20966994? ago

Another MKUltra controlled puppet? https://streamable.com/lymkd Anon -Taylor Swift vid, which in its original form shows idealized version of Africa...but now interspliced with real Wakanda Africa, cannibals, machetes etc ...should be mandatory for EVERYONE? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3396670/20305606 Great red pill

20961652? ago

Bo;ycott them all.

20956591? ago

I am in columbus Ohio, about 65K were placed here by the Obama Admin. These people are not interested in Western culture or values. They are not ever going to assimilate. I watch them in the stores, take food off the self, eat from the box, close it up and put it back on the shelf and get a fresh box to purchase. They literally cannot figure out driving. They don't want to stop when required. They can't understand the complex concept of "right of way". It's dangerous. You look for the women in their head scarfs and just assume they are about to do something that will cause an accident. Drive defensively. Kids? Man they are having huge families. Went to the maternity ward for a friend's daughter, and the place was packed with Somali Muslims. There are large areas of the city that are just Muslim/Somalis. I can go into stores--even in some upper middle class areas--and feel like the only person in the entire department store who speaks English, and of European descent. This is OHIO for God's sake, not f--- up NY city or Los Angeles.

20956805? ago

We are in a true catastrophe.

20955833? ago

Fine with me as long as they love and respect one another.

20954033? ago

I used to really like Tayler and her music. But she started trying to guilt shame me for supporting Trump. She is dead to me.

20953599? ago

Satanic video delivered by a tool of satan, vile creature she/it has become. All wickedness is ending; as God takes back his kingdom.

20953557? ago

I didn't understand what the fuzz was about until I saw the end. Oh shit.

20953456? ago

SO FUCKING SICK of seeing white women and black men shoved together. It’s not a natural pairing. Source: White woman. And what is up with pairing beautiful white women with average to downright ugly black men in marketing, commercials, movies, and new shows? It is not normal. Yes, it happens irl but not nearly to the extent they’re pushing it.

20956610? ago

They are normalizing it into the subconscious minds of very young white boys and girls. They are making the idea beautiful, natural, healthy.

20956933? ago

Yep. Sick.

20953903? ago

Making the masses think some belief/group/thing is a majority when it isn't. It's all about gaslighting.

20953405? ago

get that race traitor shit the fuck outta here.

20953225? ago

Want us to get mad? Want us to start a civil war? Show yourself, what are you afraid of?

20952767? ago

Stop sending views you fucking retard

20952786? ago

I'm not sending views, I'm sending downvotes, retard.

20952702? ago

Shelbyville, a small town in TN just got taken over by Somali migrants. It's bad enough hearing about Sweden, Germany (my home land), or Britain, but this shit happening in America unacceptable. Minnesota is already lost. Big trouble in little Mogadishu. Southerners FIGHT, regain the strength that lies dormant within you.

20953607? ago

Send in the mtn folks

20953480? ago

Somalis should not be allowed in the US going forward unless they are Christian refugees. Otherwise they do not assimilate. Existing muslim Somali refugees need to be sent back. It’s that simple.

20957053? ago

Should not be allowed period. They are third world savage niggers.

20954381? ago

Should not be allowed, period. They are niggers.

20954392? ago

maybe you should be kicked out you are an embecil.

20956958? ago

ffs there are blacks and there are niggers, aka animals/low IQ/lowlifes. There is a difference between Thomas Sowell and Somalis. That word could be used for any race in that context.

20954778? ago

Fuck you, Soros

20952598? ago

white trophy syndrome?

20952577? ago

No niggers in this wood pile

My grand kids are white and will continue to be raised white.

The dilution will not effect this bloodline as long as I breath.

Shove culture up your ass

20952399? ago

my daughter's already racially mixed, dingbat. so's the wife. so am i.

a scourge upon the earth!

20952301? ago

Teach your children about jews today.

20967003? ago

Wakanda goes here /v/NiggersAnonymous

20952248? ago

heres the thing. if you have a white and black have a child then your children are mixed race. how does that equate to losing white people. you then would have to say you also lost a black person. you cant push a persons preference onto them. your either attracted or your not. thats basically it. im white and they have pushed inter racial mixing since i was a child. im still attracted primarily to whites or latinos. done

20953454? ago

any taint in the gene pool dilutes the stock, niggers shouldnt even be allowed to breed. end foostamps & welfair, & free sailfoams....

20952424? ago

both sides of this issue are obsessed with race, whether its racial purity or racial mixing. such a colossal waste of time because they both delegate individual character to a subordinate role. yet these posts keep coming in this sub lol. knock yourselves out

20952159? ago

I heard rumors that she’s actually deep in the closet, a lesbian. Hence why she cucked out to (((them))).

20953650? ago

She is a creation of satan, ANYTHING goes. YES even demons

20952097? ago

For your DNA forever, drop IQ 25 points.

20952344? ago

80 IQ slave blob with one worldwide culture that can be updated by remote patches. At that point religion and culture will be one and the same and they'll be able to modify behavior globally with a few key strokes.

20952938? ago

This is exactly their plan. The Caucasian with strong family and conservative values also had the wisdom and knowledge to know what their plans were and subvert them. However they easily controlled other races, especially blacks. So they resorted to a new tactic. It's why the sudden flood of lower IQ's to Europe and U.S. Breed a lower IQ people pre-occupied with sports, "being hip", mundane social media exploits and following the Stars. They would have little if any social morality, useful knowledge, and unable to discern evil or its plans. Easy pickings for them then.

20952089? ago

The producer of that song is Jack Antonoff. He's Jewish.


20952127? ago

Woah man. That's racist.

20952244? ago

No, goy. You can't call Jews racist.

When Jews are racist, it's called being "God's Chosen People".

When Jews are systematically genociding the whites it's called "multiculturalism", "diversity", "pluralism" etc.

When whites object to being genocided, it's called "Nazism", "white supremacy", "white nationalism" etc.

20952383? ago

I agree, shalom brother Mordechi.

20951914? ago


20951956? ago


20951970? ago

I confess.

20951977? ago

Patriots don't have a skin color

20954239? ago

The problem of race has nothing to do with “skin color” and everything to do with inherent behavior. This faith-based (((everyone is the same))) religion will lead to the eventual destruction of civilization.

20951986? ago

Man I do hope you are being sarcastic if not I will kick your you know what.

20951996? ago

You're going to hell.

20952013? ago

Thanks, was about to get in my car.

I am a boomer and I have a new BMW, a Harley, and three retirement funds plus a younger wife. Swimming pool as well.

20952457? ago

You guys do a lot of inter-generational fighting if that's said correctly.

20952481? ago

Is that what your hebrew to english translation says?

20952504? ago

Well I actually do know people that read Hebrew. Hebrew has no vowels you know that?

20952763? ago

Way to out yourself, schlomo.

20952859? ago

I'm as white as the driven snow ding dong. My friend is a Christian missionary in Jerusalem, to the Jews.

Expand your thinking jew boy.

20952049? ago

You will die one day. So will your wife and kids.

You are your actions. Not your skin color. Don't be an emotional divisionfag.

20953067? ago

You are your actions. Not your skin color.

Race is more than skin color.

Even though to an uneducated eye the only difference between a grizzly & a polar bear is the color of their fur, no matter how splendid the content of a grizzly bear's character, he's unfit for an arctic environment

Patriots don't have a skin color

Indeed. Patriots are white

20953152? ago

We are ALL responsible for our OWN actions. No excuses...including race/genetics/religion etc. Persecuting someone based solely on their skin color is wrong and unamerican. All Americans will have their rights protected. MAGA.

Just as someone should not be allowed to use their race/genetics as the excuses for their actions...We can't use them as an excuse for our actions towards them. We are a country of laws. We are not wanting to destroy what makes America great. Nobody said it was easy being great.

Those voting numbers will be going up greatly in 2020. Being a patriot has nothing to do with skin color. In America we are ALL allowed to vote for whoever we want.

YOU are not for MAGA at all. YOU are the enemy whether you know or or not. [THEY] want us divided. YOU are helping [THEM]. Our leader has already spoken....nothing can stop what is coming.

20954790? ago

Go be "responsible" somewhere else, nigger.

20953349? ago

We are not wanting to destroy what makes America great.

"Diversity is what makes us great" was invented in the 1960s by commies. lmao

Persecuting someone based solely on their skin color is wrong and unamerican.

White people face incredible discrimination in America. White people are underrepresented in Ivy league schools, they face discrimination in hiring practices, etc. There are college courses whose sole purpose is to teach the hatred of white people. Persecuting someone based solely on their skin color incredibly american.

Those voting numbers will be going up greatly in 2020.

Lmao remind me in 1 year. Can't wait to see the black republican voting rate jump from 8 to 9%. Sick gains.

[THEY] want us divided.

Nice dog whistle. I agree We have to stop the media and their agenda of hate

20952110? ago

I'm a race realist, and race mixing is wrong, that's all. I don't hate blacks.

20952189? ago

You have every right to hold those beliefs.

20952205? ago

Some people have a lot to learn round here. Thanks.

20951774? ago

Oh, no, interracial relationships! What a non problem!

20952166? ago

It’s the pushing it on everyone to signal virtue that’s the issue. Shows how ‘woke’ she is. 🤮

20952152? ago

  • US 1965: 90% white
  • US 2029: <50% white
  • US 2075: 10% white

South Africa's current white population percentage: 8.9%

20953435? ago

we need anodda pogrom...

20951764? ago
