20944636? ago

It's been in his guitar for years.

20941748? ago

Aliens are the baddies. And they can't wait to welcome them.

20940899? ago

They are ALL Freemasons >



ii) CODES & DECODES EXPLAINED > THE MASONIC WAR FOR CONTROL OF PLANET EARTH - An insight into 5th Dimensional Thought - By NMBRFG > 'o-o' < PART 2

Thanks. <


'o-o' <

20940695? ago

Ancient Aliens fulfilling Albert Pike’s prediction of Luciferian one-worldism

By Timothy Fitzpatrick

Part I – Pike’s prediction and the ancient astronaut theory

History Channel’s hit series Ancient Aliens is attempting to hasten the ultimate goal of the Judeo-Masonic cryptocracy as predicted by 19th-century Freemason Albert Pike.

This goal, apparently in its final alchemical phase, will simultaneously remove Christianity and atheism from the face of the Earth and replace it with worship of chief fallen angel Lucifer and his minions, disguised as ancient gods or space beings. While Christianity and atheism will be gone, the world’s remaining religions will be shown to be small pieces to the puzzle of a our supposed Luciferian destiny.

In 1867, Pike, with an ear to the demonic realm, where diabolic world events are contrived, accurately predicted the first two world wars well ahead of their actuality. Jeff Rense provides an accurate interpretation of these predictions as well as another about a third world war. The focus of this article will be the third and final prediction, which is said to precipitate the dawn of the occultists’ long-yearned-after Golden Age—an age of world government based on the Luciferian slogan of liberty, fraternity, and equality—all code words for the Satanic alchemical transformation of God’s creation.

Space is an occult creation and it has more to do with spirituality and demons than it does “aliens" and “distant planets”.

The idea of aliens is based purely on the laughable theory of biological evolution.

If human beings evolved from some accidental chemical reactions, then other intelligent creatures may have done the same....right?

Do you really think that our DNA, the most complex language/code in the universe formed by accident?

Could a space shuttle or a quantum computer form by accident?

Even the simplest form of life on Earth is literally billions of times more complex than anything mankind has ever created. We don't even understand 1/100000th of how a living cell functions in its entirety, and we can't even begin to create one.


That intelligence is described perfectly in the Bible, a Being that exists outside of time and space who created the entire universe.

The Bible proves its legitimacy and God's existence by predicting events 100s and 1000s of years before they occur.

The Bible tells us that angels were also created by God, but some of them rebelled against God.

That rebellion brought about the existence of demons.

Demons interact with mankind.

They lie and scheme and tempt mankind into turning away from the knowledge and will of God.

God allows this to happen for a time in order to allow us to learn the horrors of living an evil life and the reasons for living to a life of goodness, peace, and love.

One method used by demons is PRETENDING TO BE ALIENS and offering us technology and other gifts that will eventually harm us and lead us away from God.

UFO's and other phenomena are the work of demons, not aliens from another planet. These "aliens" do not seek to help mankind. They seek to destroy mankind. You do not want to meet one.

20940677? ago

Here comes project Blue Beam!

20940217? ago

The UFO plan is the Masons master plan. Tom is just playing the pawn and preparing people for the sham show.

20939481? ago

Keep in mind that two USAF Major Generals were big time supporters of DeLonge's Sekret Machines initiative which morphed from disclosure of a secret space program, to a wishy-washy lets reinvent the wheel of antigravity tech with a lot of CIA, Deep State types leading the effort. Notice the absence of the USAF guys in it initiative. What does that tell you?

20939456? ago

If I recall correctly, John Podesta never actually responded to any of the emails Tom Delonge sent to him.

20939398? ago

The ENTIRE UFO community knows he's a fraud. Why exactly are you posting this?

20939341? ago

Greer/Gaia is fake... That is all.

20945330? ago

Dr Greer = Podesta Friend

20946470? ago

BOOM. I agree

20938768? ago

I’ve never trusted Delonge and the whole ufo deal. If there are et’s out there, a guy like Delonge wouldn’t have access to that type of info. It always emanates from the democrats....why is that?

Also that Steven Greer guy who was chummy with the Rockefeller guy. The whole deal seems like a distraction.

20942461? ago

Epsteins aircraft tail number? Flights to McMurdo depart Christchurch go through New Zealand. What is the chance in the long life of our planet for vist by Ancient Aliens? ...Admiral Byrd? ... Antarctica Pyramids. The Nazi base? Aliens they say Angels or demons ... She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature? https://files.catbox.moe/hlyz1x.jpg

20938746? ago

One UFO "aliens exist" retard accusing another UFO "aliens exist" retard.

Nothing to see here.

20938722? ago

I’d like to see some evidence that he is a Freemason (the tweet from Sather just asserts it), but it wouldn’t surprise me because many people are drawn to it by the intrigue because they want to understand the mystery. Tom DeLonge strikes me as a truth seeker who has been interested in the extra terrestrial question for decades. Yeah he was emailing John Podesta. Before his Pizzagate infamy, Podesta was known as a connected lobbyist and policy wonk who is also an alien nut. So of course DeLonge wrote him. In fact, delonge sent Podesta his novel along with his plans for his plans for the To the Stars Academy which has been publicizing the videos of naval aviator encounters with “unconventional” aircraft. So don’t assume DeLonge is into the pedo shit. He’s an alien nut. Which is fine. He may be right.

20948361? ago

We like Jordan Sather.

But following around those fake ufo soft disclosure cronies? Wake up and think....who has money to throw at this? High budgets and production..

...edge of wankers

20940193? ago

There are pictures of him in the apron, and he has guitars with the masonic symbols.

20942559? ago

Freemason here also although I have not attended lodge in quite some time. Not much going on at least on the level I was on.

20938666? ago

This is a list of the DS guys he is working with. We can be sure this will be part of a Disinformation campaign. These guys will distort the truth about alien disclosure which is coming soon with Space Force.

Who all has joined DeLonge’s crusade?

If you visit the official To The Stars Academy website, you can read full bios for the key team members. These include:

• Tom DeLonge (Co-founder, President, and Interim CEO)

• Jim Semivan (Vice President Operations, former senior intelligence service member at the CIA)

• Dr. Hal Puthoff (Vice President Science & Technology, former researcher at GE, the National Security Agency, Stanford University and others)

• Steve Justice (Aerospace Division Director, former Program Director for Advanced Systems for Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs)

• Luis Elizondo (Director of Global Security & Special Programs, former Pentagon UFO researcher with the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program)

• Chris Mellon (National Security Affairs Advisor, Chair of the Science Committee at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History)

• Dr. Gary Nolan (Genetics Technologies Consultant, Rachford and Carlota A. Harris Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University School of Medicine)

• Dr. Paul Rapp (Brain Function & Consciousness Consultant, Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine at the Uniformed Services University and Director of the Traumatic Injury Research Program)

• Dr. Norm Kahn (National Security & Program Management Consultant, former CIA, developed and directed the Counter-Biological Weapons Program)

• Dr. Colm Kelleher (Biotech Consultant, former Deputy Director of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS))

• Dr. Adele Gilpin (Biomedical Research & Attorney, former faculty at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and the Medical College of Pennsylvania)

These people are all either DS cabal university types or ex CIA.

20939649? ago

Mellon is one of the (((families))).

20938635? ago

his bullshit with Podesta aliens stunk from day zero

20938328? ago

https://tweetsave.com/jordan_sather_/status/1183442818758373379 :

Jordan Sather on Twitter: "Tom Delonge is a Freemason...

Who was found emailing frequently with John Podesta in the Wikileaks emails...

And is working w/ a bunch of ex-CIA and Lockheed guys to bring you “Disclosure” on UFOs...

OK, I’m sure they’re doing this with good intentions (not). 🙄


This has been an automated message.

20938193? ago

NASA's new slogan is "Look Up," which means you should be keeping your eyes on the ground. Magicians use distraction and misdirection to show you what they want you to see, so you believe their lies.

NASA = Never A Straight Answer

Freemasons are anything but free. They are puppets of Lucifer.

20942049? ago

Jeez...is that supposed to be the WTC twin towers in the middle of his square and compass? Including red flames?

And a sly look on his face?

20943612? ago

Nice catch! I hadn't seen his shi*t and appreciate you bringing my attention to it. What else could those shapes in the middle of the square and compass be if they aren't the towers?

20958803? ago

Thanks. Yeah, my thoughts exactly.

20939390? ago

Look up means DUMB bases and Hollow Earth then.

20940126? ago

No doubt

20939348? ago

excellent - truth!

20938840? ago

Very woke comment.

20938133? ago

It’s blatantly on his guitars during live shows

20938119? ago

Who isn’t a Freemason? It is a business decision. It is networking. Much the same as “ church-goers”. I had a boss who went to church every weekend and was anything but a Christian!

20939735? ago

JFK was right about secret societies.

20938541? ago

At the highest level of Freemasonry you are told that Lucifer is the angel of Light is a great guy! That's the major difference in my opinion. Bert Kirshner the comedian admitted it on The Joe Rogan Experience I forget what episode. But he says similar things to what this guy says.


20938650? ago

At the “ highest level”. You are equating grunts and minions with upper echelon. Bing “ jahbulon”, the nihilist crab king. Almost as ridiculous as Scientology and Xenu!

20939005? ago

Who would ever join an organization that doesn't tell you why you are actually there until you're at the highest level??? The lowest levels are kneeling at the altar of Lucifer weather they know it or not. I doubt the most high is going to forgive that.

Check out these symbols that were flashed on television during a Cubs game. You will notice a satanic pentagram as well as a masonic Square & compass, plus a lot of others you should recognize.


20938868? ago

So, do they worship Lucifer (Enki) or YHWH (Enlil)? From the Hidden Hand interview, maybe it is YHWH.

Incidentally, I had an ex-Shriner tell me it is Lucifer. He is a retired Air Force Colonel.

20939049? ago

Jahbulon is an amalgam of multiple mythologies. All you have to understand is that you are controlled within your belief system. This is propaganda that is thousands of years old. Initially developed for small enclaves to promote unity in belief. Understanding and conformity in chaos. For the most part it worked, we were unified. We created great civilizations around our belief systems. The question is with what do we replace it? That is our struggle currently.

20941808? ago

Wow, wtf are you doing here?

The recent thought was to replace it with the American Dream, a common thread uniting much of the globe in inspiration. Not now

20938520? ago

So it's cool to promise to allow your fellow cult members to disembowel you if your reveal their secrets? Sounds awesome! Can I sign up at any windowless lodge in my town?

20939245? ago

I think you’re supposed to disembowel yourself. Right after you cut your tongue out and bury it at low tide or something. But they say these obligations are symbolic. Whatever. I don’t take oaths. I tell the truth and I let my yay be yay and my nay be nay. That what Jesus would say.