundancy and sharding to ensure maximum file resiliency.

Search, view, access, and download IPFS files quickly and easily right in your web browser from any device!

21010157? ago

I see. Thank you. So from my understanding, it seems that everyone would need to host a version of the website on their home server to avoid any DDOS attacks. Which means that there's another problem. People can upload really bad illegal shit and you would be hosting it in your house. I don't see that as a good thing.

20994463? ago

Anyone with twitter should annihilate fat wheels comments section.

20994719? ago

QAnon twitter tough guys

20995775? ago

Shilling voat tough guy

20995180? ago

We will change the css and blacken your screen if you don't watch yourself

21003970? ago

Stop being a fagtard

20994455? ago

Watkins knows what's running on, better than us. And he said today that in the next hours the site will be online. Still not. I am really confused.

20994602? ago

It appears to me that Watkins is choosing not to be transparent about what is taking place.

20994978? ago

Watkins is a greasy pedo

20995807? ago

You're a greasy pedo

20996947? ago

20997325? ago

Not opening that you rascal. ;)

20994417? ago

Does gitmo have wheelchair access?

20999136? ago

They just recently renovated some cell blocks to include wheel chair accessibility along with other things geared towards geriatrics.

20999223? ago

Hotwheels' cell needs a slight depression covered in greased ball bearings...and triple the voltage to his chair so if he ever does get traction, he'll rocket into a wall.

20994414? ago

Sooooooooo much bullshit

20994413? ago

ugh this little POS.

20994411? ago

It would be just awful if something bad happened to the little freak.

20996992? ago

now now... let's all just chill.

20997288? ago

Yeah, snotwheels at room temperature sounds chill to me.

20994855? ago

Thats what the soup that came to him said and now he is pserging, his vendetta is just ac onvient excuse.

20994372? ago

I'm so tired of hearing about this.

20994352? ago


Ha ha ha ha ha.

Shill harder, Jew cock sucker.

20994370? ago

Goddam you are fucking retarded. I posted the sauce. Go read it, dipshit.

20994310? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#68840) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

20994300? ago

do you really think this little twit is doing shit to keep 8kun offline when the military is essentially running the show? fuck no, he's putting on a dog and pony show

20994992? ago

when the military is essentially running the show?

If you take out the fantasy about the military running the op, it makes a lot more sense. As in, total and complete sense.

20994987? ago

Cope, faggot.

20996246? ago

stfu tiny clown

20994353? ago

He really is. He notified Zare that 8ch is trying to come online through their network. Zare essentially said “oh shit, we had no idea this was 8ch, we don’t want this on our network. We are now blocking them. Let us know if you see them try to do it again.”

Jim changed IP’s and tried again. Hotwheels went to Zare and they blocked him a second time. Looks like Jim is now trying to go through Chinese cloud services.

If you would just read Brennan’s fucking twat page, you would see what is going on.

20995723? ago

Looks like Jim is now trying to go through Chinese cloud services.

That doesn't make any sense at all. If there were any place that despises free speech, it is China.

20997640? ago

But it’s possible that it’s part of a trade deal.

20994364? ago

i read his shit yesterday. that's the problem with your notion. you're not considering the source is the world's tiniest clown.

20994400? ago

Ok, maybe he is, but Jim definitely planned to bring 8kun online on the 17th and definitely got blocked. That is what everyone should know so they can stop asking “why isn’t 8kun online?”

20994654? ago

no Jim did not "definitely" plan to bring it online on the 17th. fuck faggots that read Praying Medic tweets and don't bother actually listening to what the source said.

20994741? ago

I am not using praying medic as a source mother fucker. Hotwheels tweeted all this shit real time as it unfolded on his twitter page. He showed 8kun coming online and detailed all his efforts to stop it. If you’re too lazy to go read for yourself, then just do everyone else a favor and stay out of the conversation.

20994865? ago

Jim did not say "definitely the 17th" did you watch it or not?

20995558? ago

Brennan showed on his twitter page that Jim was trying to bring 8kun online. That is when he interfered and contacted Zare. Zare then blocked them.

20994331? ago

The military has nothing to do with Q. Quit your boomer fantasy.

20995812? ago

@Tallest_Skil is that you,,,,, sounds retarded might be you.

20997739? ago

Who are you and what did I prove you wrong about, you fucking pussy? How about you prove THAT guy wrong, too, subhuman?

20999104? ago

The only sub human is you schlomo.

20999412? ago

Thanks for admitting you were wrong and I was right, coward.

21003836? ago

I do admit that you were right. I never thought anyone could stuff such things up their arse but you proved me wrong. And yes I am a coward I guess, because I will never stuff things like that up my arse like brave you.

21004476? ago

Cry more about your god’s nonexistence.

21010806? ago

Are you black. You present yourself as dumb as a nigger.

21011611? ago

Still not an argument.

8kun is the rebrand of 8chan, by the people who stole it from Hotwheels, because they’re subhuman kikes who stole it for the sole purpose of stopping whites from having a platform. 8chan was destroyed by its jewish owners. The site is gone and will never come back. Ever. This is the paid shilling rebranding. /pol/ will not be there. Board creation will not be there. All textual support of whites will be banned instantly. No pro-white speech is allowed. Oh, and Q-LARP, your lord and savior, will not be there. Your own god said that NO ONE posting off of 8chan would be legitimate. And 8chan is gone FOREVER.

Let’s recap:

  • Your god did not create a public encryption key. ANYONE can pretend to be it, anywhere.
  • Your god did not post any secondary proof of its existence, such as a bitcoin address. Its tripcode IS TOTALLY CONTROLLED BY JIM AND THE PASSWORD CAN BE CHANGED OR GIVEN AWAY AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON.
  • Your god is so all powerful that it couldn’t even keep a single website on the Internet.
  • Your god explicitly said that NO communicationpretending’ to be it on any platform other than 8chan is real.
  • 8chan is gone forever.
  • 8chan’s code is completely open to the website owners, who are responsible for getting rid of it, forever.
  • Q-LARP’s tripcode and trip password, if that code even still exists AT ALL, is visible to them, and they can sell it to whomever they want.
  • The site owners actively hate white people and want them exterminated, as well as the banning of all pro-white speech.

21012899? ago

@Tallest_Skil, you really are a special kind of retard. Bless your heart, I think you actually believe your own bullshit. But it is ok, the adults are here to keep you safe.

21013186? ago


Reminder that you cannot disprove a single word I said and cannot even reply to the topic of discussion.

Reminder that I literally quoted your own god, and you can’t refute it.

Reminder that your hoax was disproven a week after it started, two entire years ago.

Reminder that you’ve been fucking had. Even the holocaust has more reality behind it than your Q-LARP.

21020820? ago

Dude you still fucking moslems behind the 7-11 for nacho money?

21021179? ago

Hi, paid shill. Kill yourself.

21021993? ago

you would like that wouldnt you? Then you could rape my corpse. I know your game ya pervert.

20994355? ago

cool story, bro