20864999? ago

KUN also means "BE!" in Arabic (as in "Manifest!")

powerful in Sufi mystical literature (Sufi not specifically Muslim)

20859211? ago

what did codemonkey say

20858946? ago

8chan had a bad rep for many reasons.

Let's make sure 8kun has a better rep.

20859812? ago

Media Matters will be there fucking it up, I guarantee it

20858517? ago

Does 'K.U.N.' stand for 'Kill the United Nations'?

20858250? ago

8chan has a better ring. Wonder why the change.

20859185? ago

Probably several reasons, including having a fresh domain which isn’t delisted from google search, as well as rebranding to leave the bad rep / bad associations behind that the media was playing up.

If the new platform looks and functions differently and has none of the 8ch data on it, why use the same domain as the old platform?

20857934? ago

8kun.com is showing a CentOS install test page right now... I think something happened.

20859316? ago

It’s just a test page, Apache servers show this out of the box / unconfigured. The important part is that 8kun.com is responding. So it’s a teaser for a new platform at this domain.

20857470? ago

is it pronounced "Q"UN and not kun.

20857464? ago

70 Days to rise from the cocoon.

20857346? ago

High class, big money shills?

20857331? ago

The King is dead > Long live The King. <

20857242? ago



Kun (君【くん】) is generally used by people of senior status addressing or referring to those of junior status, by anyone addressing or it can be used when referring to men in general, male children or male teenagers, or among male friends. It can be used by males or females when addressing a male to whom they are emotionally attached, or who they have known for a long time. Although it may seem rude in workplaces, the suffix is also used by juniors when referring to seniors in both academic situations and workplaces, more typically when the two people are associated.[citation needed]

Although -kun is generally used for boys, it is not a hard rule. For example, -kun can be used to name a close personal friend or family member of any gender. In business settings, young female employees are addressed as -kun by older males of senior status. It can be used by male teachers addressing their female students.[1]

Kun can mean different things depending on the gender. Kun for females is a more respectful honorific than -chan, which implies childlike cuteness. Kun is not only used to address females formally; it can also be used for a very close friend or family member. Calling a female -kun is not insulting, and can also mean that the person is respected, although that is not the normal implication. Rarely, sisters with the same name, such as "Miku", may be differentiated by calling one "Miku-chan" and the other "Miku-san" or "-sama", and on some occasions "-kun". Chan and -kun occasionally mean similar things. General use of -kun for females implies respectful endearment, and that the person being referred to is sweet and kind.

In the National Diet (Legislature), the Speaker of the House uses -kun when addressing Diet members and ministers. An exception was when Takako Doi was the Speaker of the lower house, where she used the title -san.

20859114? ago

This item should be ranked higher than most other responses. Please upvote this.

20857228? ago

So it seems that chan has matured into kun

From child to youth

20857005? ago

8kun=hkun="god is here" gemetria.

20856993? ago

Ya KNOW it's gonna get called 8 KUNT

20868663? ago

ate cunt

20869165? ago

haven't we all?

20857114? ago

You're right, Lol! Someone on twit remarked that the msm will call it racist with the kun = coon thing. I bet they will too.

20859619? ago

Kun (くん), the most commonly used honorific in anime. It is used to address young males. It is also used by superiors to inferiors and male of the same age and status. Chan (ちゃん), most frequently used for girls and between them, children, close friends, or lovers.

20856846? ago

Does anyone know what the music is that's used in the video? https://twitter.com/infinitechan/status/1181054604097642496?s=20

20856711? ago


20856982? ago

Kun is a friendly Japanese honorable attached to names.

Its role is similar to -San (for adults) or -Chan (for children) but -Kun is used for your buddy.

Mr. Tanaka is Tanaka-San

Little Billy is Billy-Chan

My buddy Danny. Danny-Kun.

However, I thought that the Chan in 8-Chan was an abbreviation of Channel (Channel-8), so I don’t know what is going on or if 8-Kun is legit.

20859483? ago


20856707? ago


Q only on 8Chan



6 Jan 2018 - 12:08:49 PM


NO comms w/ anyone privately.

**NO comms outside of this platform.


20868434? ago

Q can do what they did last time there was controversy during an 8chan trip code security breach, and post an original pic inside Air Force One, or something equally awesome. A flurry of proofs to establish 8kun is approved/acceptable and Q is back.

20868954? ago

I look forward to confirmation.

20860029? ago


Q reveal soon? Just a thought.

20859038? ago

There is a way to know.

This is how you know that 8kun is real and the new Q anon is real: Read all of Q's previous posts and you will learn how Q writes.

20856654? ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#67151) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

20856636? ago

If you are a member of the general public:

The fact that you are seeing this page indicates that the website you just visited is either experiencing problems or is undergoing routine maintenance.

If you would like to let the administrators of this website know that you've seen this page instead of the page you expected, you should send them e-mail. In general, mail sent to the name "webmaster" and directed to the website's domain should reach the appropriate person.

For example, if you experienced problems while visiting www.example.com, you should send e-mail to "[email protected]"

20856641? ago

Apache server??

Hi, Q!!

20856668? ago


Q !UW.yye1fxo 29 Jan 2018 - 10:22:36 PM



20859127? ago

This item should be higher up.. this is a q-proof. Or at least a q-hint ;)

20856715? ago

475 & 513


NO private comms past/present/future.

NO comms made outside of this platform.

Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.




20857421? ago

You keep repeating this. 8chan is gone. This is its replacement. Get it?

20868197? ago

I'm sure that's what somebody said. I'll wait for Jim or Ron to say it. Get that?

:) I have trust issues and will wait for better confirmation. No ill will towards those that choose otherwise. :)

20856628? ago

I doubt it's going to be on a .com address.

20859093? ago

Well the .com is responding and the .net isn’t so...

20860180? ago

I don't believe we have an official source for this url, it's just your best guess right?

Could be a coincidence.

20860473? ago

Uh is the twitter handle ‘@infinitechan’ official?

20860875? ago

It is to my knowledge.

I doubt anything suspicious is going in that fashion.

20860983? ago

Well that’s where the announcement was posted, though they didn’t mention the URL:


But it’s a pretty safe bet don’t you think?

20866264? ago

Never has an image board run a .com address.

20866769? ago

Ok, I take your point.

I just noticed that 8kun.org currently resolves or redirects to https://george.news/

And that site seems associated to www.8ch.dev, which itself points to qmap.pub.

I would dig deeper but I’m on mobile atm.

20859054? ago

I hope it's .zil I just bought 25,000 ZIL tokens

20856436? ago

0000 hrs mountain time link changed to test page for me at least.

20856468? ago

Copy. That’s what I’m getting here.

The new platform will be up before I will ;)

But how will I sleep? I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.

20856369? ago

infinite friends?

20856538? ago


20856366? ago

Last I heard, there's only one drop zone. I'll wait for Ron's tweet... or retweet. Just thinking.

20856410? ago

Fair enough. It’s just showing a test page right now. Guess they want us to know they're running Apache on CentOS. Actually I expect they’ll be serving the new app from this domain very soon.

20857713? ago

Security wise no one should know what it runs on because that’s how you find vulns.

20859368? ago

They may end up using a different server when the site is launched. Right now they’re just showing us that this domain is responding. Plus it may be a reference to q drop #646

20861763? ago

Yeah I get that. The programmer in me just cringed because its advertising the web server , version and os so that hackers can look into known exploits for those particular versions.

If it’s a q proof, cool but I hope they turn that off at some point. Bad secops

20863505? ago

Well it’s maybe a “Q allusion” because it may be a reference to drop 646, but anyone could reference Apache so it isn’t proof of anything q related. Just a wink and a nod perhaps from the Site admins.

Another point: if your site security depends on attackers not knowing you tech stacks then you’re already screwed. In practice you should try to deny them any info, because there may be zero days you don’t know about (and always stay patched for known vulnerabilities), but in principle you’re supposed to assume that “the enemy knows the system.” Security cannot rely on the attacker’s ignorance of the particulars of your system. But point taken.

As to the question of validation, If Q were to return to the new platform he would have to demonstrate his bone fides somehow in a way which proves he is the same person as before, such as how he shared previously unshared pictures of North Korea as seen from AF1, from a previously shared sequence of photos, thereby establishing continuity without compromising his identity. That is how he did it before. But even if he doesn’t return, I believe we have more than we know and we can take up the mantle of maintaining the necessary vigilance for the cause of freedom.

20856453? ago

Interesting times! That twitter thread was absolutely joyous! I WANT to believe.... then I start thinking for myself, and having questions...

I do think while I'm waiting for answers, I'm going to go back and enjoy that entire thread, regardless, cause, :D LOL KEK & REE!

20856523? ago

Apache is software which can serve a web page. Before it’s configured it shows a test page so you know it’s working. CentOS is the Linux distribution it’s running on. This information is not very useful, but they just want us to know that the domain is responding the http requests. They’re teasing us :)

20856537? ago

I love teasing if I get equal amounts of pleasing!

Kinda wow'd myself - I did understand that answer!

20856364? ago

Gotta love the subtle Q in the 8.

20856286? ago

Wouldn't @CodeMonkeyZ have mentioned this?

20856296? ago

This is a new branding from the platform. Maybe it didn’t come from the twitter account CodeMonkeyZ’s twitter but it did come from the official 8ch.net, so you know it’s legit.

20856218? ago

Sorta like TheGreatAw8kuning?

20856193? ago

Jim fuckin Watkins controls the comms for a military op at the highest level of security clearance. Love it

20856847? ago

They wrecked 8chan just as they tried to destroy and ruin voat? Many users on voat posting here . .. saying soap box will destroy voat? where else? try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol . https://saidit.net https://www.16chan.xyz/pol/ , https://gab.ai/topics ...and https://kiwifarms.net/threads/ . .. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , .. ... friendi.ca , blog.diasporafoundation.org , buddypress.org/category/news , pillowfort.io/users/sign_in https://www.dreamwidth.org/latest https://memo.cash (open-source decentralized blockchain) , steemit.com , . sealion.club ? gnusocial.club/favorited/ .. , medium.com, https://bitchute.com ?? https://www.brighteon.com/browse/popular ! , http://reason.com/blog , https://notabug.io/t/all/

20856357? ago

You gotta love his droll. He’s the best.

20856177? ago

With the hidden Q :o)

20868673? ago

Who is John Qalt ?

20856604? ago

I don’t see a Q?

20857283? ago

People see Q in toast. It's really that bad. If you dont see a Q consider that as a good sign that all this hasn't driven you mad.

20856714? ago

flip the 8 and the snake's tail completes the Q

20856159? ago

I-Ching, boys. Look it up....

20858747? ago

Wtf is this? I just listened to a Terence McKenna video last night and he mentioned I Ching. Man knew about meme's before meme's were a thing. Synchronicity...

20856214? ago

I see you are relating kun to the I-Ching hexagram meaning earth and also receptivity.

Interesting connection, anon.

(By the way, possibly noteworthy, Qabala also means “receptive.”)

The more obvious connotation is by analogy with the Japanese suffix -chan, because in this context -kun is for an older youth, a male youth you are addressing who is of equal or younger age that yourself.

So Domo Arigato mofo

20858759? ago

Wtf is I Ching? I just listened to a Terence McKenna video last night and he mentioned I Ching. Man knew about meme's before meme's were a thing. Synchronicity...

20859065? ago

It’s a form of divination from ancient China. The site name is not a reference to it. The site name is a play on -chan, which originally was just short for channel, but it sounds like a Japanese suffix people add to the end of kids’ names. So this ‘kun’ is a pun on that.

20857338? ago

I think the Qabala angle is definitely noteworthy.

20857787? ago

Oh YEAH! <

20859080? ago

I don’t think so. Because that would mean that it is also referencing I Ching, which as ive already explained is not the reference here.

20857217? ago

I'm also speculating it's a wink at kundalini, the serpent energy mirroring the snake-like "8" winking at the ouroboros. Contrary to most Christians, and maybe thanks to my Asian roots, I'm very optimistic of their choice of symbolism. Maybe Christians will at last go back to their true roots.

20856544? ago

Which is funny because originally the chan is just short for channel on 2chan (now 5chan)

20856632? ago

why did 5ch ban america IPs

20856551? ago

Had no idea. I thought it was made by anime weebs

20856344? ago

arigatou onagaishimasu!

20856105? ago

Well why change the name and address? I got to update my bookmarks...?

20856623? ago

Google delisted 8chan years ago, this was a good excuse for a relaunch to gain their listing back. Throws some heat off with media too because new name and let's Jim and Ron brand it as they see fit as opposed to hotwheels original branding based on 4chan.

20856462? ago

Didn't it get an "upgrade?" It will probably be a bit different.

20860744? ago

I hope it did not get an "upgrade." That always means more censorship.

20856418? ago

I wouldn't update bookmarks just yet...

20856099? ago

Here's the announcement link: 8Chan Twitter page @infinitechan

20859012? ago

Upvote this. This item should be at the top.

20856874? ago

Did we have to wait this long just so they could render out the promo teaser? Lol.

20856478? ago

I just had a look at it. All I can say is: LOL!

20856752? ago

That was, hopefully the climax of the hope porn! Quite the happy dance.

I'm stuck on this: IMPORTANT: NO private comms past/present/future.

NO comms made outside of this platform. Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.

20859021? ago


This is how you know that 8kun is real and the new Q anon is real. Read all of Q's previous posts and you will learn how Q writes.

20858285? ago

Sometimes things change like 8chan going down. Either way most people can tell a fraud Q if one comes.

20856086? ago

Long Live 8kun. (kneels)

20856070? ago

Weird. :(