20855335? ago


20856881? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3339012 crazydaysandnights reveal? The psychos they bring their own Daughter to the Slaughter? Glenn and Eva Dubin hosted Epstein

20855132? ago

if white people didn't colonize the other parts of the world, those parts of the world would still be living in the dirt and healing each other with witchcraft.

20856867? ago

They pray to a Moongod? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3400980 Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine?? The Sabbatean Freemasons, the Jesters, the Grotto, Shriners are always trying to get the Children?

20854724? ago

You misspelled catholics

20855501? ago

The source of all Catholic problems is exclusively cryptojewry.

20856289? ago

don't talk about Catholics like that!

... unless you say something bad about "Jews".

What absolute retards

20857923? ago

Nice strawman, schlomo.

20855248? ago

holy kek

I like you, anon.

20854483? ago

but muslims control the media and social media...and nazis are retarded....so theres that

20854395? ago

I was just teaching my 8th graders about Bacon's Rebellion the other day. The government didn't want the newer colonists going west onto Indian land and stirring up trouble. The first arrivals, who had started to have success, owned all the land on the river so it was easier to get their tobacco to the ships. It started a classic class struggle between the wealthy landowners and the yeomanry. The yeomen petitioned the royal governor to allow them to develop the lands inland, but he refused. (The rich guys didn't want the competition.) So blacks, indentured servants, and the yeomen got together and attacked Jamestown. The poor against the rich.

Bacon died prematurely and the rebellion fell apart. The governor hung 23 of his followers and the burgesses passed a law that made all blacks lifelong slaves and made their children born into slavery. That legal decision intended to prevent blacks and poor whites from ever combining against the rich again. "They want you divided by race," Q told us. It has always been that way. It's a thread that can be traced from Bacon's Rebellion to Shay's Rebellion, to Reconstruction, to the Jazz Age, to the present.

20854382? ago

Where does Trump fit into all of this?

20854451? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3452879 Haiti Quake, Pizzagate Conspiracy? The Lawyer turned out to be a Child Trafficker

20854381? ago

Weird shit it hides in plain sight, the pizzagate sub had a post about Moloch Elks Lodge and Orchid Temple something about donations and a disaster again. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3459053/20848502