So when will the Military storm The Standard Hotels? They are trafficking in plain sight. (QRV)
submitted 5.2 years ago by 3476214?
This video hurts me to my soul. This is straight from The Standard Hotels YouTube channel. In plain sight they are trafficking and advertising these children.
Q on The Standard Hotel
21079950? 5.1 years ago
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20991624? 5.2 years ago
Never. Learn our laws.
20991297? 5.2 years ago
The Military does not do law enforcement in the United States. It is strictly against the law with punishments for violations.
20990978? 5.2 years ago
So when will the Military storm the US Congress? They are committing Treason in plain sight
20990757? 5.2 years ago
Yea Think how a normie would see that. I wonder how many of the regular employees know about what really goes on there too
20990619? 5.2 years ago :
Pizza Party with the experts at The Standard Plaza - YouTube
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21079950? ago
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20991624? ago
Never. Learn our laws.
20991297? ago
The Military does not do law enforcement in the United States. It is strictly against the law with punishments for violations.
20990978? ago
So when will the Military storm the US Congress? They are committing Treason in plain sight
20990757? ago
Yea Think how a normie would see that. I wonder how many of the regular employees know about what really goes on there too
20990619? ago :
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