20994534? ago

I see it like this... One less swamp creature to deal with 👍

20992263? ago

This guy may have been deathly ill ... People die natural deaths every day. He's dead. Not @ Gitmo.

20991613? ago

With all the praise coming from the Republicans including Trump allies like Trey Gowdy and Matt Gaetz and the the slip about the 17th from Biden, you'd think Cummings gave some good intel on the democrats.

20991106? ago

KEK. Did he have Achilles heel tendinitis as well, like half of Capitol Hill had a few years back? I remember those players wearing orthopedic boots, just to cover up the ankle brackets they were wearing underneath.

20990712? ago

he stays out of the light now because in the light you can see chicago is a stinky shit hole

20990268? ago

NMBRFG here.

I called this twice in my Gematria decode today >

Trump Tweet T-9283 - Gematria Analysis > "TIPPY TRIPPY TRISCUIT" - 'o-o' <


20990245? ago

Sometimes old fat wicked people just die.

Always interesting to play out the possibilities though.

100 % sure Cummings will face judgement.

20989341? ago

Pied piper came calling "RAT"

20988719? ago

Cummings died by his own mouth. He's on record as saying, "Trump will be re-elected over my dead body!" Maybe it's as simple and non-conspiratorial as the Good Lawd taking him up on it. Just like He did Janet Reno's, "Not in my lifetime."

Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Pv 18:21

20988167? ago

Ok. What crime are we talking about here?

20988243? ago

Why is Baltimore such a shit hole? Where did all the money go?

20988269? ago

Why is Baltimore such a shit hole?

Parts of it are quite nice! It’s really no worse than Detroit or DC, or even Cleveland. And the nice parts are pretty good!

Where did all the money go?

All what money?

20990030? ago

Almost 16 billion in federal grant in the last two fiscal years. Not to mention the countless grant the prior 13 years I'm not gonna bother researching. Corruption is rampant. 15 fucking years of his corruption is finally over. And sure. Some parts are nice. I'm sure Cummings lived in a beautiful neighborhood.

20993916? ago


This article from the local paper demonstrates why the 16bn is a misleading figure at best. The figure includes defense spending, Medicare/Medicaid payouts, and Social Security payouts.

Given the waterfront and proximity to DC, you must assume much of that is going into the black hole of DoD. Blaming it on Cummings being corrupt is just a layer of bullshit. What about the federal level who approves this money?

For a researcher you sound more like just a koolaid drinker.

20997902? ago

Changes topic. Pretends the discussion is about the city’s denizens not the congressman for the greater district

You’re absolutely correct! Cummins is responsible for every single one!

21005840? ago

He sure hasn't done much. I guess 15 years isn't long enough

20987692? ago

As much as I would like to believe that the good guys are taking action by literally killing off the corrupt and evil, my gut tells me this sick old man just cacked on his own. He was not a healthy guy.

Now if his skanky bitch of a wife gets to keep all that stolen money that will piss me off. If they are killing people they should off her too and get the money back!

20987524? ago

I’m not sure anything Cummings has done would resulted in GITMO or capital execution- perhaps suicide with impending fraud / corruption charges.

What am I missing?

20992210? ago

new EO, kid trafficking or knowing of trafficking and doing nothing is straight to gitmo and death

20989054? ago

Perhaps emails, other electronic tidbits plotting to assassinate certain people? Or more likely, computer files.

20988392? ago

This guy ruined thousands of lives all the while acting like a saint for the people he was stepping on, a true piece of shit is what you are missing.

20987773? ago

I think you're right about that.

20987483? ago

One thing to keep in mind regarding reality...Old Men Die...sometimes, rarely, they are assisted in that one way or another. Whether Mr Cummings was or not assisted in some way might be in question, but it CERTAINLY is NOT a CERTAINTY.

20988404? ago

I think it's mostly young people who don't understand death. They see it as a far away thing, something that happens to OLD people. They don't realize 68 is actually old.

20994776? ago

But they support a 80 year old Socialist. Go finger.

20987432? ago

Maxine Waters on Twitter:


It’s going to be difficult to sleep tonight & I know for many nights to come. My dear friend Rep. Elijah Cummings is gone. I’m going to miss him. He called me his mentor, but I considered him the finest public policymaker I ever worked with. Love you forever! #ElijahCummings

It’s going to be difficult to sleep tonight & I know for many nights to come

Really? Wonder why that is...

20992221? ago

that nigger is next

20987506? ago

Can you imagine anyone stupid enough to have Maxine Waters as their mentor? I'm sure he meant partner in crime.

20987636? ago

Surprised she mentioned it tbh

20987209? ago

Guess Scott Pressler struck too close to home, possibly, too soon!

20987172? ago

Interesting you said that. I am in South Florida vacationing and yesterday I saw two Chinooks flying south along the coastline out over the water. My first thought was some people that did something are on their way to GITMO.

Today at noon those Chinooks were flying back north.


20987125? ago

He's in israel with Jeffrey Epstein fucking Palestinian babies to death.

20986825? ago

He's dead. Stop trying to discredit this movement with this horseshit.

20989079? ago

Stop pretending to be a patriot.

20992669? ago

Stop pretending to have a brain cell.

20987047? ago

You were there? Murderer.

20988247? ago

haha! Great sense of humor, but you're an idiot.

20986788? ago

he's a nigger, crime pays, he's vaca with Epstein

20986769? ago

It was a bbq flavored cyanide pill

20986691? ago

My flag will not be flying half mast for the corrupt bastard.

20986628? ago

Honestly it brought me such joy when I read he died today.

20987054? ago

He ruined countless lives and careers. You are correct.

20986583? ago

Stand by Patriots, things usually happen in threes...

20986531? ago

Opinion, not facts.

20987063? ago

Your mom. Opinions are allowed faggot.

20987544? ago

But you can't claim you opinion is a fact.

20987859? ago

Good, retard. Opinions aren’t facts. But freedom of speech are both. So fuck off if you don’t like it. Enjoy China.

20990985? ago

Stupid little bitch. Wasting our time with your opinions. Prove any of it or GTFO.

20986457? ago

2nd chance? to elect another corrupt nigger? nah. nuke it from orbit. a small one, but big enough to incinerate the feral nog infestation & the trash piles

20986450? ago

He died of AIDS

20986435? ago

Well said

20986220? ago

As long as he is not sitting in session, I could care less if he is 'vacationing' at GITMO or took the pill. I have no patience for corruption especially in our government officials.

20988359? ago

Removed from doing any further damage the way I see it. Dead, gitmo, gone, whatever. You fucking go traitorous piece of shit on America, GTFO...

20987407? ago

I could couldn't care less

20986187? ago

Could be that he flipped and then hid out in the hospital while all the drama transpired.

20986179? ago

I bet he took the red pill....

20986156? ago

He died of a broken heart, because he couldn't steal more innocent people's money.

20987372? ago

kek, looked away to find the video and came back and posted under the wrong comment! here it is...

he was the owner of a lonely heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVOuYquXuuc

20986142? ago

Not buying it. He was ragged.

20986134? ago

guy was lie machine , treasonist towards trump because of his home charity and missing baltimor billions. you cant hide your feelings inside, when i started reading the condolences i felt giddy as a scoolgirl.

20986069? ago

Arkancide is contagious.

20986012? ago

Or he was so filled with TDS it lowered his immunity and compromised his health so he died.

20987352? ago

he was the owner of a lonely heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVOuYquXuuc

20990335? ago

Gold <

20986017? ago

I like that too.

20985969? ago

Take more than just one nigger capped to fix that shit hole.

The entire east coast is eat up with the same shit.

Fan all the cards out flat you see every fckn state is corrupt to its core.

Just a matter of time and they will all be exposed.

Every single state,every city and town to the smallest populations.

God is pissed,dont think it wont happen.

Repentance will be offered to all.

20986081? ago

I am waiting for that day.

20986060? ago

No deals.

20985962? ago

Don’t care


20985865? ago

seriously. now we get to listen to all of them extoll how great he is. Fucking kills me no one can speak their mind. I actually imagined if I was a congressman. They'd ask why I didn't wish Elijah Cummings condolences. "Because he is corrupt and everyone knows it. Good riddance. Are you gonna eat that last bagel?"

20988356? ago


20986660? ago

The President had one key line you should keep in mind...after saying how great he was, he said in all caps....in many ways, he CAN NEVER BE REPLACED. Get the hint?

20987394? ago

nope, i picked up on it.

20986989? ago

"His work.....will be very hard, if not impossible to replace"

20987305? ago

"That much corruption is difficult to fit into one bag!"

20986974? ago

They cut some kind of deal with him about preserving his legacy. I wonder who he gave up? It would be just like Trump to stick to the letter of the agreement but throw out a dig with plausible deniability. Troll master LOL.

20986437? ago

I'll take the bagel 🤗

20985819? ago

My first thought, too!

20985746? ago

You know, I'm leaning towards Cummings didn't want to sign the paper so Schiff pulled one and then signed it himself.

20986095? ago

And then EC has to be offed before he got a chance to claim it’s a forgery. It’s a good story but it may be giving EC too much credit.

20985625? ago

That was my first thought as well. Biden slipped up when answering a question and mentioned the 17th.

I'll follow up with a link to the video

20985569? ago

Did they ever find the taxpayer money he stole for his wife?

20986101? ago

She better not get away with her crimes just because he died.

20985507? ago

They flipped him and he hunting down Epstein in Israel.

20985485? ago

Interesting theory, but no. He was not a healthy man. He had a heart valve replaced in 2017. It was only a matter of time.

20989020? ago

Glo much?

20989098? ago

You can tell by looking at him that he wasn't healthy. Having common sense doesn't make anyone a shill, but I'll play your game. Name just one specific crime he committed that was punishable by death. While I agree he was corrupt, I don't recall any high level crimes. If you answer with 'treason,' be specific. I think he was just an old man who didn't take care of himself. He probably loved his fried foods and whatever other bad habits that did him in.

20991879? ago

Nothing wrong with fried foods, if you fry them in animal fat or coconut oil. Please, do some research. Don't believe the "studies" funded by big pharma.

20992001? ago

Thanks, but I'll stick to my Mediterranean diet. https://www.fishertitus.org/health/foods-to-cleanse-your-arteries

20990279? ago

Part of the black pedo gang.

20987908? ago

Well, for a guy who had a heart valve replaced, he certainly didnt take care of himself, thereafter. Fat fuck.

20988092? ago


20986166? ago


I don’t know if he was offed or if he died from poor health, but heart valve replacements are not the beginning of the end for most people. And he was only 68 with likely the worlds best healthcare. At the very least, if he died from poor health, there are additional health factors we aren’t being told.

20986217? ago

The thing is, we don't know if he followed doctor's orders after his valve was replaced. You can have the best healthcare in the world before and after heart surgery, but if you continue to eat fatty fried foods, smoke, and continue to do other stuff that's bad for you, you aren't doing yourself any favors and your heart isn't going to improve. Your health will continue to decline.

20991828? ago

Just a point of order: fatty foods are NOT bad for anyone. Sugar and refined carbohydrates are bad. Get it straight in your head, otherwise you'll kill yourself (and others). PLEASE read "Why We Get Fat" and "The Case Against Sugar" and "The Cholesterol Myths" and "The Great Cholesterol Con".

20991857? ago

Certain types of fat are bad for you. I don't eat any terrestrial animal meat, but I do eat fish. More fresh water varieties than those from the sea. If you eat beef or pork, you might as well be smoking cigarettes.

20986891? ago

Whatever happened, it's odd for a person that famous to die in hospice before anyone even knows he's imminently terminal.

20987473? ago

It's not unusual for people to enter hospice care hours before death.

20986998? ago

People don't go into hospice unless they're dying. The public should've been told he'd entered hospice, but I doubt the Dems would've wanted this info released.

20986104? ago

Isn't that rather routine? And wouldn't he have had the best healthcare money can buy? He was only 68.

Plausible deniability

20986155? ago

Umm... no. Having parts of your heart replaced at any age isn't routine. We're not talking about dental crowns here. Cummings was not a healthy person and probably should've retired after his heart surgery.

20991859? ago

Agreed it's not routine. But some people need a heart valve replacement because of a viral infection. Once it's done, after the recovery period, they should live a normal life without restrictions, if they are otherwise healthy. (I have a friend in this situation.)

20991989? ago

Agreed, but I'm thinking Cummings' valve was due to a severe blockage and hardening, which means he had other blockages in major arteries. Combine a bad diet with the high stress that goes hand-in-hand with a political career, and you have a storm brewing. Stress that's left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/in-depth/stress-symptoms/art-20050987

20989029? ago

You must have been very close to him.

20989118? ago

Nope. Not even in his state. Just using common sense and not believing every hypothesis that's brought forth. Q said to question everything and I do just that.

20986441? ago

106,000+ valve replacement surgeries a year in the US alone though...

20986586? ago

106,000 is not a large number if your stats are national.

20986465? ago

Your point? What percentage of those people change their diets and bad habits to make sure they stay healthy and don't do more damage to their hearts? Cummings was overweight, so I'm doubting that he quit his bad habits.

20986545? ago

The best healthcare money can buy. You assume he didn't make diet changes.

20986569? ago

Having great healthcare doesn't mean he took good care of himself. The two are not related and doctors don't come to your house and cook your meals or follow you to restaurants to make sure you're ordering healthy food. Cummings looks like he ate fried chicken a few times a week.

20986094? ago

I agree. They also said he had a knee infection, wonder if that was from knee replacement surgery.

20987928? ago

Probably diabetes.

20986272? ago

Good point. He was certainly not in the best of health and should've retired many months ago. If anything, the Dems killed him because I bet they did everything in their power to prevent him from retiring, which would've caused him a lot stress that also contributed to his decline.