20938189? ago

I think its worth noting that the appearance of UFO's over the past few decades has indicated a change from metal and rivets to more modern industrial technology. Therefore I believe UFO's to be an earthborn phenom.

20937964? ago

Forget about all the previous BS regarding the issue. It does not matter. Start HERE and go forward. Past lies are exactly that.


20937215? ago

Unidentified Flying Objects and secret advanced technology DOES NOT automatically translate to "Alien Lifeforms."

It just means they're unidentified and secret.

If aliens were actually living on Earth and had developed advanced technology beyond our wildest imaginations; Why would they share it with us? As violent as humans have been throughout all of our history; Why wouldn't they just wipe us out and be done with it?

20938349? ago

Great point. Also, with that alleged level of advancement, why would one "crash" in the desert and scatter the little alien bodies like they hadn't even invented seat belts yet...

Granted, that's old "Roswell-ian" alien technology.

Maybe that's why we haven't seen any recent crashes?

Apparently the Greys have made big gains over the last ~70 years. Lol

20944157? ago

No matter how advanced something is it will always have flaws. Everything can be hacked.

Also if it exists in this universe, it is also subject to this universe's physics.

20936964? ago

Search Fallen Angels,youll see the advanced tech from 1000yrs ago well before its time.

Even the last 20yrs says alot