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20992521? ago

tatacomunications? That's Tits!

20993613? ago

This means NOTHING.

A tracert just shows the path the ip packets take to go from your location to the website. What other it takes depends on where you are.

The only way this is meaningful is if it was the last hop meaning they are hosted by them.

20994268? ago

Aren't Autists usually savant-like and super focused at a few things, but completely inept at others? Or they'd be called geniuses?

Like our Autists - they connect dots. Probably make really good detectives if they had the right team around them. Then there's the ones who sit down and can hear a song and play that on a piano with very little experience (I'm sure they have to have some knowledge of a piano). Then the autist that can fly in a helicopter and spend the next week with a pen and draw the skyline of a city in great detail.

Could be wrong. Should Google, but didn't.