21058652? ago

Vatican and Junkermann? Epstein's blue striped markings are symbolic of an age-old lucifarian transgenerational elite cult whose goal is to eradicate Christ - The House of Lusignan https://voat.co/v/QRV/3357932/19938768 The colors of israel

20894761? ago

I wonder if they are heading to the Standard Hotel in CA?

20883997? ago

Adam Schiff - we want to known what happened at the Standard Hotel. Looks like we will find out soon. Liddle Adam Schiff you and Nancy can't hide behind your fake impeachment inquiry.

20881588? ago

GITMO Baby ! GITMO ! ((They)) can check out any time ((They)) want, BUT, ((They)) can NEVER leave ! #KAG

20881066? ago

Gonna go way out on a limb here.....10/9 will come and go, without incident.

20880908? ago

The eagles largely stink except for that song which they basically stole the rights from their guitar player

20880301? ago

Thank Q fellow devil dogs - God Speed

20880202? ago

"You can check in, but you can never leave." Gitmo?

20880186? ago

Could they be talking about the hotel Shiff is associated with which anons now know is used for sex crimes, trafficking and probably rituals? Its in the Los Angeles area. Can't remember the name of the hotel right now.

20882112? ago

The Standard Hotel

20883009? ago

That's it.........ty.

20880001? ago

i watched a documentary once about the eagles, of what i remember hotel california is referencing the standand hotel....

20879978? ago

I know the name of a hotel in California...

20879952? ago

Yup. This weekend wife playlist brought that up that song. We were "nope".

20879529? ago

They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't kill the beast...

20881441? ago


20879425? ago

This is all fantasy and nothing will happen.

20879341? ago

While I think the connection between the song and a Q drop is a bit of a stretch, I do have to say that it makes me conjure up the mental image of the Marines being unleashed against Antifa in a pitched battle. Something like Antifa has taken over the city of Portland with thousands of their black-clad "warriors", armed with an assortment of weapons from Daisy BB guns to 70's-vintage Sears & Roebuck .22 caliber bolt action rifles. Many are only armed with sharpened broomsticks and bottles of urine, but they are willing to fight and die for their cause.

Then the Marines arrive.

One, maybe two days of carnage, and when the smoke clears we see the American and the USMC flags flying from the burned-out remains of Portland city hall. The streets are littered with the mangled corpses of the Antifags, some of them crushed beyond recognition by lumbering M1 tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles rolling down Main Street. A drunk sailor kisses a nurse and it becomes an iconic photo!

Fuck, I'm gonna do a short story on this with some funny memes...




20880357? ago

One, two days really? We knocked Sadam's Army, (3rd largest in the world at the time), out of Kuwait in a Liddle over a day back in 1990.

Marines dropping the hammer on the Soros Punks would be a site to behold. Over before they knew what hit them.

A big OORahhh to my fellow Leathernecks serving out there, and Semper Fi.

20880478? ago

I'm figuring the Marines will enjoy the operation and take their time...

20879567? ago

I compliment your story telling skills & suggest you write a book - there's probably a lot of us that have made up stories of what we'd like to happen. I'm more a traditionalist - truth - arrests, jail, gitmo will be fine - total annihilation of bad guys will do.

20879830? ago

Don't discount my fantasy for reality just yet, there will be another State of the Union address soon enough, perhaps I am just a prophet with bad timing. US Marshalls, warrants, unsealed indictments hidden away like easter candy, oh I just get the warm and fuzzies thinking about it.


20879627? ago

Yeah, reality IS better, but the mental image of crushed bodies and broken broomsticks in the streets appeals to me in a sort of primal way.

20879445? ago

Reminds me of my fantasy of US marshals coming in every exit during the last state of the Union rounding up half of congress, one of them pulls a crack pipe out of Occasional Cotex's purse as she screams , "That's not mine"!!!

20883823? ago

Reminds me of "Trading Places" put-your-hand-in-the-next-guys-pocket scene.

20879634? ago

Occasional Cotex


20879668? ago

Occluded Cortex

20879575? ago

oh that's funny

20879474? ago

I like that!

You, my friend, have a talent...

20879158? ago

"Don't worry California, relief is on the way"

20879396? ago

Ghislaine Maxwell: Old Disney connection? Save the children fund ... Lord and Lady Bath's House in Wiltshire, did 'Robert' own a newspaper media Empire that organized the event? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3462868/20879321 And Bob Iger is not listening to Oprah and running for President why?

20879562? ago

...and many do not sleep at night.

20879538? ago

HOT on the trail!

20878800? ago

Is this cereal brain?

20878534? ago

FlyEaglesFly is the Philadelphia Eagles fight song. It has nothing to do with the band The Eagles or Hotel California or any fucking tanks in the desert.

20879473? ago

"Once you check in you never check out."

20880091? ago

"You can check out any time you like, but you can never, never leave."

"I stab it with my steely knife but I just can't kill the beast."

Hotel California, The Eagles

20879379? ago

New Orleans Shriner House?...She was originally supposed to be in star wars in 77 but her footage got cut https://voat.co/v/QRV/3398930/20324857 NXIVM Burke/Bronfman... Susan & Plaza Hotel where Cohn & Shriner Hoover...Lynn & Andrew Stein? Virgin Islands gay boyfriends...Epstein helps Wexner supply Iraq? Maxwell & library in Moscow? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3419172 CDAN Blind About The Standard Hotel Helicopter Crash https://voat.co/v/QRV/3454503 Amy Winehouse's hotel right after her break through. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3442616 Any guesses as to who would want her to feel unsafe in her own hotel room? https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3426234 Jamie Dlux: Epstein pedo pals, the Hyatt Hotel billionaire family, are major architects turning children transgender

20878784? ago

Exactly right. And this was directed at LDR when the Beagles made it to the super bowl.

20878487? ago

Don’t get it.

20878550? ago

You need an IQ under 35 like OP for it to sink in plus a bag of shrooms the size of a fucking My Pillow.

20879100? ago

You selling!!! Just kidding..

20878473? ago

I’m in Northern California and have gotten two texts from PG&E (our electric company), saying the power may be turned off 10/9/19.

20878791? ago

Get a bunch of fire extinguishers and soak your house the night before

20878668? ago

Do you have a smart meter on your house?


20879456? ago

He should have it removed if they are turning off the electric. Make it a neighborhood project.

20878422? ago

https://tweetsave.com/usmc/status/1181720932177629184 :

U.S. Marines on Twitter: "Welcome to the Hotel California

An M1A1 Abrams tank with 1st Tank Battalion, @1st_Marine_Div, maneuvers across the desert during Integrated Training Exercise 5-19 at @CombatCenterPAO.… /0ANXA4TDkg"

This has been an automated message.