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20934265? ago

Barely any of this is true.

Barely. It is a lot of confabulation predicated on contemporary religious constructs.

New shit fed through the same ole' meat grinder.

As I was once told; If you are going to start to seek these things out, learn Latin. Otherwise, you'll be wound up in all the deep-rooted lies and misconstructions.

Lastly, I still find it laughable how often people will reference the Triangle, Diamond (not a cube, that's the jews bs), Circle, and Spiral (Golden Mean) as magic or occult, but then completely ignore the Cross as it relates to those symbols.

If you don't like reading, learn Sacred Geometry. If you like reading, skip Geometry lessons and teach yourselves Latin.

20937562? ago

Hi mate,

I am learning Latin. I also speak Italian and that has Latin roots.

I am an expert on Sacred Geometry, it's plastered all over my walls (ones I have drawn myself by hand).

Have you read my other work before you start to judge me.

Remember, I have included other people's work in my post too.

Here are rest of my posts >

All NMBRFG Decodes in one post by The NumberFag - As requested - 5:5 - D5- 'o-o' <


Speak soon.