20895940? ago

The other day, this post had quite a few upvotes. Now it has none. Someone doesn't like this post AT ALL. We're coming for you.

20858176? ago

So... if there is a theory proposed here, I'm not getting it. That Polanski had his wife murdered? Because she complained when slept with other people?

20889392? ago

Not enough for a theory, but enough to call bullshit.

Husband just happens to be absent. Has his picture taken with the word PIG written in his wife's blood.

Manson family just happens to stumble in, seemingly randomly. Took pictures of his new bride and

sent them to Playboy. Treated her like meat. What if it wasn't his kid?

Complaining when he slept around...kinda

not a motive, surprised you would even suggest it.

Actually...no I'm not.

20895356? ago

Well, your title says you have a theory. That is what it says. I was just trying to understand the theory.

I'm not defending Polanski. However, if Polanski was behind the murder, how would that work? What could he possibly offer the Manson family that would be worth life in prison?

20895629? ago

Can you honestly not think of anything that a very wealthy Polanski could have

offered Manson?

Remember, these things aren't like you and me. Think Eyes Wide Shut and the movie,

The Shining.

Who do they serve?

Maybe Manson was made promises that weren't kept. Maybe he thought he

did a service for his master. Could have been part of some ritual that Polanski just

happened to benefit from in some sick way, like for instance, if that child wasn't


What I see in all that detail is...there is no way that murder was random.

20895693? ago

Remember, these things aren't like you and me.

Ah, Manson could very well be a MK-Ultra victim, and therefore could be made to do something against his own best interests. But he acted as part of a group.

20895774? ago

A SATANIC group that made a habit of doing psychedelics... Manson was the controller of the group. Say a word in prison and you're dead. Manson predicted the coming of an apocalyptic race war. Wonder where he got that notion.... A group that was openly satanic and into psychedelics gets driven to Sharon Tate's house, and murders 6 people (friends of Polanski's including an heiress to the Folger fortune, Sharon, her child, Sebring, and the driver. It's not random.

Roman has an alibi, so it couldn't possibly be him, right? Satanic groups don't need motives. They're just nuts--like our modern-day mall and school shooters. Motiveless murders...THERE IS NO SUCH THING.

20858016? ago

Thanks for this. I am on it as soon as I can.

Don't forget all the Pedophile disclosure in Indiana Jones .. <

"I was just a child". > I bet she was.

20858152? ago

Don't forget all the Pedophile disclosure in Indiana Jones

I have not heard of this.

20858212? ago

First movie. In the bar scene, it becomes clear that the woman and Indie were lovers when she was underage, arranged by her Pedophile facilitator Father.

In the flick she says "I was just a child". An she meant it.

This introduces us to Indie as a Pedophile.

Then is the second movie, Indie gets around Asia with his best mate: a little Asian boy.

It's pretty obvious.

Please go and re-watch the movies with fresh eyes and get back t me.


D5 <


20858428? ago

Thanks for the info!

20858479? ago

You are most welcome. I live to give. <3

20857967? ago

Thanks for this.

I'm too young for the Manson family, and don't know much about them and I didn't know any of this. I've long suspected (without research and/or proof) that Manson was a patsy/MKUltra'd for "someone" who we now refer to as the Deep State or Global Cabal. The way you put everything together makes so much sense. I'd guess people VERY high up in the world/US are helping keep Polanski out of jail to prevent their being implicated in not only the Manson murders, but many, many other crimes Polanski knows about.

20858195? ago

I didn't want to go into Manson too deeply, just like I wouldn't want to shove my hand into a filthy and full toilet, but in the little time I was looking, two things popped out...

  1. They used psychedelics (LSD, often associated with MK ULTRA).

  2. Manson claimed there would be an "apocalyptic race war" that he called "Helter Skelter." Wonder where he got that idea.

20858190? ago

Manson wanted to start a race war between the Blacks and Whites, hide in a cave until it was over, and then assume power after Blacks won because they were unfit to lead themselves.

How Jewish does that sound?

20857949? ago

How does a guy who has been on the run from the US Criminal Justice System since 1978 sue someone? and win? I'm having a hard time with how that is possible....

20857959? ago

They know where he is and France has since had an extradition treaty with the US (they didn't in 1978 when he fled). They obviously just don't want to catch him.

20857938? ago

If you're interested in getting more details about Sharon Tate's murder check out Dave McGowan's work: weird scenes from the canyon.

20857954? ago

Thank you. While writing this, I was sick to my stomach. Near the end, I had this...massive swell of sorrow in my chest that hurt pretty bad. That poor woman...

20858119? ago

Yeah know the feeling. I can not go in this rabbit hole again. But the best writer on this subject is McGowan, hands down. He mixes his research with a well needed dry humor.