20909746? ago


Unless that is just for admin, they can fuck right off.

It undermines the whole ethos of 8chan and similar sites.

If they ask for logins when it comes back up, It's over.

Think. It. Through.

20909254? ago

Predicted top 3 shill 8kun narratives:

  1. 8kun is not secure;
  2. 8kun is a Mossad / CIA conspiracy;
  3. REEEEEEEEE muh "no outside comms"!!!;

20908910? ago

I get site cannot be reached

20908719? ago

Thats a login screen for board owners and admins and not for anons. The site is not open access yet

20909778? ago

Yeah this is http based auth and not a coded authentication for a typical website. Usually used to protect directories....

Jim might be sending us coded messages, I stumbled on some strange shit on his YouTube. Please check my post: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3466786

Need more anoneyes. We need to DIG!

20909389? ago

U r correct. That’s probably why op said “almost there” rather than “we are here”. “Almost” is the operative word in OP’s post for students to pay attention to.

20909468? ago

You determine the word "almost" with utmost skills, LinguisticAnon

20909527? ago

Just call me, phonicsanon.

20908604? ago

is it going to be .com or .net.. I have seen reference to both

20908823? ago

the .com was mentioned only on Voat. Watson never said the domain of the new chan but on the infinity chan official twitter they asks previous board owners to send emails to @8kun.NET, so...

20911440? ago


20908563? ago

It will take some serious proof to convince me that this is a real evolution of 8Chan and not an outside comm.

20910333? ago

If it is then likely the old address would forward to this new one.

20908584? ago

absolutely, honey comb of sort ...

20908447? ago

That's a sign-in. How does one sign-up?

20908446? ago

Now getting (400 bad request)

Almost there.

20912168? ago

Try https and you’ll get the login.

20908293? ago

Does this mean no more anon 8chan?

20908650? ago

Maybe, starting to look like a honeypot for retards if they require a login.

I can see the future now...

1-I don't feel safe giving my info out

2-Its okay. In their tos it says never going to release info.

1-They were hacked my data is compromised

2-Its not their fault

20909278? ago

It's login for board owners dipshit.

20909409? ago


20908044? ago

Fantastic! Thanks...

20908105? ago

How do I register

20910501? ago

I’m sure registering is for Admins. Anons won’t have to register. We have to be patient till it opens..

20909827? ago

This is not standard login. be patient. This is not for us yet

20908366? ago

I think that's temporary. Maybe for ex board owners to set their board back up

20907951? ago

OK.... Soon.

I can't wait. Boy do I have some good story to tell.

20908360? ago

I second that — fess up details!

20908035? ago

Why wait? DO TELL!!!