20952512? ago

Yes, it's really intense right now.

20955518? ago

It sure is . Alters are falling hard.

20949248? ago

Lay off the shrooms anon.

20947510? ago

Ever heard the story behind the St. Michael prayer? It's interesting. https://aleteia.org/2017/09/25/the-demonic-vision-that-inspired-the-st-michael-prayer/ I say it with the whole family every morning at breakfast.

20946965? ago

YES. I am closer to Lord and his Son for the first time in years. I'm praying almost daily. I see the evil everywhere now, where before I did not notice it! I am so thankful to God for this discernment. I feel protected and strong. 3 years ago, I was a crazy confused person, but not anymore.

20946726? ago

I have been in a low level state of war for many years, spiritually and physically. They know if they mess with me, there will be repercussions. They have had many funerals already, God is all powerful.

20946451? ago

For the last two years here.

20946327? ago

Yep, even been attacked by a devil worshipper - some LGBTQ drug addict attacked me because her BS led to her quitting her job because I wouldn't tolerate her shit.

Armor of God is powerful.

20946072? ago

Earth frequency is raising hence causing traumas and things that are hidden in us to surface

20945852? ago

Yes. Mostly when I'm stressed (sometimes on a daily basis), negativity tries to creep in.

20945557? ago

You're just now noticing?

Big things happening. It's not just happening here in our material world. They are losing there too, and mad as hell.

20945326? ago

This is the definition of a shit post.

20945282? ago

I'm not crazy, but yes. Whenever I have a thought of doing something, anything, where the chance of failure is perceived to be at least 50%, but has a good potential to improve my life, a thought or voice will creep into my head and provide an image of myself attempting the action and failing completely. It's an image of an incompetent fool, which I know I'm not.

But having seen it many times, it's molded how I view myself and affected my self-confidence. I believe that this thought or feeling or voice or whatever it is, is separate from myself because it's a very sinister voice whispering in my ear what to think and it's very sneaky. If I'm not paying attention, I'll miss it completely and think it was my own thought, but I've been learning to listen for it and I've made the conclusion that it's not me. I have no inherent desire to sabotage myself.

So, my plan of action to combat this thing is to listen to what it criticizes and then attempt the action and hopefully, I'll prove it wrong. Each time I can prove it wrong, I believe I'll weaken it's power over me.

20945137? ago


20945078? ago

Pray the rosary. Mary will be the one to crush the head of the evil one by the power of God.

20944515? ago


20944379? ago

Yep.. Both me and the wife. It's been interesting needless to say...

20943973? ago

Yes, I woke up this morning with a dark, uneasy feeling. Rarely, if ever, has that happened.

20943770? ago

Absolutely !

20943718? ago

So take it however you like... I recently had an experience in between the realms, I noticed how empty and devoid it was. I think we are still in quarantine or in a holding room. Everytime I tried to go through a door or look out through an opening they would shut it down and move the space around me. It's not time yet...

20943675? ago

On Sunday the 6th of October I got drunk. Now I'm not a drinker, but

wanted to try some, oh how foolish that was. I couldn't stop drinking the

beer, and got so drunk I became filled with depression, anger, and all

sorts. I wanted to kill myself, then I wanted to drive my car to kill

myself. Thank God he sent an angel (or himself), the clutch of the car

didn't work (I had just had it repaired), so I couldn't even leave my drive.

I then wanted to kill the person who fixed my clutch for conning me as in

good faith I paid him cash to fix it, there was demonic influence all over

me, or I was filled with my own demons and sins, then I went to sleep. Well guess what, the next

day the clutch of my car was working absolutely fine. God saved my life that day. I've sworn off drinking since then, I can't even be a casual drinker without going overboard, but it was definitely one of the most crazy depressing, angry, suicidal drunk moments of my life.

20943566? ago

Of course. I assume everybody remembers just after Trump won witches put out the call to cast spells to block Trump. You can bet that black magicians the world over are as busy as bees with their unspeakably depraved Aliester Crowley type black magic rituals going after Trump and anyone or anything that supports him, or anything virtuous or Godly in this world. I feel it daily like a change in barometric pressure. When it is intense it has a dark foreboding texture to it. But eventually it lifts and becomes light and hopeful again. That is such a natural part of life that i seldom pay much attention to it. The first I really noticed a dramatic change came just several days before Trump was elected. The dark pressure was thick and heavy, but then suddenly it just broke and went away. I thought to myself: "Oh, Trump's gonna win." Even knowing what the future would hold with a Hillary Presidency, I fairly disinterested because I suspected it was too far gone for any human intervention to change. And besides that I don't meet many billionaires that I trust, especially after Ross Perot's Republican song and dance routine to split the vote and get slick willy clinton into office. I am still hopeful that Trump is sincere and can have the where with all to turn things around. But that is to date unproven to my satisfaction. Time will reveal that answer.

I don't desire all this trouble because we are cautioned not to: Amos.5 [18] Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.

But I don't fear it either because I know who wins: 1John.4[4] Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

20944580? ago

I could be wrong but I really believe ol Ross wasn't doing a rino song and dance. I still think that he wanted to do what Trump is doing now but he didn't have the backing POTUS has. He thought he could just go in there with common sense ideas and make the changes needed. He didn't understand the pure evil he was up against.

20948889? ago

You could be right. Maybe i spoke presumptuously. If so, I offer my apology to him. But his actions sure made it appear to be his intent. He dropped out of the race at the point that it was starting to look like he actually might win, giving a really strange reason for doing it, and then re entered when it appeared Bush would win. It could be he just got in over his head and did what he was told in order to save his skin. But I never trust billionaires anyway.

20949244? ago

Oh, I hear you. It's hard for me to trust billionaires to. And you could be right about his reasons for running. I just can't help it, I liked the little guy. And I'd hate to think that he screwed everyone over on purpose.

20943261? ago

What? Stop being stupid.

20943233? ago

All the time and it carries over into entire families! If you do not feel it you are walking in the wrong direction!

20943212? ago

Yes bigly. I feel like I'm under attack by a legion of demons.

20943151? ago

Yes but in the opposite direction. I feel like suddenly and unexpectedly God is fighting on my side. All kinds of troubles large and small seem to be falling away. My body is suddenly healing, my mind is getting sharper, my wife and kids are happy and full of joy. Happiness seems to have replaced depression and anxiety. The other day I defused a very dangerous situation with a laugh and a smile. Something is very different. It's as if the shadows skatter at a glance. Weird shit going on that's for sure.

20943139? ago

Yeah. I co-host a radio show with my father. We do topical Bible studies. And have just gotten through a long series on Revelation. I won't get into specifics but I feel like my entire family was antagonized spiritually due to that. The entire ordeal lasted about 6 months as we worked through the study. I have gotten closer to God because of that. Praying daily for protection and strength to endure the days trials.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7 NIV


20943016? ago

All you have to do is look at popular culture to realize how big the war is. What they are doing to our young people is satanic

20942981? ago

No - If anything, this whole circus has brought me closer to God.

20943332? ago

You may be misunderstanding the term "spiritual warfare"

Happy that you have felt closer though, that's always a good thing

God Bless

20942941? ago


Try to move past iniquity. It’s hard but it’s what he wants.

Pray oft.

20942883? ago

Faith in the Light of God will conquer any spiritual warfare taking place within or around you. Understanding that we are truly children of God, and have the ability to use the light to snuff away evil. The power behind FAITH can truly move mountains.

And don’t forget. This whole human experience is all about LOVE.

Kisses all over your precious faces brothers and sisters!

20942862? ago

“For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”

The warfare is clearly understood through the devil’s actions throughout history. In the garden of Eden, he brought upon mankind the curse of death. In Bethlehem, he hoped to kill man’s Savior — the infant Christ. In the wilderness, he tempted the Lord to abandon his mission, and in the garden of Gethsemane, he hoped betrayal would demoralize and deliver him. On Calvary, he hoped to isolate him, but on the resurrection morning, the devil’s head was stomped, and his days are numbered. Put on the armor of God, and Satan cannot defeat you (Eph. 5:13; 1 Jn. 5:18), for our great God and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ has been victorious, having conquered him who had power over death, that is the devil (Heb. 2:14). Christ Jesus has the keys of death and hades (Rev. 1:18).

20944503? ago

Amen, Patriot.

20942852? ago

The term spiritual warfare gets used too often.

Feminism is a war upon men

The communist underpinnings is too


Even more prevassive amd subtle things can be called warfare

Like how we continue feeding on things that dont lead to long lasting nourishment and things that corupt.

A book was written that used the term. I dont have time to look into it but i think that book probanly sucks

20942841? ago

Sitting on your ass in front of a keyboard all day gets tiresome. Observing events unfold that no matter how much you think you matter, you don't, or how much "red pilling" you think you're doing, not much, wears and gets tiresome.

I guess that's "spiritual".. I don't buy it. Go exercise. Go for a walk.

20942812? ago

Every day, but u must keep on the armor of god.

Have faith. Be strong. Maybe all of this is a test? The ones who fail repeat and the ones who r true to themselves and loved ones move on to the next level.

20942801? ago

Most of you can't spell simple words, your houses stink, you're paranoid, you have foot fungus and halitosis, you're poor and paranoid.

How do I know?

No one who writes as you do and believes as you believe does not have these characteristics.

The battle is more to do with basic education, hygiene, mental health, etc.

It's the simple things that are often the most difficult.

20942767? ago

My gang-stalking started after my publicly trying to awaken people about Pizzagate. While organized stalking utilizes phone apps and such for those minions who have been recruited, there is a much deeper spiritual aspect to it...and the true evil ones running the show do not require a phone to immediately know who I am, that I am against them, and they naturally know to hate me. Some say reptilian, some say fallen angels...doesn't matter...the evil is real.

20944796? ago

it's real, but 'they' are tiny, weak little beta-cucks that are holding on for their last breath.

WE need to kick them to the curb like they cheating ex that they are.

they have been LYING to US FOREVER and we are OVER IT, and ready to move on to SANITY and PEACE😎

20942699? ago

You’re schizophrenic.

20942664? ago

One thing that concerns me is that I essentially had a massive awakening several years ago Thought I was already awake but was led to much deeper levels. How? My forehead kept tingling. I did research to see why, and found some wacky stuff, but also some really really interesting information as well.

Since Q has been around, my forehead doesn't really tingle anymore. I mean before it was like something is seriously attempting to communicate with me but I don't know how to listen. I still don't, but at least trying to understand it led me to all kinds of amazing information.

The lack of tingling makes me feel more like I just have a total lack of spiritual connection.

That said... as I'm typing this, it's tingling like mad...

20943443? ago

The true church is a direct link between you and Our Lord. Personally I tried to live a pious life and figured that would be enough. Then i began to pray. I began to try as hard as I could to stop w the sins and tried to be better. When I did signs were all around me. Thins that could never just be happenstance took place. Each a small nudge. Each a small proof. Each a small confirmation that I was heading on the right path.

I don’t need or want fireworks of proof and burning bushes. I just want to be a better person. I want to lift folks up. Over time I’ve learned this is done by example. It’s examples that people follow. It’s examples that send the ripples. And it’s up to us to know Lord Christ and commune with him ourselves.

20944806? ago

I sometimes think about the true church as being similar to charging batteries. Now I know that God has always wanted His people to worship Him. But I'm pretty sure it is for our own good. We go out into the world and try to teach those that don't know Him, we face the battle against the darkness, and we have our own lusts we fight against. Coming together with other followers increases our readiness to deal with all these things. At least it should! I believe that's what it is for! If it not helping my preparedness then I'm probably not at the right place! Anyway, that, to me, is the main purpose of the church. Brothers strengthening brothers with the help of the Spirit.

20950134? ago

God bless you. Fellowship. It can mean so much.

20942626? ago

Felt it brutally during the Days of Awe, but it broke when I fasted and prayed during the Day of Atonement. Had a huge breakthrough

20942614? ago


20942589? ago

The entirity of mortal life on earth is spiritual warfare.

Everything is for purpose,there is no luck or chance.

Everything in your world first happens in the spirit and then in the natural.

If satan isnt bothering you its because you arent a threat.

20942547? ago

Every day, multiple times per day. The best way to fight this is to tell the demons directly, "Begone, in the name of our God!" Then spend a few minutes talking with God, thanking Him for the good things in your life. Thank Him for being with you, protecting you, and supporting you when times are difficult, and ESPECIALLY when times are good. The more you keep God in your thoughts and life, the less inclined the demons are to strike. They chose easy targets. Don't be one for them.

20942481? ago

She was always comfortable around demons. So this is nothing new to Eve.

20942396? ago

yeah i can't write good music anymore, no one can, its kicked the worlds creativity in the balls

20944900? ago

Haha! And I thought it was only Me!

I've never been a writer but I've always been a singer. Went around with a song either in my heart and mind or actually singing aloud all the time. Then, some years back, the music left me. Can't even bring myself to sing in church! It's just gone! I thought I was all alone in this. I'm truly sorry to hear that I'm not.

20943472? ago

I find amazing music all the time.

20942422? ago

Since when do you have this problem and how does it show? Haven't been able to produce any catchy Instrumentals nor write good lyrics for a while now. Could just be other things occupying too much of my mental focus right now, but I've just been feeling clueless as to what emotions and messages are the right ones to convey. and when I do find something I feel like I'm lacking the proper attitude and perspective to write from

20954969? ago

I have no idea its like the music has died, its everywhere and i have to search way to hard to find good songs now, and i find they are older tunes most of the time

and the thing that sucks the most is, iam kinda sick of the good songs cause its all ive had to listen to, i need new good songs, i love 90s altrock grunge, is it so fucking hard to make a catchy rocking riff with some good rhythm and catchy but high energy meaningless lyrics

20942320? ago

the archons are in full force, triggering rage and fear in people so they can have a feed fest. usually, they cant get to me directly but they tend to manipulate people close to my heart, their only way to hurt me and bring down my frequency.

what helps is to always take care of good protection. depending on your faith, you can call in yeshuas protection or 'the full armor of god', or warp yourself in a bubble of light, or whatever you feel will protect you.

on the physical level, you can use black tourmaline, one in the pocket close to the body, and others spread around the house, best protection from density, nothing comes through. AuraSoma pomander is also good.

on the psychological level, and open heart full of gratitude is the best way to raise ones frequency to a point where team dark doesnt have access to. they mostly act in 4th density which is the realm of emotion, archetypes, and collective thought-forms. in higher 4d+ where we move from raging emotions to unconditional love and unity consciousness, they have no reach, we become invincible to their manipulations.

be safe, guys, keep your own negative emotions in check (change your thinking and your emotions will change), thats the best way to beat the fuckers.

20945625? ago

my brother is an asshole towards me. don't want to be around him any more. i know that's not right, i am suffering.

20952069? ago

abusive relationships are a no-go, we need to free ourselves from them, its not our job to suffer.

when people treat me badly, i turn away with a 'i love you, thank your for the experience, i dont need it anymore, time to take care of myself now and that means bye-bye'.

may you find a graceful way to walk away from the abuse and start being good to yourself. <3

20956463? ago

Thank you. This came very timely.

20944414? ago

And as a bonus, when you keep your negative emotions in check and change your thinking, it spreads out from you to benefit others! Let brotherly love abound my friends!!!

20942677? ago


20942227? ago

Yes. Every day. Pray every day, and ask God to

Thwart satan, demons, and all their works in the name of Jesus.

20942183? ago

I am experiencing spiritual warfare, and weird dreams about creepy Hotels?

20945593? ago

Ah, the Standard dream.

20947200? ago

Could you elaborate a little?

20949013? ago

Word play. Look up Adam Schiff and his involvement with the Standard Hotel -- rather creepy.

20954343? ago

I thought as much, yes ive heard about that Hotel, i have a feeling a lot of "other hotels" could be involved too.

20942178? ago

YES! On several sides. I think participating in the pizzagate sub on Voat started it. Got hit very hard December solstice 2016 - December solstice 2017 with major demonic attacks on/through my wife. Since then, things are getting better. Almost like the opposing team had been granted a year to do their worst to try to break me. They almost did. There is a spiritual war, but it has elements of a game. There are rules, respected by both sides. I keep thinking of the story of Job. One can almost imagine a couple of old guys hanging out in a bar making a friendly wager. Very disturbing to think about, so I prefer not to.

It does feel like we are moving from dark to light. Wearing the armor all the time now. I don't know if I will see justice on Earth in my lifetime. But, I know the ending. God wins.

20942155? ago

They attack me at night. I'm a very high sensitive person.

So far I've disabled wi-fi in my house since a long time, and my phone will not lay close to my bed to avoid any frequency disturbances.

Nevertheless, in this spiritual war, entities exist. They come and disturb my rest, shooting arrows of fear at me.

But they can't handle I willingly voluntarily choose to stand by and fight for the one and only Christ.

King of our Solar System. So their efforts are in vain, but it can be a nuisance.

On the other hand, sleepless nights have also been caused by 'the good side' when an overload of information that's being downloaded to me in my sleep is preventing me from properly resting.

I'm sure more people are familiar with this. Getting awakenings at night.

20942113? ago

Yes! Let my guard down briefly and was possessed by evil.

12 days in a psychiatric ward.

Be careful guys. Keep that armor up.

20942101? ago

Yes of course. Had a demon straight up claw me after I prayed for all negative entities to be banished from my blood line. Caused huge amounts of chaos last year, but ever since this have been, miraculous to say the least.

Have faith.

We are in the 6 years of miracles.

Do something to help yourself, it will work out.

20942062? ago

Yes, funny you should say that as I was thinking about it over the weekend. Just the last week or so I've felt I haven't been wearing the full suit of armour. Also being ill doesn't help.

20942046? ago

YES!!!! but I have also been experiencing massive massive synchronicity after the next. As the days go by, they just get bigger and more rewarding! Kundalini yoga man

20941980? ago

Yes. One technique that is super valuable is to spend time doing body-scan meditation. By checking every corner of your body and strengthening the connection of the spirit to the body, you can ensure there are no holes in the armor and there is nothing making a home in your body. If you do encounter something living in your body, you can command it to leave. You may need assistance from someone depending on the spirit. You may also need to process some trauma (physical or especially sexual) in order to reconnect with certain parts of the body.

It's YOUR body, be as territorial about it as you are about your home and your nation.

20941944? ago

Pray, first thing in the morning, when you will surey be attacked in order to bring trouble and confusion to your day. I like this one:

Dear Father,

I come courageously asking for Your divine safety and protection over the world. You told us to always pray, for You are able to keep, take care of, and bring to pass the things that I hand over unto You in prayer. Lord, I commit all things into Your able hands. Father, I pray that You would send strong and mighty angels to watch over the world, cities, and communities. May You envelope each one in a hedge of protection to keep safe in all their ways.

Lord, thank You for the capability and authority that You have given us over the devil and over every evil spirit; and with that authority, I rebuke Satan, every principality, and every spirit of evil from hurting or harming those who belong to You, in any way, by the authority of the name of Jesus Christ.

Father, no weapon made against those who belong to You shall prosper. You told us to cast our dreams and our worries upon You, and You would sustain us. Therefore I cast my dreams and worries upon You. I am sure, that according to Your word, You shall sustain and keep safe all of my love and cares. Your word says You are vigilantly going to keep us from all evil.

Lord, because I trust in You to keep watch over my community of neighbors, friends and loved ones. I thank You for permitting Your peace to rest upon me and my every worry. Thank You and praise You for victory in Christ Jesus. Amen.

20944361? ago

Amen 🙏

20941932? ago

Yes. As David Wilkerson said 50 years ago: "Everything that can be shaken will be shaken."

Heb 12:26ff "26 And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.” 27 This expression, “Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain."

Every revival in history has begun with conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit, repentance and cleansing of His own people, then a powerful move of His Spirit. His Spirit is beginning the work. Our faith is not merely a belief system. It is a living relationship with God. Press in.

20941925? ago

racemixing propaganda is spiritual warfare designed to separate you from the spirit of your ancestors

20943280? ago

Do you believe this garbage? Racemixong is just straight up propaganda to breed inferior brings to be mass controlled. It has nothing to do with spirits... Do you know why? Because spirits are not real.

20943346? ago

it obviously is propaganda, but if you do not believe in the spirit of your ancestors, your bloodline or the genetic memory that is passed down trough your blood, what are you standing up for?

20943411? ago

For me!

20943531? ago

just the selfish approach then, that's totally fair too bro, didn't consider it at first, but i'd be happy to fight by your side regardless

20941877? ago

Yes, for a few years now. Learning more to control it through.

20941853? ago

YES. Here are a couple of things I do that I think help lessen or repel evil:

  1. Pray.
  2. Downloaded the entire bible on audio (mp3). When I go to bed, I playback a chapter and allow myself to fall asleep to the word. After a few weeks, you've gone thru the entire bible, repeat nightly. Allow it to saturate and form pathways in your subconscious mind.
  3. Garden. I keep plants outside and inside. I have a couple in my bedroom. The idea is to be a caretaker of life. Growing healthy plants, creating & maintaining life, nurture it - they'll nurture you back. Plants will clean and filter the air, they'll produce fruit & vegetables, herbs, etc.
  4. Listen to good music: classical & jazz. I'm careful now that I'm older and notice that all the music I used to like when I was younger, contained seriously disturbing lyrics. Not to mention the cover art imagery, the music videos, the ritualistic-like concerts, etc. I just don't want to go there ever again - catchy tunes with damning lyrics.

Anyone else have some suggestions? What do you guys do?

20942212? ago


I < pray to The Lord, and ask for The Power of The Holy Spirit of The Lord to be upon me, within me, ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS. I pray that everything I touch, every word I type, and every meal I make for others, and thus those people eating the FOOD, and reading the WORDS (I am a Baker and a Chef...), are blessed by The Holy Spirit. <

Peace Fren.

'o-o' <


20942080? ago

Salt your corners of your house use the oil on your fingers to make crosses over doors. Sleep north and south never east west.<. Burn sage do a smudge but learn what your doing if u smudge.

20941778? ago

NMBRFG here.

Yes and YES!!

Mind invading mother fuckers (((they))) are.

Researching all this shit has made me a BIG target.

I wear the full Armor of God, so they won't win.


'o-o' <

20942087? ago

As above so below:)

2x today kek


20942185? ago

Have you seen my latest posts Sir? Here is a link to my master sheet? >


Posted much about Nazi Occult history, and hidden space Tech from WW2, and then some.

It was important to me to add this material to the library I am building.

Again, I will link the BIG decode of the President's tweets later tonight 'Skippy time' >

Donald J. Trump‏

Verified account 


My deal with China is that they will IMMEDIATELY start buying very large quantities of our Agricultural Product, not wait until the deal is signed over the next 3 or 4 weeks. THEY HAVE ALREADY STARTED! Likewise financial services and other deal aspects, start preparing....

....I agreed not to increase Tariffs from 25% to 30% on October 15th. They will remain at 25%. The relationship with China is very good. We will finish out the large Phase One part of the deal, then head directly into Phase Two. The Phase One Deal can be finalized & signed soon!

2:47 PM - 13 Oct 2019

Entire sequence of CAPITALIZED LETTERS of the tweet series >


Speak after I post. <

Take care Sir.




'o-o' <

20942500? ago

Omg good evening to sir ! I agree with your assessment of china. They have no chice.

What did you th8nk of that book? By penrose? Its all you me fren.

Every hour im led to a new discovery .


Check this shit out! ^

They know its coming perhaps a pig virus was a little nudge to sell some food.

How about this?

Roughly every 20 days we get an average of an m7 e.q.

Its been 89 days and the pressure is building,.

I predict the alpine fault in nz will rupture near christmas latest january iv known for 6 months plus when it does the plate will rupture off off cascadia near seattle. Two 9.5+ will occur at the same the time. And i beleieve this will spur an russian/chinese to atttack will hopefully be thrawrted. Iv predicted the last two !

I giant tsunami will rush towards Au, please i urge you to take heed and when you hear about this get inland to high elevation do not wait just go. The wall of water will be over 25 m perhaps even 40.



20942712? ago

ps.s > China will do exactly as they are told, or POTUS will smash the living daylights out of their economy, as he has been doing for some time now.

They have cracked this week, that is why they made the deal. It MUST be on TRUMP's terms, or there would have been no deal.

They have been SCREWING the US and Australia for too long.

Did you know there was a Police Station in Melbourne Victoria, that raised the Chinese Flag overt the Station on the Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Republic being formed (through violence > The Chinese way Viz Tiananmen Square. What ever happened to Tank Man anyway?).

Military grade landing strips in north Western Australia built by Chinese mining interest [?], capable of landing Fighter Jets, launched from Chinese carriers at sea off the Western Australian Coast...?

I guess "she'll be right Mate". <

'o-o' <

20953511? ago

Didnt know about mel burn . Ps tank man died, in camp. <Rumor…

Read article that your getting 30 k more us troops near darwin.

I lived in gold for 6 years. This shit i saw told me it wasnt safe. Sound weaps purchased, for your ri ots and troop carriers, map all side streets in 250 k town q l d. No where i want to be when da shtf.

20942684? ago


That would mean a HUGE number of people would perish, including me. Sobering.

Seattle is where you should be paying attention on 3/11 for a FAKE Nuclear Attack, with real destruction, so (((they))) can get rid of the population, and usher in Z.

Many signs are pointing to this date, and I am getting much from looking at all the signals and patterns.

I hope it isn't so my Fren. Pray. <

All this 'seeing' is extremely tiring, and add to that posting HUGE amounts of information, and doing decodes, plus working, and Satanic Mind Attacks, Anons are getting worked over pretty hard.

Take care <


'o-o' <

20953468? ago

Youd have a few hours min when this happens, so drop everything when you hear and drive as fast as you can !!!!

3/11 will be the warm up. Sense we know its a stoppable event. the other is a natural occurance and depends on now the superwave hits... and wether our course correction was enough.




20954210? ago

So, everyone up top KNOWS about this obviously?

Splains al lot about what is going on aT he Moment. <

Separately though, I am very keen for the return of QAnon.

No, like seriously keen.

I have no idea what kind of global audience the work on QRV gets exposure to.

Got to get the information out to YT as well.

BTW, have some fresh bread >





20954371? ago

Yes i have about 6 papers from the goobernment all about it. Think all the way back to 2003. Most are i books so id have to find links i sometimes fail at saving links but the actual papers i have. From agencys. I did ask you about in general whom the unibomber was tar. He was tar all people that had somthing tech oriented whom he thought would eventually lead to killing all of us. Some say villan some say Hero!

Baked, shows wifes tits lul. Jk

Sad fucking thing is they dont tell the public, and gold country never gets told. What iv read is a total undersetimate by (them) as some sort of hedge on liability. Some strange reason people think (they) are responsible monitarily for natural disasters.

tip top slautes on das Wonder, Baker.


P.s VX suit ya too.

20942117? ago

Two for Two Sir.

You are getting pretty good at finding me!

Thank for your interest in me.

I have a HUGE POTUS decode due in a few hours. Stay tuned...

'o-o' <

20941755? ago

Been the target of subtle and not-so-subtle manipulation for going on 15 years. One night my life was threatened. Have experienced otherworldly phenomena including visitations, visions, premonitions, Black Magic, mind control, etheric entities, direct interface with the other side while sleeping. Nothing surprises me, and I know that sleep paralysis is often anything but a benign happenstance. 7 years ago my psychic senses were quickened after the near death experience, and I began to perceive information directly across the vastness of time and space. I know now that the old era is passing away and a new one not yet glimpsed is about to be born. The old power structures cannot function as they once did. People are no longer content to believe a lie, and are searching for the truth and what truly matters.

Because it is when people cry out in their desperation and hopelessness that God hears their cry and comes to their aid. There will come a day, if by the grace of God we last long enough to see it, when the minds of humans descend again into the depths of depravity, and cruelty, greed, ignorance, hatred, and fear will again prevail. But those are not the days we have before us. A day of peace is dawning on the Earth, because God hears the prayer of the downtrodden and the oppressed, and He sends His spirit to right the wrongs, to open the eyes of the blind, and to set the captives free. We are blessed to see this happening.

20942122? ago

I pray that you are correct in your interpretation. I do believe God is at work - he has been more idle for many years as depravity set in - the devil thought once again to be wining. God has other plans. I see people awakened all the time now. We need to help them understand that they have been doing and under control of satan. Willfully ignorant of what is happening around them.

I pray Heavenly Father- guide our steps today and everyday. Lord place our feet, every step in order to bring your Kingdom Glory. We ask as it is done in Heaven, that it is done here on earth. Let your light be exposed to everyone reading this post. May your grace be shown through us when others insert and turn a knife in our back. I pray Lord remove me and shine through that can only be explained by your grace. Help us to love one another.

In Jesus name, Amen

20941933? ago

Amen, brother.

20941640? ago

Yes. Felt its beginning in January 2011

It became its worst 2013 to 2015

Now, it is still persisting, but we are winning.

20941636? ago

yes. and so is my wife... she is especially vulnerable after a stroke, a leg amputation & another fucking stroke.. we are running thin but have each other... and getting attacked from all sides..

20948452? ago

Sorry to hear that. It sounds as if she's been eating sugar all her life. That's the principal cause of diabetes, heart attack, Alzheimers, Thyroid malfunction, epilepsy, gout, cancer and other chronic diseases. Look back to the time when sugar was available only to the rich and you'll see that only rich people suffered from those diseases. Sugar is a slow-acting, insidious poison. It takes years to do its damage but it does it well. Cutting out sugar (and sucrose, fructose, syrup and all the disguised sugars in processed food & drink) will help. It's never too late.

20953237? ago

it wasnt diabeties... it was fles eating bacteria strptococcys beta group A.. she let her half-sister, kids& the tweaker husband stay for the holidays, sarah made a goos thanksgiving dinner, but poured some grease down the sink. tweaker hubby tried to fix it & made a leak. some how the FEB got on the missus.. ( i was just a neighbor at this point) & she had a stroke. hospital tought it was a blood clot.. it wasnt. while she was in the hospital, i went & fixed the leak. i got the FEB.. but promply went to my Dr. & insisted a culture be ran.,& the results forwarded to to the hospital. on a good note, tho... the half-sisters hubby died of an overdose & she is in rehab & the kids are safe

20944259? ago

May God Bless and heal you and your wife. I am praying for you, Patriot. 🙏

20944680? ago

thanx, her leg aint gonna grow back. but she got off the morphene & ALL drugs. (perscrption) she i doing better. i had to quit my job to care for her and of course, they stopped her disability cuz she missed a review we are hanging on tho.

20944904? ago

I pray for your strength and comfort whole you fight these battles. You'll need stamina to fight the system to get the health and financial resources you need. May God Bless you and your family with all you need.

20944950? ago

its all just logistics now. once i get her down to the SSI office in person, she will be good to go. hopefully this week. otherwise, ill have to do a quick addition, or roofing job to make ends meet

20942069? ago

They have to hard a time with me so they attack her shits fubar.

20947396? ago

I have been in the trenches for a long time. There is a way to make it easier ! You must establish a "first name" basis with God and remove all pagan practices that have been brought into modern Christianity ! If you have a first name basis with God calling out his name is very powerful in SW. When you pray use his name and his sons as his son is the bridge between us and God. You can finish your prayer like so "thru your son Jesus Christ amen".

Will list a few of the pagan practices. Easter is a replacement last supper (new covenants version of sabbath ?) ! Christmas is rooted in paganism, sun worship, meaning behind tree (gift giving should not have a set date- should be based on appreciation, good behaviour, etc)? Trinity is just a replacement of the three main pagan roman gods with the one true God (Constantine was a Pagan till death and was part of the Nicene council. Weird ?)

There is a reason they removed Gods name from most of the "normie" bibles all except one passage (psalms 83:18).

20941604? ago

Yes yes yes yes.

20941548? ago

YES, and it's no joke dude. shit will come at you from all sides. Put on the armor. Keep it on.

20943805? ago

Bless your loved ones in Jesus name every night. Cast out all unfriendly spirits from your dwellings in Jesus name every night.

20941539? ago

Yes.. last night sleeping. Felt a dark, physical presence. My body felt paralyzed and was not able to verbally rebuke. Did, however, rebuke in my mind and, once the paralyzation was over, rebuked again verbally, thanked Jesus and fell asleep with a cocky grin on my face, knowing Whose I am. I know the enemy was trying to put up a roadblock because it didn't want a Christian leadership meeting to happen this evening, which happened to go about as good as I could have prayed for.

I have been through a good amount of these, not all the time, but more than I could have imagined when I initially signed up for this battleground.

You are over the target, Christian!! God bless you.

Remember, the enemy cannot do anything to you because you are covered by the blood of Christ. And stop that specific sinning you know you are doing. We cannot give the enemy any kind of foot hold. I know mine was related to tonight's meeting and I had let my guard down the day before and had given into enjoying myself and having had a little alcohol.

20942485? ago



20943272? ago


20944840? ago

At least someone appreciated it.

20941530? ago

I thought that was a 24/7 thing for us broken humans - the great conflict. Just me? I'm regularly just one prayer away from being overwhelmed with hate and discontent and a murderous heart. Prayer is my weapon, refuge, and comfort. There's a reason there are so many advising the full armor of God.

20941517? ago

Yes. Are you Christian? Do you read the Bible? Do you understand the Full Armor of God?

This is a battle of Good versus evil. I think many of us are experiencing Spiritual Warfare. The devil creates chaos and confusion.

Stop what you're doing and start praying. Call out to God and He will hear you. If you are truly Blessed - you may hear Him reply. I've only heard His replies a couple of times - but there is no doubt that voice was from God.

I will pray for you and your family. 🙏

20941414? ago


But I'm only putting as much effort into my response as you put into your post.

20941874? ago


20941407? ago

Yes, very much so.

God Bless.