20869791? ago

I can't get the article to open, but I did watch this video from Ice Age Farmer a few days ago about the power being shut off it is 14 minutes long and worth a watch. It talks about how the power company was using helicopters with Lidar scanning people's property while the power was off.

20869286? ago


20868742? ago

The article said power was being cut off cause the lines might spark a wildfire. But it would stay on in SF and Marin. So explain me this do the powerlines remaining on to serve SF cross through any dry brush or grass country? And if so how is that safe? They cant even create a credible story

20867241? ago

Ahh California...A Socialist paradise.

20867052? ago

Did I hear some yelling Enron?

20866941? ago

Maybe it's because Pelosi's energy company is failing to deliver. Oh sorry that's Nevada. It was Barry's company that failed in CA.

20866877? ago

Boy, the big lie. It's agenda 21 and the effort to force people out of CA.

20869218? ago

Not out of CA, just together in mega cities where they take up as little land space as possible

20866706? ago

The Purge...?

I do hope Pelosi's wine doesn't become too warm.

20866417? ago

20866350? ago

If the use a dew while the power is off gonna be hard to explain the dew...

20865544? ago

when the lights go out, start killing niggers, spicks & politicians.. power will be back on in NO time..

20866738? ago

You are a piece of shit that does not belong in the Q community.

Go back to /v/nazifaggots or wherever woodwork you crawled out of.

20866917? ago

sweet jeezuz i cant wait to boogaloo all over you kumbya-handholding nigger-faggot-kikes

20866931? ago

So you're a Nazifaggot. Not surprised.

Spot on about not belonging to Q community.

20866988? ago

just remember, rabbi... saving israel for last.... maybe after withdrawing ALL US support from sand-nigger-land, the mussies will have a bit of jihad on the meddling-mechants of the mideast that HABITUALLY get expelled from every place they infest..

20867238? ago

Now can the above Nazitard make a distinction between "Israel the government", and "every (((Jew))) walking down the street"?

Venturing a guess ... no.

Nazifaggots aren't members of the Q community.

20867528? ago

jews are not members of the human species... (neither are niggers..) So, go suck a bleeding baby dick & have some foresins, schlomo-homo-chomo

20868591? ago

There's at least one good thing that came from this conversation.

You identified yourself as not a part of the Q movement.

Now we don't have to be worried about being smeared as faggots by association.

20870772? ago

pretty sure now Q is a kike psy-op meant ot keep several million well armed civilians from going civil war 2.0. just pumping us with hopium. you nigger & kike loving faggots do a fine job of smearing your-selves... remember, tho... these niggers & jews you love SOOOOO much, will kill or use you (and your children) FIRST chance they get.

enjoy your diversity

20870818? ago

ot keep several million well armed civilians from going civil war 2.0.

Hmm. The MSM has been pushing the civil war theme, and so are you.

I'm starting to get the impression you're a little queer ANTIFA faggot. What color do you dye your hair soyboi?

20870847? ago

i think your a scared little cocksucking bitch. & dont let your black step-daddy catch you jerking off into your moms panties down in their basement.. you sick piece of jew shit

20871088? ago

Scared of what? Civil war?

Are you scared to jump off a cliff? Oh you are? Well then, by your own standard you're a scared little cocksucking bitch.

Boo hoo. Boo hoo. No civil war for you. You were hoping for a mad max apocalypse so you can dress up in leather and go cruising while shooting at Jews and blacks inside your armored dune buggy.

Don't sweat it though. Your side doesn't have the guns.

20871139? ago

wow your right! take your gay faggot leather fantasies & shove them up your ass. i have to got work now.. as an armed security guard at a small commercial airport.

and i really dont need guns against the bong & dildo brigade..

20866326? ago

Start with the politicians. Then, the niggers and spics will show up to rob them of their wallets, shoes, cellphones, etc. The rest will be easy. A Trifecta.

20866474? ago

I have to admit I never understood the stealing SHOES thing

20866518? ago

Quality shoes with no holes in them. If you steal, you don't have to pay. Easy!

20866556? ago

Yeah but who wants someone else's sweaty smelly shoes? AND what are the odds they'll be your size?

20866619? ago

That's the way you and I think.

20865682? ago

The hell is wrong with you.

20865927? ago

i should ask you the same.. do you remember what happened the last time PG&Es power went out? forest fires that only burnt affuent white suburbs you fucking retard

20866129? ago

Race-obsessed piece of garbage sees race in everything, then precedes to use it to justify wishes of genocide. Predictable AND pathetic.

20866263? ago

who's the idiot? Can a white person be born from two colored parents?!?!??!? OF FUCKING COURSE NOT,





20866497? ago

This entire post makes no sense. At this point you are just frothing at the mouth.

20866930? ago

jews do that or scurry-off when they called out