20854158? ago

Jeffrey Epstein's connections to the modeling industry included regular visits at a leading agency, and donations to charities linked to its influential co-owner Faith Kates. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3416249

20853498? ago

This Police Chief is a kiddie diddler and corrupt as fuck.

20854152? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3443581 Serious question had been asked, why does Bill Gates do what Jeffrey Epstein tells him to do?

20850520? ago

https://unvis.it/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7542949/Police-chief-ran-VIP-child-abuse-inquiry-charge-inquiry-Jeffrey-Epstein.html :

2019-10-06 | Police chief who ran VIP child abuse inquiry was also in charge of inquiry into Jeffrey EpsteinĀ  | Daily Mail Online

"He has faced intense criticism over the Met's handling of the VIP sex ring scandal."

'The police chief at the head of the botched investigation into a non-existent Westminster VIP paedophile ring also closed the Scotland Yard inquiry into billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein because of a lack of evidence. '

'Rodhouse allegedly closed the UK investigation into Epstein because he was unconvinced by the evidence. '

'Now, it has been revealed that Rodhouse lead the department that closed the Scotland Yard investigation into disgraced US financier Epstein and his links to Britain, including Prince Andrew, in 2015. ', "We suspect we have not been able to achieve this. 'Charges, prosecutions and convictions cannot be the only barometer of success."

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