20994896? ago

It seems that Justin Kisses Ass BETTER than Joe Biden.

20994856? ago

The spotlight is on Biden, the roaches are running for cover.

21023172? ago

Their Symbolism Will be Their Downfall Anonymous https://voat.co/v/anon/3451514

20993014? ago

Does the Logan Act apply to makeup and...anal intercourse?

20992907? ago


20993938? ago

Things HAVE been happening though! Will it culminate with some grand spectacle is the true question.

20994027? ago

NOTHING is HAPPENING. Except Impeachment.

20998275? ago

Why are you so invested in something that isn't happening? You're here on Voat to tell people they're wrong? What's the deal?

Is this you Hil?

20992242? ago

It's not surprising tbh... They both know what it's like to be black.

20992012? ago

Sure... in reality tho is nothing's going to happen and people will just remain on anonymous pages talking about how woke we are lol

It's like knowing you have Cancer and the treatments won't stop it but pretending that you know it's there and don't like it makes a difference...

20992284? ago

tee hee

so, how are the bagels?

20994912? ago

cannot get a decent bagel in my town, dammit.

20991984? ago

Sure. Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens. We got Assange! Yay! Nothing happened.

We got the IG report! Yay! What's going to happen? Nothing.

We're untangling spygate! Yay! What's going to happen? Nothing

20994965? ago

Doing Things and Doing Things LEGALLY and PERMANENTLY are different functions.

One can be done Quick and Dirty but with INTENSE BLOWBACK.

The other takes TIME and INTEGRITY to wallow across the slow-moving River of Justice.

IF you gonna DO sumpin' - DO IT RIGHT.

20991779? ago

i could just picture turd-o & barry arguing over who is gonna fuck who in the ass.. no... (tehee) you first... NO! lol you first!... no!YOU first... NO... YOU first!... teeheee..

20991513? ago

Niggers loving on niggers.

If fuckhead Hussein thinks his endorsement of NiggerFAGGOT Trudeau in Canada will make any difference, he’s the dumbest fucking nigger south of the 49th.

20991487? ago

It's not really BHO. The DS is using his accounts to continue the narrative. Because he cannot anymore.

20998906? ago

he was just in chicago speaking at an event. not likely a stand in.

20991568? ago

Read smth about this yep, wouldn't surprise me either, predictable cabal tactic to use their puppets images and accounts or double stand ins to try and benefit as much as possible from public figures, they did the same with Howard Hughes apparently, killed him, then replaced him with a double for their own benefit, sick bastards!

21005776? ago

Both sides are ds controlled in Canada, the press hasn't been protecting JT like you would expect. This is no different then 2012 in the US were you had mitt/ryan.

Is it possible that Canada was part of POTUS's deal with the queen? Maybe the US will add another 11 states.