20945713? ago

Another odd thing about the VOAT Research Board or maybe VOAT in general; I have been stuck at 24 contribution points for a long time, which means I can never post anything. I don't mind really, but just curious, and I'm sure others might ask, How do you gain enough Comment Contribution Points to post? I have almost 200 upvotes. Does that do anything?

20945765? ago

You need to go to one of the other voat boards.

Gain the points there, use them here.

20947028? ago

I have almost 200 upvotes. How do you get contribution points?

20940731? ago

For five years.

20937547? ago

I'm not going anywhere. I was here before 8Chan went down. I'll be here after it comes back up again. Shills and Lord Steven Christ don't bother me.

20937433? ago

You're right the numbers look like shit. How many were on the Reddit board that got shut down...170,000?

20936957? ago

8 upvoats. Then i upvoat and magically you are at 19...

20936928? ago

SLOW DEATH? That's a laugh.

Q was a LARP, it's over.Some dumbfuck will revive the idiocy to continue to laugh at and take advantage of those hicks to stupid to have ever figured this out.

The entire premise, the absurd claim that some high ranking DOE official would use 8/chan , a platform know for child porn, Hentai and LARP FAKES to "communicate" with the scumbags there in ridiculous coded messages was imbecilic from the start.

LARP Q claimed Martial Law, the imminent arrest of Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama as a starter, this is so fucking OBVIOUSLY not true. You can't dispute that. The LARP continues with each claim more outlandish and ridiculous , perhaps to see just how dumb and how crazy you people are. Concocting the comic book story of Democrats being Satan worshiping baby eating cannibals, so INSANE...only the insane and mentally defective beieve it.

The Trump administration has been plain old GOOD OLD BOY exploiting for financial gain from day one, Trump being a long exposed liar, con man , criminal and sociopath.

There have been no arrests, no martial law, no trils by military tribunals and no executions and there are NEVER going to be.

You do nothing, worth nothing, have nothing delusional boomer burn out brain damaged losers pretend you are super patriots, experts in "codes", intelligence, politics and of course ( LOL ) deadly gun toting minutemen. In reality you are fucking fat, stupid failures at life who pretend to have any meaning for your meaningless soon to be terminated existence.

Those of you IDIOTS who still believe this imbecilic drivel deserve all the scorn and loneliness you have, and IT WILL GET WORSE. It's the END OF THE STUPID Q GAME, it just goes down in our history as an insane cult. Nice going with your lives LOSERS!!!!!!!

20936875? ago

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20936532? ago

The quality of posts has gone down a lot too....

20936265? ago

Maybe cause it’s 90% posts about hating Jews and zero research?

20936214? ago

The quality of posting goes way down in absence of Q.

20935965? ago

It's getting the job done. I suspect we will have a new home shortly.

20935759? ago

This is by design. Voat never wanted us, then we show up and all hell breaks loose. That's why they troll our sub every day. They hate us.

20935277? ago

I'm sorry to say that Voat started dying when the Q'fag boomers arrived. We started being bombarded with spambot comments and uploads. You came just when the media controllers decided to take this place down by spamming with junk. It may have been that pizzagate was getting too hot to handle. Currently I'm watching a flat earth guy on youtube who keeps getting hacked and taken down. If you want to hear what they dont want you to hear look for Martin Liedtke on youtube. Ignore how he looks.

20945778? ago

Is Martin back on you tube? He was down last I saw. He's great.

20935255? ago

Uh, the shilling was 10x what it is now. Help yourself the fuck off the board if it’s dying. We’re full.

20935221? ago

What you want though is quality not quantity, right?

20935204? ago

It's not just this board it the how Q movement has gone stagnant. As long as he was dropping info and proofs it kept the energy up. Not to mention he overestimated our ability to decode. If we have more than we know we havent figured out the cipher to figure that out. And I don't buy into the number gematria BS.

20935142? ago

Also the VOAT site is broken it seems, at least 50% of the time I try to log on in the last few months. I have found other ways to get on the site when it says it is broken, but it isn't easy to do and I'm sure most people would give up instead of trying to log on in a round about way.

20936763? ago

This is why only the creame was left. Rejoice and rise your spear tip you one of the lucky 300 bastards.

20945645? ago


20935171? ago

It goes down constantly throughout the day, usually only for a few minutes, but still annoying as fuck.

20935196? ago

Yeah, it does it enough to explain the drop in attendance.

20935225? ago

Yeah, probably part of it anyway. Especially sucks if you try to publish a post, hit submit, and get a screen saying "down for maintenance".

20935078? ago

This is a QResearch board and Q stopped posting, so of course the participation will drop off some.

20935071? ago

are they intentionally strangling this board?

How about "Q hasn't posted in over 2 months, and therefore fewer and fewer people care to visit a low traffic focused conspiracy board". And why would they? There's nothing new from Q, the userbase is too small and dumb to pick up large scale happenings, and the retards rule the roost, since a horde of retards call fully 50%+ of the userbase shill if they say anything they deem insufficiently positive.

20935068? ago

It's because Q doesn't post anymore, and Trump just sits there getting shit on. Hard to get excited.

20935024? ago

We want you to go away. You're annoying and not smart enough to participate. You're the reason the site now sucks.

So, no... We're going to make sure it stays this way, until you go away. Then, registration will be opened again.

20936784? ago

KEK sings glorious praises!

20935011? ago

Yeah they will get away with pedogate just like 9/11?

20934848? ago

This is where I both get my news daily and deliver the news to my fellow anons that I find relevant to the Q community. I could care less about numbers...numbers are the one thing that have always been manipulated by the asshats.

20936079? ago

No, this god damn place has nothing compared to "notables" from 8chan.

20934939? ago

Well yeah, but eventually there won't be many "fellow anons"...the numbers are going down steadily, and at the current rate I'd give it 3-4 months.

20945733? ago

The numbers seem to be holding in the 300's so far.

20945779? ago

Just barely...it's a fraction of what is was, like 20%.

20936706? ago

Nah its been like this for ages its no worries meh fren. We are the 300! Chosen to fight the good fight!

20934985? ago

Even when/if 8Kun makes it's appearance, I will return here. So much easier a venue than 8ch was...

20934776? ago

This site is a troll.

20934727? ago

Porn anon here. I’m even a bit tired of the same ole shit.

20934648? ago

Until new registrations are reopened Voat will die.

20934919? ago

It's probably intentional.

20934663? ago

That's my thought, but seems like most in here just want to ignore the fact.

As you can see by the comments, some folks actually get pissed when you mention it.

20935280? ago

They are bots or paid goons.

20934689? ago

I think Voat was contained by feds and removed us from internet view and are actively monitoring all of us and putting us all on lists.

20935094? ago

I think Voat was contained by feds and removed us from internet view and are actively monitoring all of us and putting us all on lists.>

I hope not.

20934819? ago

I agree. I have had a few very interesting post replies here. Almost on a personal level.

20934714? ago

Uh...yeah. I've been thinking the same thing.

Like putting us all in one little fish-tank so as to keep an eye on us.

20934637? ago

I think it is the quarantine myself. It seemed to me when that took place all the numbers dropped. I would not let those numbers bother you and just push on. There is a lot to do yet. Hopefully 8kun/chan comes back soon and we get some Q guidance.

20934548? ago

Are you retarded?

This community is about discussing Q posts... and Q hasn't posted in over two months.

Rather than bitching, come back when there's new Q posts.

20934640? ago

The quarantine didn't only effect QRV, it's all of Voat.

This all began, supposedly, because of a post on Great Awakening that named the Red Cross and some Mossad bitch being connected to Epstein.

I'm not even sure I believe that part of the story.

20934536? ago

It will probably jump back up once Q starts posting again.

20934926? ago


20934578? ago

To some degree, but the biggest problem is that no one can even view posts unless registered, and you can no longer register!?!

Quite a catch, that catch 22.

A LOT of people didn't register because they were afraid they'd get put on some sort of watch-list, I think they were the bulk of audience.

20934598? ago

but the biggest problem is that no one can even view posts unless registered, and you can no longer register!?!

Oh, ok I'm the idiot here then. I actually did not realize that.

What the hell.

(that was not sarcastic by the way, it may have sounded like it, but I really am an idiot for not knowing that.) lol.

20934686? ago

Yeah, log out and try to go in through another window...you're locked out until you use your key.

Makes no sense to me as to how this protects us from DDoS attacks...

20934513? ago

Everytime the subject comes up ypu get attacked by shills saying it's a good thing.

20934499? ago

Facebook has it poluted to the depths of DOS.

20934505? ago

Could you explain that?

20934612? ago

DOS was likely before your time

It was the begining of the time machines

20936831? ago

Time machines = black holes ?

20936908? ago
