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20910141? ago

I think you're looking at it wrong. Read what he says at the bottom, he's talking about ASMR. He's talking about SOUND not the writing!!!!!

20910186? ago

I was JUST thinking that ! I was listening to him read his writing here:

Could rip the audio and play in reverse to see if it sounds like anything

20910319? ago

I tried ripping and reversing the video I linked. Sounds like another language kek. Could be because its backwards, could be becaus its a language I dont recognize haha

20921823? ago

Remember that guy back in the 90s who did the reverse speech research and presented it on Art Bell's show? That was some interesting stuff.

20923531? ago

I haven't heard that but I do remember seeing some website about reverse speech and they claimed that in anyones reverse speech there was actual meaningful content and that it was impossible to lie in reverse speech. I recall them using it on David Wilcock

20910780? ago

It sounds like it's saying, "I am the walrus. Goo goo g'joob!"

20911077? ago

3:25 - clear as day "Theres a hammer with us!"

20914829? ago

Are there any other hammer references, there could be converging lining up on the q clock.

20914930? ago

6 drops when you search "hammer" on QMAp. I don't know how to ClockFag... If someone wants to put something together, please post here! WOuld love to hear it.

This one is interesting

Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?

1 of 22.

Maybe tying in with what the other anon said about the Greek word at the end of the video meaning Lawsuit

The Lawsuit is the Hammer . Impeach trump, lawsuit, evidence dark to light?

20911169? ago


I thought Gowdy was a hammer, but I doubt that's what Jim is referring to