20859166? ago

We have a date!


20859096? ago

You sound like a crazy, paranoid, delusional, tinfoil-hat wearing retard.

See you back here after inevitably none of this happens, just like all the other nothingburgers that were promised by datefaggers and never delivered.

20858676? ago

RED 1 or RedCon 1 refers to a military unit's readiness condition. There are 7 levels. Check out FM 71-1.

20858899? ago

Will do thanks

20858649? ago

I predict there will be a very large earthquake in the next 10 days. 6.9 or above.

20857913? ago

here we go, more datefaggin' that never pans out

20858801? ago

"difficult to see the future is. Misread the prophesy could have been. ..."

But so what, speculation is in this case forward looking. THere always are reasons to be careful. There is no need to disuade.

20857797? ago

The Q Clock is just a theory and it seems to be a shit theory.

I've never seen it predict anything until after the event when "adjustments" were made.

What good is a "clock" that is wrong every time you check it?

20858829? ago

What good is it to know 10.000 ways how not to make a light bulb? ............

20858232? ago

perhaps it's right and we're wrong