20936641? ago

He was speaking on communism... but communism is pushed by Jews so, yah. This checks out.

20935934? ago

He should know. Freemasons were gettings names off tombstones in Chicago to help him win (as told to my dad by a deacon who had been a part of it). Guess he had a falling out with the deepstate.

20935096? ago

They assassinated him because he was too dangerous to them.

21027003? ago

Anyone Here Read History? Greeks, Babylon and a Temple in Syria? ...Cult of Dionysus, They pray to wine, phallus & hole symbols? Dionysus was involved in sodomy, Silenus Bacchus and Pan/Satyrs. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3351814/19893749 strange times

20934878? ago

He got what he deserved for being an antisemitic bastard.

20945622? ago

A semite ... meaning what some person from Malta? Sudan culture, Greeks? some group from Iran? Tigrinya, the Tigre the Aramaic? Do you even know what the fuck Semites are??

20945691? ago

Is what the jews would say by reading that quote evrn if it dosent mention any word of jews

20934733? ago

Mystery Babylon

21022694? ago

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20934239? ago


20933861? ago

Doea circumcision induce a proclivity towards such subversive behavior?

20932953? ago

If you read the entire transcript he is specifically talking about the spread of communism here. This speech had nothing to do with the deep state or the military industrial complex. If anything it justified going to Vietnam and Korea, while creating more need for military build up.

I’m just tired of this meme being used for this narrative. JFK was a smart guy, but he didn’t walk on water.

20933190? ago


20933057? ago

Correction, The press. He called the press a line of defense. Which is, certainly, why the current MSM is fully infiltrated..like JFK said...by America hating Communists (aka socialists, aka Bolshevist?)

20933036? ago

Correct. Hence the “free press” at the top of the meme. Pay attention.

20933018? ago

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings”

From the speech.

Fuck off shill.

20932820? ago

He forgot the news media and Hollywood.

20933038? ago

He was giving the speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association.

20932526? ago

Aka: jews

20933987? ago

Well there was that other kennedy quote saying that hitler had in him the stuff of legends.

20934725? ago

Considering we know now that 'nazi crimes' are nonexistent and infact are a projected framejob to cover for jewish bolshevik crimes, I don't see how its out of context at all after looking at that link you posted.

20935772? ago

I've seen Europa the Last Battle and I'm still not entirely convinced. I mean how do you know that documentary is true and everything else is not? I've tried researching some on my own but unsurprisingly it's very hard to determine what's true anymore.

20932971? ago

Masonics, hollyweird, the pedo Vatican, rituals from arabia and the Jewish Occult? Is there something that connects them all ... ??

21030084? ago


20933469? ago


20934764? ago


Its the jews.

20934978? ago

Yes the jews are manipulating things. Absolutely. But the top of the pyramid, the controling bloodline, is Payseur.

20936339? ago


20937107? ago

Awww you broke my being called a shill virginity. ;)

Seriously though you would probably really enjoy the rabbit hole if you are truly interested. Just start with some simple searches. There is some light discussion that they may not completely control the Rothschilds any more (due to line mixing and the Rothchilds breeding into them) but I haven't researched that.

Seriously, cute on the JIDF. You have me smiling. Israel definitely has nukes. My best guess would be low hundreds. Care to tell me how many you think?

20936911? ago

Nope q did say the payseur s . Your didgits give you away faggot you got 3 threes.

20932184? ago

Catholics are brainwashed enemies of america.

20933717? ago

Catholics are like Protestants who are like Muslims who are convinced that the GOD of the universe, the CREATOR of all that exists, chose the Jews as HIS special people. Keep praying to HIM. ...or is it HER these days?

Stupid cattle.

20933856? ago

Any legitimate Christian knows that Jews are mixraced mutts LARPing as the Chosen, when 1- the Isrealis of Bible times were White, and the Bibles English translation using the word Jews is incorrect. And 2- the New Testament clearly states that all who follow Christ are the Chosen.

20932175? ago

Here's what happens to you goyim when you oppose (((our))) control.

20932962? ago

Noguchi, the coroner says the fatal bullet was fired not more than 3 inches from the rear of Kennedy's head. Sirhan was never closer than 3 feet in front of Kennedy. A rent-a-cop security guard with suspected ties to the CIA (what a shock) Thane Eugene Cesar was just behind Kennedy and his pistol was never checked to see if it had been fired. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3407197/20400939 See the Masonic Order of the Rose Cross, Rosicrucian Mysteries and Albert Pike

20931961? ago

What else could he be talking about other than Freemasonry?

20932221? ago

Communism and the Vietnam War

20933211? ago


20932998? ago


This is the obvious and correct answer. I think he may have also been implying a subtext of Illuminati (basically Freemasons, but over masons and bigger than that). Because double meanings exist.

20932129? ago

Satanic freemasons led by jews. Kenedy knew. That's why he went after the fed, and that's also why the jews had him killed.

20932321? ago

Remove your tinfoil buttplug and get over blaming the Jews for every last problem in the world.

20932341? ago

Don't see non-jewish people causing problems.

20933764? ago

I do all over the place and you guys saying its because the Jews control the person. religion is only a smoke screen that is used by these people. everything is about power and control.

20935922? ago

Name a bad non-jew who isn't controlled by the Jews?

20933815? ago

Jews are a race.

20934709? ago

yes and no. it is a religion because some one can convert though the religion does not seek out converts because of this most of its members come from the same racial group but coming from that group does not mean you are Jewish because it is a belief system and there are a lot of people that leave the religion....

20935467? ago

Religious or not, Jews operate as a race. Technically they are racemixed, but they percieve a specific mix as their "race" and they operate as one. No, they aren't the White Isrealis of Bible times, and no, they aren't Muslim. They are a mix of both as well as genetics from their occupied countries before WW2. But regardless of that they have decided that the specific mix of genetics they have is "their race". An orthodox Jew will stand up for a Satanic or Athiest Jew and cry "anti semitism". This is why they are all dangerous. They hide behind their Jewishness as a victim status to make themselves capable of no wrong.

20932455? ago

You are blind.

20932502? ago

The Jews are right in your face you shithead. It's never whites or any other race.

20933054? ago

  1. Look up "LOGIC" in the dictionary.

  2. Practice it.

20933447? ago

Logic points to the Jews. It also points me to concluding that you are either a dumb, Zionist Boomer or a kike shill.

20932556? ago


Know it.

Love it.

Insert it into your anus.

20933476? ago

Go suck some baby dick, Shlomo.

20932203? ago

As absurd as that sounds on its face, the Masonic religion is based on the kabalah which is basically Jewish and their degrees and symbols are covered with Hebrew words and letters. Albert Mackey even claims the Talmud describes the Masonic system.

20931817? ago

They warned him with Marilyn Monroe, but continue on. Forcing their dark hands exposing it's dark ugly face to the country. But the people fell into disbelief and believing the lie.

20932951? ago

Rosicrucian Mason? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3408950/20419047 They want him gone! After all these years in prison his programming may be wearing out?

20931825? ago

Truly makes me feel remorse.