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20941778? ago

NMBRFG here.

Yes and YES!!

Mind invading mother fuckers (((they))) are.

Researching all this shit has made me a BIG target.

I wear the full Armor of God, so they won't win.


'o-o' <

20942087? ago

As above so below:)

2x today kek


20942185? ago

Have you seen my latest posts Sir? Here is a link to my master sheet? >

Posted much about Nazi Occult history, and hidden space Tech from WW2, and then some.

It was important to me to add this material to the library I am building.

Again, I will link the BIG decode of the President's tweets later tonight 'Skippy time' >

Donald J. Trump‏

Verified account 


My deal with China is that they will IMMEDIATELY start buying very large quantities of our Agricultural Product, not wait until the deal is signed over the next 3 or 4 weeks. THEY HAVE ALREADY STARTED! Likewise financial services and other deal aspects, start preparing....

....I agreed not to increase Tariffs from 25% to 30% on October 15th. They will remain at 25%. The relationship with China is very good. We will finish out the large Phase One part of the deal, then head directly into Phase Two. The Phase One Deal can be finalized & signed soon!

2:47 PM - 13 Oct 2019

Entire sequence of CAPITALIZED LETTERS of the tweet series >


Speak after I post. <

Take care Sir.




'o-o' <

20942500? ago

Omg good evening to sir ! I agree with your assessment of china. They have no chice.

What did you th8nk of that book? By penrose? Its all you me fren.

Every hour im led to a new discovery .

Check this shit out! ^

They know its coming perhaps a pig virus was a little nudge to sell some food.

How about this?

Roughly every 20 days we get an average of an m7 e.q.

Its been 89 days and the pressure is building,.

I predict the alpine fault in nz will rupture near christmas latest january iv known for 6 months plus when it does the plate will rupture off off cascadia near seattle. Two 9.5+ will occur at the same the time. And i beleieve this will spur an russian/chinese to atttack will hopefully be thrawrted. Iv predicted the last two !

I giant tsunami will rush towards Au, please i urge you to take heed and when you hear about this get inland to high elevation do not wait just go. The wall of water will be over 25 m perhaps even 40.



20942712? ago

ps.s > China will do exactly as they are told, or POTUS will smash the living daylights out of their economy, as he has been doing for some time now.

They have cracked this week, that is why they made the deal. It MUST be on TRUMP's terms, or there would have been no deal.

They have been SCREWING the US and Australia for too long.

Did you know there was a Police Station in Melbourne Victoria, that raised the Chinese Flag overt the Station on the Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Republic being formed (through violence > The Chinese way Viz Tiananmen Square. What ever happened to Tank Man anyway?).

Military grade landing strips in north Western Australia built by Chinese mining interest [?], capable of landing Fighter Jets, launched from Chinese carriers at sea off the Western Australian Coast...?

I guess "she'll be right Mate". <

'o-o' <

20953511? ago

Didnt know about mel burn . Ps tank man died, in camp. <Rumor…

Read article that your getting 30 k more us troops near darwin.

I lived in gold for 6 years. This shit i saw told me it wasnt safe. Sound weaps purchased, for your ri ots and troop carriers, map all side streets in 250 k town q l d. No where i want to be when da shtf.

20942684? ago


That would mean a HUGE number of people would perish, including me. Sobering.

Seattle is where you should be paying attention on 3/11 for a FAKE Nuclear Attack, with real destruction, so (((they))) can get rid of the population, and usher in Z.

Many signs are pointing to this date, and I am getting much from looking at all the signals and patterns.

I hope it isn't so my Fren. Pray. <

All this 'seeing' is extremely tiring, and add to that posting HUGE amounts of information, and doing decodes, plus working, and Satanic Mind Attacks, Anons are getting worked over pretty hard.

Take care <


'o-o' <

20953468? ago

Youd have a few hours min when this happens, so drop everything when you hear and drive as fast as you can !!!!

3/11 will be the warm up. Sense we know its a stoppable event. the other is a natural occurance and depends on now the superwave hits... and wether our course correction was enough.




20954210? ago

So, everyone up top KNOWS about this obviously?

Splains al lot about what is going on aT he Moment. <

Separately though, I am very keen for the return of QAnon.

No, like seriously keen.

I have no idea what kind of global audience the work on QRV gets exposure to.

Got to get the information out to YT as well.

BTW, have some fresh bread >




20954371? ago

Yes i have about 6 papers from the goobernment all about it. Think all the way back to 2003. Most are i books so id have to find links i sometimes fail at saving links but the actual papers i have. From agencys. I did ask you about in general whom the unibomber was tar. He was tar all people that had somthing tech oriented whom he thought would eventually lead to killing all of us. Some say villan some say Hero!

Baked, shows wifes tits lul. Jk

Sad fucking thing is they dont tell the public, and gold country never gets told. What iv read is a total undersetimate by (them) as some sort of hedge on liability. Some strange reason people think (they) are responsible monitarily for natural disasters.

tip top slautes on das Wonder, Baker.


P.s VX suit ya too.