20852632? ago

You should kill yourself if you voluntarily live in califailia

20851893? ago

Observe and report. Well done Anon.

20851697? ago

Next time just yell out “who isn’t Q?”

We should all be asking this question of the media and our elected officials until we get the answer.

20851631? ago

Serious Question I have: Do you think these people are demon-possessed or gakked out on adrenochrome?? or both??

Maybe a long life of hitting the bottle to drown their self-loathing and pump up that grandiose attitude...

For the love of God, man, Pelosi slurring on about the Constitution on camera?? surreal...

20850786? ago

Why all the hate on Lucifer?

He's a great civilian consultant for the LAPD. S5 looks to be great when it starts next year. A big fan-desire is to see him hookup with Chloe, after years of unrequited love.

Oops. You mean a different Lucifer.

20850425? ago

Perhaps write 'Q says hello' on a napkin, subtly leave it on her table when she's not looking and watch from a distance to see her reaction when she sees it..

20850274? ago

Make them afraid to walk down the street.

20850264? ago

she is a stone cold killer, and lost my nerve.

Well played anon. Good instincts are strong with you.

20850785? ago

I agree, while tempting.. No sense in putting yourself on their radar. She will get hers. I'm sure it was a bizarre experience tho.

20850185? ago

Never look them in the eye whilst wearing tan slacks, my friend did this and now has a large wart on his finger in the shape of a nipple!

These people are demonic!!

20851772? ago

Liar! you dont have any frenz.

20856891? ago

I have many, many frens. However many you have, I have five more!

20859292? ago

Lol thats like a Dr Steve Brule comment

20857507? ago

i also hear you're made of rubber, kek

20850184? ago

Sorry for you having to have gone through that.

20849966? ago

You should have yelled something about dual citizenship treason in our government.

20850209? ago

Where is Nicole Junkerman? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3458078

20849810? ago

actually that's a good idea. Patriots should co-opt the "KNEEL" and just KNEEL whenever one of these corrupt political-media-industry assets in "honored."

20850350? ago

Don't kneel. Kneeling is an act of submission.

These stupid football players (especially the ones with a lot of melanin) don't seem to see the irony of knelling. Slaves kneel. Free men and women stand. Coffefe! I will stand up!

20849747? ago

fake story

20849694? ago

who owns 666the building ? expand ur thinking

20851633? ago

Jared Kushner + Soros, why ?

20849578? ago

I would've been nervous doing that as well, especially if it was work delayed. Interesting story though. That must've been seriously bizaare :-o

20850175? ago

Hollyweird? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3400763 Bill Maher starred in the movie "The Pizzaman" when he played a pizza delivery guy who blows up Donald Trump with a bomb. In 1991...owns a comedy media company 'With Kid Love Productions '

20849573? ago

Dont provoke them. They have power still.

The storm takes care of them

20849686? ago

Will they survive the solar flash?

20850429? ago

definitely not

20850045? ago

The standard deviation is large, only a handful of people can even predict earthquakes, much less the super flare or micro nova.

20849931? ago

Im out of the loop regarding the flash. I remember it being said to arrive 21.12.19 but ive been having some spiritual warfare going on inside last quarter so im not up to speed.

Care to fill me in?

20851797? ago

It seems that the galactic central sun will send a burst of cosmic light energy and our sun will channel that and send it to Earth, and this will bring everything on Earth to a higher vibrational frequency. I believe preparations are being made so that the majority of Earth will survive it, but some people will not be able to handle the amount of spiritual light and it could straight up fry their central nervous system and kill them.

I don't think there is any date set for this, it's variable based on when is the most divine right timing.

20852011? ago

Book of Revelation 21:22-24

22 But I saw no temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 And the city has no need for sun or moon to shine on it, because the glory of God illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its lamp. 24By its light the nations will walk, and into it the kings of the earth will bring their glory.…

20851859? ago

Thanks 🙏❤️

I feel something big is coming. And have been increasingly so since my awakening around 2013.