20907178? ago

55 infinity 5

Digits confirm quaility post.

20907610? ago


20930559? ago

Can you help me i found somthing huge and cant post.

Its about 11 11.

The great awaking. Iv known about this dor a bit but hadnt the pieces to the puzzle.

The day the earth shook like a bell . Q rang the earth with repossed space weapon which makes e.q.

Now look at all the riots world wide. The chains are broke the information is unleashed heres a list of current riots and large one in the last month.

We have france, hong kong, equador, haiti, indonesia, india ( bank collapse) iran, holland, peru, russia, im assuming venezula still, egypt, lebanon, iraq. I. Sure theres more. World is a tinder box. Atm. Greece?

Very few western countries but we are next? When will it be evident the masses are no longer under mind controll?

How does one end a trance, hypnosis, ie mind controll? Ring a bell? How about the whole earth at 17 sec intervals? Ding ding ding.


20930571? ago

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20903545? ago

That motherfucking faggot is saving the world. All asshats can stfu, wwg1wga. Swallow that shit.

20904369? ago


20903409? ago

Hey Jim,

How do you like it here on Voat ?

20902841? ago

It's a good message. I like his style. He was at the beach, having fun and being himself. You go Jim!

20902758? ago

Sounds like he was reading a script written by Q team.

Kek. Jim is a spook. but goddamned I love him

20903096? ago

He was 100% reading.

20903161? ago

Yah I noticed that first. Jim has been Q'd for sure. Adds more layers to this melodrama

20902735? ago

Does he want a part in a Neil Breen film? Because this is how you get a part in a Neil Breen film.

20902644? ago

I like that man -no gay

20903397? ago

You mean you like that no gay, man ?

20902608? ago

Yeah, the comments he's weird, gay, et al. Imagine if he was a suit who talks all marble mouthed and PC, laughing at US while counting those stacks. Yeah, i love this man just as he is. A patriot in deed, and one who MAKES A DIFFERENCE! Take THAT, [DS]!! I am also happy to see he is happy. Like DJT he is loving the fight.

20902179? ago

Well, he seems awfully happy.

20902168? ago

The hell is wrong with that guy?

20902075? ago

i can spot the faggots who were never on 8chan picking on Jim for being "weird." Nothing wrong with Jim, Normies. It's you.

20903596? ago

He strikes me as a guy who uses some attention grabbing panache, to get his point across. Pretty effective delivery for some. He plays it up well.

20901920? ago

So is his son CodeMonkey?

20904850? ago

No. His son is codemonkeyz.

20906311? ago

Had no idea that CodeMonkeyZ his son. That's friggin awesome!

20901892? ago

Odd man. Odd indeed.

20902763? ago

he is a spook

he works on our side,

what did you expect

20903378? ago

He expected James Bondy type, he got Al Bundy instead ... That'll teach him :)

20901560? ago

He should have just posted that to 8chan.

20901544? ago

Well, at least he seems upbeat.

20901510? ago

We got to hang together or we will most certainly hang separately.

20901594? ago

If we go one place together, we all go there together?

20903353? ago

I pity those toilets.

20901632? ago


20901407? ago

lmao ur guy's hero is a fucking gay boomer, color me shawk'd

20901608? ago

He’s playing a very important role in history, and you on the other hand, means absolutely nothing.

20901826? ago

Just ignore that dumb liberal.

20901735? ago

LOL owning a website that has a boomer psy op running on it is an important role in society? Please tell me what has changed because of a gay boomer named jim watkins.

20903336? ago

You know how boomers are screwed in the head with their ego & selfishness problem.

If that gets their attention and they now feel concerned about the future of their country, what wrong does you ?

20907132? ago

Because its armchair cheerleading bs, they arent apart of this anymore than a child in a movie theatre, yet they pretend to be apart of it

20907443? ago

Except for the players and the cheerleaders themselves, all every sports fan ever does is "armchair cheerleading".

Except they show up for the games, they pay for the players' salaries & they make or break a team.

Do not underestimate the "armchair cheerleading".

20911745? ago

Can you stop talking like Q its creepy as fuck.

20930861? ago

Say s the guy with 117 and 45 in his post! i 00 u!

20901964? ago

You'll find out.

20902778? ago

LOL yes, ill keep waiting and trust the plan. 8chan is gonna be up THIS WEEK! (moves goalpost for the 100th time)

not a liberal


20901333? ago

They sold out the American people to the non-whites of the world.

20902768? ago

couldnt be further from the lie. browns are cancer, whites are life. yellows.. well they need us to show them the way of government or else you get imperia, japan. fuck this equality shit show.

20901270? ago

That faggot is glowing

20902779? ago

he is a spook

but he works for Q. fuck the kikes

20901266? ago

He is talking about circling wagons. Military tactic invented by Czech named Jan Žižka


20901240? ago

He looks good with beard.

20901465? ago

I miss bread.

20902125? ago

Hopefully we can bake some soon, crumbs for all the glorious faggots.

20901044? ago

says the guy who was too much of a faggot to stay in America and had to flee to the Philippines just to be able to host a website.

20901360? ago

flee the U.S. to escape justice? in this vid today he's in Socal a few min down the freeway from me.

20906339? ago

I was excited to see he was in SoCal. San Clemente is beautiful, about an hour from me.

20901017? ago

gay much?

20903249? ago

much gay.

20901000? ago

Said a lot about China without mentioning China. No new info, but he sure seems lighthearted - or stressed to the point of mania. I'm guessing we're getting close.

20900970? ago

He’s a gay

20902785? ago

hes a spook. learn the difference before you accidentally fuck your own ass,

20902991? ago

spooks are gays

20900929? ago

Good message, but the presentation was kind of weird.

20907209? ago

Presentation is perfect !

20902789? ago

fuck off kike shill. you got nothing, and will hang like Jim says

20901908? ago

Jimbo was having fun!

20901613? ago

not the best public speaker, but that's ok

20901464? ago


20900981? ago

Is he gay or just flamboyant?

20902755? ago

Why does it matter to you?

20903137? ago

Because I watched the video to " see what he has to say"...now I would like to know more about the content of his character.

20901899? ago


20901457? ago

He's Jim Watkins.

20901034? ago

Flaming gay

20900899? ago

Not sure what to make of that?

20901063? ago

Really faggot?

20900926? ago

guy is fucking hilarious

rarest of rare pepes

20901037? ago

He's gay as the day is long, also the savior of Qanon. Huh.

20901762? ago

Totally misread your reply. All this talk about gay made me read your reply as "He's gay as the day is dong". Fuck I might have caught the gay. ...........MEDIC!!!!

20902035? ago

You dont need a medic, your faggetness can be cured with a nurse

20907174? ago

Ill take 2

20902864? ago

In that case I think I might have the gay as well.

20903234? ago

Nurse Big Bertha waiting room 69.

Once you get around her (literally), please relay her our best wishes.

20902800? ago

they could stop jacking with amphetamines. that works too

20902820? ago

But why would you want too?

20903019? ago

amphetamines make you gay. this is well known. try to wean a homosexual off of coke. they cant. they become straight. those fucking poser pieces of shit

20902232? ago


20901138? ago

Hi Guys, Follow Me

20900867? ago

in all seriously

20901389? ago

are you seriousness giving him shit for that?

20901449? ago

no I love him in all seriously

20901722? ago

Jesus that was a mind fuck to read those 3 replys

20903177? ago

Seriousnesserly, you can do better than this.... How Dare You !