20863216? ago

I don’t think we have to worry about it. Q needs to post and provide “proof or gtfo”.

20860747? ago

I heard the chickens squawking, disturbed in the coop, went out there and opened the door, 8 coon rant out.

20859753? ago

I would consider it compromised as fuck and would not trust anybody to be the same Q.

20859708? ago


When you go there, top of the page says Apache 2 Test Page

Didn't Q post about Apache? I know he/she/they did.

20861582? ago


20859669? ago

OP here, I get what some of you are saying. I just posed a question. Not trying to do anything but keep people asking questions. I'm all for 8kun being a great place so we can get back to what we had. I'm just asking questions. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that. It's how you learn. Love to you all.

20859679? ago

8kun is a shill distraction

20859614? ago

infinitechan posted this 12h ago https://twitter.com/infinitechan/status/1181054604097642496

It's also posted by TheCollectiveQ 5hr ago https://twitter.com/TheCollectiveQ/status/1181147692866658304

8kun.org redirects to https://george.news which is https://twitter.com/TheCollectiveQ

The name of the magazine JFK Jr started was GEORGE, and it was rumored he did this to name his fathers killer http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/03/jfk-jr-told-the-world-who-murdered-his-father-but-nobody-was-paying-attention-3/

20862732? ago


20859652? ago

Well that's interesting..

20859597? ago


Not .net it’s .com

20859554? ago

Seriously...stop with the no outside comms bullshit. Q has moved the board several times already. 8ch was taken down. This just another iteration of miving the board. Q will authenticate and confirm identity when the new 8 comes back up.

No outside comms was a warning to not trust other people who might claim they are communicating directly with Q.

20861005? ago

^^ Ditto!

20859406? ago

Q was on 4chan you fags. Then he was on 8pol. Then he was on a shill board, then q research then he made his own board. There are plenty of was for q to come back if he wants to.

20859469? ago

Well aware of the history. But it wasn't stated no outside comms until qresearch.

20859537? ago

Yes as in q wasn't talking via DMs to Twitter fags and other board moderators privately with secret communication. Q is the platform, not 8chan. It's all about context. The prior board moderator, (was it gghq?) said they were working with Q. Q repudiated that statement with the no outside comms line.

20859393? ago

The same way from the start Q earned our trust. Coincidental confirmations with POTUS twatter that becomes mathematically impossible. For those of us who never had any fear when Q went dark or when the clowns tried to take over the comms, our one always reliable security net was the many confirmations via POTUS.

20859354? ago

Why 8kun? sounds like 8 cunt.

20861031? ago

kun is "Qun" that's how its spoken.

20861454? ago

OK, but what is the meaning of "Qun"?

20863076? ago


20870591? ago

So, if I understand the text correctly, 8 Kun is servant of Q and if the other post is right, 8 Kun will be satelite broad cast? Has Jim Watkins or Ron said this somewhere?

20859342? ago

8 coon

20860726? ago


20859284? ago

A new Q/POTUS [0] Delta should do the tricky at establishing the authentic Q.

20859133? ago

I suppose Q would need to use proofs to confirm it is Q. That does not seem difficult. Would only take one or two. A well placed and pre-announced Air Q at the Minnesota rally this week would be a start. Followed by him saying the White House is running in tippy top shape would certainly do clinch it.

20859717? ago

Air -Q proofs are not going to win elections or stop the coming war.

Deeds not word games, Q+ either acts soonish or the Long Night is upon us. We know enough now already to end this whole thing....Just Do It Q+!

20859861? ago

Agreed, the question was, How to tell if 8kun is legit?

If they vote to impeach it all comes out. If they don't vote to impeach it all comes out. The train has left the track. Slow motion train wreck coming.

20859549? ago

Lol. Agreed.

20859128? ago

Bravo bravo nice to see you take a different approach to your SHILLY faggot posts

20859121? ago

Q is gone.

8chan is gone.

There can be no ‘legitimate’ replacements.

20861536? ago

You wish that were true.

20859099? ago

Q said archive offline... why didnt you listen?

20859459? ago

What does that have to do with future comms?

20862594? ago

because then you'd be able to know how to see and check if the "new" ones are from Q.

20860821? ago

because you had more than you knew

20859078? ago

Comms are dead. You are on your own. Restoration of the Republic has been placed on hold.

20859013? ago


This is how you know that 8kun is real and the new Q anon is real. Read all of Q's previous posts and you will learn how Q writes.

20859218? ago

If I learn how Q writes. Could I then write like Q?

20859552? ago

No. But you can suck like U.

20859567? ago

No u bitch

20858956? ago

It means God damn it those sites I was wanting to return to see the rest of the info I missed on those pages is lost.


20859024? ago

Archive offline? Didn't do it huh. Womp womp

20859106? ago


20858933? ago

It means when or if they ever post again every security agency on the planet will be all over them.

20858883? ago

I imagine there will be a new round of Q proof verifications. "Learn the coms" kinda proofs. Look for them in tweets and Trump rallies.

20863237? ago

What is a "kun"?

20936749? ago

Got it. But it seems pretty hokey to me.

20860609? ago


20858790? ago

You sound like a kike.

20859140? ago

You sound like a troll!

20858779? ago

wouldn't the old domain be redirected? And if 8chan is resurrected as 8kun, it is not an outside comm. It is the approved forum of Q. In fact, all kinds of speculation that grants from the NSA are being used to relaunch it AND i hear watkins is now, or has been, apart of the Q team. Again, all speculation

20859444? ago

less than 3 are non-military.

20860442? ago

yup. my buddy still thinks melania is Q but i'm not buying it.

20861102? ago

She speaks 6 languages how many do you?

20861121? ago

oh so that's what it takes to be on Q team. Ok, 7-minute abs.

20859105? ago

And I hear your mom sucks a mean cock... again, all speculation

20860496? ago

durheet durheet. looks like it's recess and someone left the window lickers alone and they've wandered onto the big boy playground. is that the best you got faggot, some lameass comment that you picked up from someone as equally as lame as you and thought, oh, watch this. i'll say mom's cock and it will light up the forum. thank god the rest of us don't operate on the frequency you seem to be on or we'd all be left sitting around licking our own balls, playing in shit and randomly humping our the pet's stuffy. now, please. fuck off, won't you.

20860594? ago


20861111? ago


20859035? ago

Replace speculation with bullshit, please.

20860516? ago

hey man, i'm with you. But if you're truly on board you know you can't discredit anything. the NSA grants i buy into. watkins... it's an interesting theory. he is ex military.