20994176? ago





A 400 lb genius

Means verification.

Game set match.

Popcorn please

20993393? ago

I just LOVE how he trolls them.

20991932? ago

Exactly. DJT doesn't even hint at it unless he KNOWS already. I love this President!

20991368? ago


20990882? ago

I am not here for the rah-rah-rah-go-Trump.

I am here for the arrests. When will Hillary be dragged away in chains? WHEN?

20991698? ago

re-read the first Q drops and change the year to 2019...

20992410? ago

Getting really dissatisfied. We don't even have communication from Q any more. They keep saying "soon". They can't even keep 8ch up and running. At a time when we need information now more than ever.

21012188? ago

We can thank JBrennan for that as he has history with Codemonkey and has voiced it in the past.

20992931? ago

you're too attached to the outcome and that's exactly what satan wants to keep you trapped here.

get some weed and and enjoy the show.

it's ALL a movie and our parts have already been written...the ONLY thing you can control is YOUR reaction;)

20990803? ago

It's called a lecturne. People speak at a lecturne. You stand on a podium. You talk at a lecturne.

20990164? ago

Nope....Tom Fitton 2024

20990151? ago

He stuck between knowing everything and destroying everything. We are willing to burn this bitch down for truth but he thinking about grandma when the system collapses she gone.

20990103? ago

It was wonderful!

20989309? ago

That was awesome! Hillary should be soiling her depends but she's an arrogant psychopath so we'll just have to hope she'll go kicking and screaming during her arrest. (Crosses fingers)

20989112? ago

Any Vegas odds makers on what kind of emails will be found?

1) human/sex trafficking

2) extortion

3) quid-pro-quo

4) bumping off people

5) The Island

6) Republicans on the take

7) Journalists on the take

8) pedo

9) eating babies

10) grandchildren and yoga

20994196? ago

Yoga, wedding plans and evil cult rituals

20991910? ago

Would it be criminal enough for the DOJ though

20991650? ago

I've seen her smiling about her grandchildren in interviews and she actually seems like she might 'like' them...

wonder how they decide which children are fair game and which are off limits?

20991694? ago


20990237? ago

I bet 1-10

20989955? ago

The world is not ready for 9, that would cause pandemonium. But I'm pretty sure 10 ain't it

20990071? ago

nah definitely some 10 in there. Who's "Grandchildren" should we eat this weekend and The yoga teacher will be dropping off the "Pizza" for the party just before we arrive to the "studio"

20988684? ago

Curious question to the unemotional QRV "freethinkers" - what will you do if Trump does not deliver a secure border wall or make arrests prior to Nov 2020?

20992059? ago

The rational answer includes two lines of evidence.

1. The greater blame of any such failure, should it happen, would deservedly go to the deliberate media sabotage. Therefore, what I will do is shine a light on media lies.

2. I would logically take into account other elements of the big picture and realize that your nit-picking sets up a slanted standard for drawing rational conclusions. Therefore, what I will do is toss out bad data.

21008077? ago

On #1, I'd say you're dodging. Media sabotage has nothing to do with border wall funding or border patrol setting up cameras recording illegals pour over the border which is then recycled into the "conservative" news media. ALL MEDIA is controlled and the CIA is an propaganda campaign intended to shape opinion positively for the current president.

On #2, "nit-picking" is a naive perspective considering Trump was elected on "BUILD THE WALL" and the comment that overwhelmingly awakened the nation: "Because you'd be in jail"

Stop sounding like a fag as you type and get to the meat of the conversation.

21009866? ago

Interesting response. I was larping to see if anyone would bite, because to me, it seemed stupid to ask "free thinkers" what they would do in regard to one or two very specific and narrow issues. Those who are single-issue voters (abortion comes to mind) are hardly ever called "free thinkers." More commonly they are called myopic, narrow-minded, or bigots.

Whatever was meant by 'nitpicking is a naïve perspective' went over my head because for me, freethinking and single-issue are not compatible.

21010022? ago

Q's entire curriculum is about awakening to the truth of what's happening in the world... yet nothing is being done.

We have McCabe and Strzok practicing open treason without accountability. Our country is getting overrun by the Jew World Order's Kalergi Plan (UN's Replacement Migration), soon enough we'll be like Sweden, Germany, or London.

I just wonder how long is acceptable for the patriots to trust the plan without action.

21010120? ago

I just wonder how long is acceptable for the patriots to trust the plan without action.

Now, that's a reasonable inquiry.

21010421? ago

More like different outreach strategies for distinct audiences.

20990135? ago

I'm patient. He has until 2024 and then we impeach if not.

21008281? ago

Not concerned of his signing of Bill 672, the illegality of challenging the same concerns in FL schools throughout bachelor's degree (FL HB 741), or the $38 billion to Israel, who affords free healthcare and free college, when we cannot find $5 billion for our own border?

You're the perfect goy

21008087? ago

Well I guess we then accept the Kalergi Plan and pray we don't turn into Sweden, Germany, and London.

20989970? ago

Continue working at the local level to secure my own border as always, hby?

21008132? ago

Best answer given so far but I guess we never challenge or question the status quo by that nature.

20989732? ago

I got my vote when he killed TPP

Everything else is icing.

HRC political power diminished

Heads on both sides of the aisle rolling

Nickelback memes breaking the internet

Sure some shot I disagree with but I’m not fucking raging 24/7 or in a re-education camp or bombing Russia

Imagine if she had won.

21008035? ago

You aren't wrong but to not hold accountability is irresponsibility of the citizenry.

I guess we accept the Kalergi Plan because he shot down the TPP while enriching the corporatocracy further with tax reform?

21008451? ago

Absolutely agreed. I was just stating the scope of my c

Vote. 2020 is another thing

20989663? ago

He has to start making arrests because if he doesnt by nov 3rd, it will look look like political hit jobs...

Isn't the IG report come out today?

Doesn't the Marines activate on the 19th?

I guess we will see what happens soon..

21008160? ago

"soon" and "trust the plan" and the typical datefagging that never results gets tiring but your hope is either worth admiring or pitying.

The uncertainty is concerning for those seeing the unaccounted treason and Kalergi Plan (UN's "Replacement Migration") continue.

21011957? ago

** The uncertainty is concerning for those seeing the unaccounted treason and Kalergi Plan**

21073271? ago

Dave Hodges

No namer.

this fear-mongering UN and not one single pic or video to back his claim of this.

Wrong. https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/ageing/replacement-migration.asp

By the way, it is Kalergi Principle not Plan.

Wrong again.

Just because you're half way to the truth (QRV) doesn't mean you should reject the rest. Learn about Agenda 21, it's very real.

21073455? ago

So you have evidence that UN has rolled out?

What state did they start in?

How many are dead?

Are the citizens (that are armed) shooting back at least?

If yes to any of that, got the sauce for the pasta?

Ok on the tern plan and very aware of Agenda 21 & 30.

US Population 2017 vs 2025


21125907? ago

So you have evidence that UN has rolled out?

It's called not living in a bubble

What state did they start in?

All of Europe, America, Canada at the least. Germany is bad. Sweden is the worst. Look there, or city of London.

How many are dead?

Plenty, Many.

Are the citizens (that are armed) shooting back at least?


If yes to any of that, got the sauce for the pasta?

Taranto ring a bell?

21137825? ago

One more thing:

These places are not states:

All of Europe, America, Canada at the least. Germany is bad. Sweden is the worst. Look there, or city of London.

Take a geography class if not sure why these are countries and not states..

21177118? ago

Nation states, retard.

21181175? ago

Lol nation states! Good one kike!

21191031? ago

Hi Rabbi

21137616? ago

I did my own homework, you were useless and a waste of time.

It turns out they are here, Mr BubbleMan


Instead of you make yourself useless, make yourself useful and spread the word for the petition Mr. Bubbleman.

petition here http://unitednationsutah.com/

20989187? ago


20989019? ago

I'm satisfied with quiet deaths like with McCain, GHWB, and Cummings.

21008124? ago

For all we know they're "killed" in the public limelight while getting a private island full of children.

If they're shipped to GITMO or hung for treason, I'd prefer the truth than more lies. I guess we're always okay with lies.

20990091? ago

I'm not but things are starting to heat up. I'll continue to live hopefully that everything was meant to happen post 2020. I'll red pill people respectfully like it's my job.

If by 2021 nothing big happens. I'mma step away for a little bit. I may just check the weekly trending bitchute to see if there's anything worth dabbling into.

I will say. . My life has downswung since I started diverting so much attention into shit I don't have any control over. I want SO BAD for justice to be done, that I have prioritized the chans and voat and whatever else, trying to be up to date and get the arrests I so crave, over my my own needs. That needs to stop. I have a couple months left before I have to axe it all and maybe check in once in a while.

20991357? ago

Yeah I have a lot of trouble socializing nowadays because when i bting uo anything i read up on and research I judt get called a white supremacist. Even from white people. I feel so god damned alone in my own country.

20990269? ago

take care of your self and your family....its nice to have this info but its more important that you stay connected.. truth is everything is an onion being peeled and the peeling of this onion will last longer the a Trump presidency

20990230? ago

If you feel that you're diverting too much attention to current events you should do that now, patriot. The movement can continue without you watching to make sure it's there. And as for the question about the border wall - there's no doubt in my mind it'll be done. I don't know about 2020, but he's clearly working on it. If he has to deal with congress in the mean time that's just how it is, but they can't prevent him from doing it if he gets in again.

20994200? ago

Thanks Patriot - I'm getting to the point where the rewards are not greater than the price of my time. Not there yet but will definitely be considering soon to change up the routine. Truth is, I went through a really tough time about 2 years ago. I'm not really one to talk about my problems, just grind them out until I have solutions, then I can talk about them if anyone still wants to. For things that are particularly stressful, I have a couple times in my life turned to heavy substance abuse of just about anything.

This time - I should probably thank all you folks. Instead of going out and doing all that shit again, I had a routine that I actually would rather stick to then go out and completely ruin my body. 12 pack a beer and a couple shooters, bitchute on one screen, voat and /pol on the other, and usually fall asleep when out of booze. Haven't touched anything other than booze in close to 5 years!

20994350? ago

Just make sobering up part of your personal plan to MAGA.

20988872? ago

hey curious ... larp, shill or just sowing dissent

21007974? ago

I suppose you can categorize me under sowing dissent since Trump's pro-Israel stance is highly questionable with Bill 672, DeSantis signing FL HB 741, and $38 billion to Israel, a country affording free healthcare and free college, without finding 5 billion for our wall.

The problem I have with QRV is there certainly are freethinkers in here but the boomer echo chamber is annoying. We believe Israel is our greatest ally when a historically aware person can recognize the Zionist influence that enslaved all of mankind and rules the world.

"To learn who rules over you, find who you cannot criticize."

20988851? ago

I don’t expect the wall to be “complete”. In fact I think the construction now is a fence by definition. Would be cool to get a secondary structure made of concrete in the future but it is what it is.

Not sure about public arrests. I do believe that Trump needs a good majority in the house and senate before any big action like mass arrests can happen. My current hope is that all the declass stuff is being timed for the elections.

Either way, it’s been a hell of a ride and a lot of people have had to expose who they really are. Our political system will never be the same.

21008259? ago

The incomplete wall is both concrete AND fence in areas, which is drastically different than originally intended and leaves room for more opportunity of illegal border crossings.

I appreciate public transparency more than theater but to each their own. I appreciate your answer regardless.

20988828? ago

Trust the plan.

20988616? ago

Yep..."they" have it all.

20988169? ago

He also implied that "We will not be leaving, don't tell the fake news! They'll go CRAZY!"

When he says "We" in that sentence, he also said it another way something like "Our campaign" -- he is talking about HIS family.

Eric or Donald Trump for next election, maybe even Ivanka.

8 years later... We have Eric/Donald/Ivanka...

8 years later... We have Eric/Donald/Ivanka...

8 years later... We have Barron Trump...

8 years later... We have Eric/Donald/Ivanka's children...


This is directly correlated with the MASSIVE MUH JOO shilling we've been seeing in the last month on QRV.

Threads of +70/-11 votes, can you imagine the amount of effort these Sellout-small-dicked-neckbeards are expending as they panic?

They think muh joo shilling people who hang out on 8chan and filter-add their asses in .3 seconds everytime they copy paste MAH JOOs bullshit?


FUck all the bullshit, history is what matters.

God is fuckin real and he sent wanderers because guess what the Evil is real and if Evil exists but good did not, then the world would have been GONE long ago./

So EVIL is REAL and guess what, so is GOOD, meaning GOD.

Creator and nothing else.

He is sending not only wanderers to assist us, but now Starchildren, people are being born with an innate desire to serve the TRUE light of God, Creator, Optimus Prime.


When we get DJT elected in 2020, all optics are WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH out the window and the REAL WORK happens.

He won't give a shit anymore and can say WHATEVER he wants... just imagining the things he will say will keep me patiently waiting for Nov 3rd, 2020.

Guys... the most wonderful "I TOLD YOU SO" moment is coming FOR ALL OF US ANONS.

TO our families, to our friends, to our coworkers.

We are going to serve them up the biggest 'I-fucking-told-you-so, bitch, SANDWICH they have EVER FUCKING SEEN.

Just salivating....

21012226? ago

Barron will be fourth because he wouldnt be 35 yet.

20993179? ago

yea, Evil Is Real.

20991566? ago

exactly the deep state is FINISHED! Thank you GOD, Q and President Trump! We love you🇺🇸

20991408? ago

No dynasties. Plus, i do not think his kids are on his level... yet, if ever. That isn't intended as a knock on them, but more of an acknowledgement of how special POTUS45 is.

20991533? ago

Yes. Even the Donald wasn't ready for this job at their age. Some jobs take a lifetime to prepare for.

20993645? ago

I think Eric could do a good job if another Trump was needed to pick up the plan and run with it.

20990928? ago

Q was asked before if there was a plan for after POTUS was done....he said there is.We will see how this plays out....for now we need to concentrate on the task at hand.......DRAIN THE SWAMP

20993629? ago

He's also mentioned the plan extends past Trump. I just hope the arrests part happens before hrc dies of old age.

20990060? ago

Not as much of a God guy but would love if some honest dude, maybe a dickhead at times according to liberals, but I would digress only a dickhead to the stupid... I would love if the family trait was an ego so large and a family bond so strong that the Trumps just, like Hitler...out of nowhere, became the leaders that changed the world.

If not because of love for America (Which I feel Trump is a Patriot).... Even if it was more because they hate everyone else or wanted to be anointed in history as the family who saved the world. Wanted to be the "Jesus" the books talk about in 2000 years. Fuck it, I absolutely do not care what the motives are. Stop the Jews. Go from there.

20990246? ago

don't mention Hitler with president Trump....it is an insult even if you did not mean it as one... I cam Guarantee you the idea that Trump would be disgusted that you invoked Hitler's name while talking about him.

20990898? ago

you actually think Trump doesn't know what Hitler was about?

20996251? ago

trump knows what Hitler was probably better then you do because my guess is you were never taught history

20993572? ago

^^This message not by original commenter, but approved by original commenter (NOT OP, who in this case seems like a nice religious guy, not a faggot)

20996261? ago

trump knows what Hitler was probably better then you do because my guess is you were never taught history.

21001848? ago

Nice. Not sure the point of this message. I wasn't taught history, but have done my own research and had enough input from Voat and the chans. Think I have a handle on it. Probably not as much as Trump, given his access to info. What was the point of this reply though?

I agreed with a guy who said "You actually think Trump doesn't know what Hitler was about?"

You then reply to tell me that Trump knows more than I do about Hitler... da fuck?

21002431? ago

the fact you seem to think Hitler was transformative...he was a symptom of a sick ideology. an ideology alive and will here on Voat that is trying to infect the Q anon posts here with identity politics of racial superiority .

21002493? ago

Get the fuck out of here you faggot shill. Or up your game. I'd rather read something I at least have to think about for a second before calling your kike ass out.

"The fact you seem to think Hitler was transformative" - Nah. Just took a country fucked by the world from the lowest of poverty where even OUR FUCKING EDUCATION SYSTEM tells you that "A wheelbarrow full of money" couldn't buy a loaf of bread to a prosperous country with shitloads of tech in a couple years. A country that went to absolute shit after a BS WW1 that gutted them to hell - and a decade or so later ALMOST STILL fucking won a war they didn't start. Against the world. Because of Jews...

Fuck you faggot, just get the hell out of here nobody buys a fucking word you say.

21002540? ago

yes let your evil slip out for all to see. let your delusional views be heard. let every one who bothers to look at this laugh at you for saying the Germans did not start ww 2. the great insidious thing about evil is that those swallowed by it see them selves as people with virtues while carrying the stink and rot of there beliefs

20989910? ago

Drink water. Check your stack.

20989355? ago

Ever stop to think kushner may be the very anti Christ you worry about? Blind faith is blind... Faith like that crippled your critical thinking skills.

20991588? ago

yeah whatever, if JK was one of (((them))), why would he work with Ivanka and her father to rid the world of




20991356? ago

At this point we need someone to believe in....

20988651? ago

I'd give you multiple upvotes if I could. Love and Light. Namaste. WWG1WGA.

20988591? ago

No. No fucking dynasties.

20989034? ago


20988129? ago

I'd be slightly worried if he was banging on the podium with something other than his hands.

20987975? ago

most politicians have one stump speech that they give over & over again. Trump changes it up. i've watched every rally he's had. love him or hate him, you gotta give him credit that he's great at public speaking & rallying a crowd while also just being himself. i doubt we'll ever see a politician so good at rallies in our lifetimes

20993414? ago

The difference between maintaining the status quo and trying to effect serious change...

20990797? ago

Not a politician, not quite a statesman, but a damn fine communicator!

20991449? ago

And we are OK with that already, or as we get to know the real Donald are on our way.

Some red pills are slow release.

20990039? ago

Sweet, sweet irony. The non-politician is the best politician.

20989082? ago

I Love our President!

20987918? ago

I noticed that too. Keeps tapping the right side with an open hand.

20988294? ago


20991617? ago

yeah that's what I was thinking

20996865? ago

When he is confirming something to us or others, he taps his hand (5 digits) twice on the podium each time > This means yes and 5:5 essentially. It's related to The Craft (Masonic). <

Sometimes he taps three times.

When he is talking about or to The Enemy, he does the OK > 666 hand sign and says Zero on one occasion, and none' on another occasion when doing this 666 "OK" hand sign.

Both hands are moving asll the time.

When he sits in a presser with a Foreign leader, he keeps opening and closing his hands, and ding a Masonic pyramid symbol (inverted triangle) and then closes the geasture by putting one had over the other in coded configurations.

When speaking to The Italian leader, the Italian was closed off the entire time, with legs crossed and leaning to the left. Trump was clearly in control of that meeting. <

I am figuring all this out slowly, but I am not a Mason. I these guys figured though. There are lots of different types of Masons, both good and very evil. It's a method.

20997899? ago

wow that's a great breakdown thanks for sharing and it makes a lot of sense.

I'm a mom and teacher, so I've used a lot of different hand signals with the kids over the years, and soon it becomes second nature. you also become very good at watching what works and what doesn't work.

sure it's the same way with DJT, he's obviously practiced a lot for this, especially after all his time on the apprentice.

20990909? ago

Peace. Nmbrfg.. ;)

20990936? ago

Hi buddy. Peace to you too.

Good to see you can find me easily. < You are catching on ..

I may need to change the codes up a bit to keep you on your toes haha!

Great <

Don't forget to check out the latest bread >

Trump Tweet T-9283 - Gematria Analysis > "TIPPY TRIPPY TRISCUIT" - 'o-o' <


TIPPY TRIPPY TRISCUIT is a notable from the tweet >

I have asked for this to be featured somehow by POTUS as a shout out to us <

Otherwise like you, I am waiting for Q to come back, so we can get the party started.

Take it easy Brother, and stay in touch.

Kindest regards,

BTW... Just for you >

NMBRFG = Cipher and Checkmate in Gematria

< = V - VX = Viper X (Number Fag actual call sign0

'o-o' < = The glasses worn by The White Rabbit

Anons = Alice

Number Fag = Cheshire Cat

QAnon = Q Continuum

This whole Matrix we find ourselves wading through = Wonderland

Take care.


20991222? ago

WestWorld (WW)

Season 2, episode 1

Hunters become the hunted

Have you ever questioned your reality?

You are watching a....

Peace and love, patriot

20996774? ago

That;s Awesome ;)

Let's write a series for each stage Netflix style, and I will do the copy.

I'd also like to do a reality TV version of current events > Interviews being dubbed over of 'contestants' explaining what they are doing, just like on MasterChef. Eliminations each week, and challenges.

I'd like to see Pelosi, Schiff and Quid Pro Joe go head to head in an elimination challenge, making a French Croquenbouche, with Gordon Ramsay, POTUS and Rudy Giuliani as food critics, and Stormy and Avenatti as guest returning eliminated contestants from time to time to annoy everyone.

Eliminated contestants go to GITMO, for a 'I am Traitor - Get me out of here' for a spin off show, filmed concurrently.

I have worked in reality TV as a contestant, so I know what I am doing here Anon <

'O-o' <

20998996? ago

You forgot, the 'wheel of fortune'... ;)

21002826? ago

Genius. <

I LOVE Vanna White too, so she can DEFINITELY be the word twirly girl fo sho <

Meanwhile back in Guantanamo Bay, CUBA, the contestants of 'I am a Traitor - Get me out of here!', are digging holes in the HOT sun, only to be filled up again by night shift. > Over, and Over, and Over again...

This song is playing in the background: 24/7/365

April Sun in Cuba >

'I am a Traitor - Get me out of here!'

21003492? ago

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dtww-zGWkAUePip.jpg ...

Im looking forward to meet the undiscovered stars

21003535? ago

The Stars as yet undiscovered, are looking forward to meeting you too Sir. <

21003847? ago

"Thats what THEY want"


20987557? ago


20988035? ago

saving israel for last


because they are the tip top of the control structure. lots of enemies to take care of. build momentum. establish a united states again. etc.

20988653? ago

You mean just like Hillary will be arrested and we will have a big, beautiful wall like no other wall ever seen?

20994597? ago

500 miles of wall already built. Approximately a mile per day.

20994620? ago

and more invaders than ever!

20994914? ago

Can you prove we have more invaders? Or just more attempted invaders? Because DS inciting more caravans doesn’t exactly mean there are more actual invaders

20994994? ago

If anyone in the US gov were serious about stopping all the bullshit then laws would be passed. No need for a wall. Any illegal caught gets two years at a hard labor camp. Second offense is hanging by the neck until dead. Put $100 bounties on all illegals. THAT would stop it. Instead, they play all these games and put on theater when its clear that most of these elite cocksuckers are addicted to cheap labor, like nannies, gardeners, etc

20995038? ago

Sadly, tracking, seizing, jailing, infrastructure for labor camps, personnel and guards for labor camps etc


Just a nice affordable wall. (PLUS nice laws for the folks who get past the wall)


20988443? ago

Tip Top > The Tippy Top Shape is the what ? > The Tetrahedron. Put two together opposite ways, and you get the Merkaba > Star of David <

That was a clue... <

20987626? ago

You’re a Jew’s dick tip that got sold to Sandra Bollock as a facial cream.

20988675? ago

Sandra is a jewish man. Look into it.

20987597? ago

Have some faith, faggot. This is the best chance we have at the moment.

20987594? ago

why are you even here

20987624? ago

Attempt to demoralize.

20987679? ago

It's like a toddler trying to demoralize Mount Everest. I wonder if they realize how .... boring .... keee-rist, how ... tedious, boorish, and clumsy are their methods.

20987622? ago

Shills are working

20987759? ago

Well,getting paid. Working indicates being productive or accomplishing a goal.

20987501? ago

Thank you Mr. President, MI, and Thank God.

20987499? ago

Yup. He keeps bringing it up, and whenever he keeps bringing things up ... ruh roh :)