20851010? ago

I have no question to ask of Q.

I just want some action. The rest I could care less.

20850589? ago

I wouldn't want to have my question be out of date so, I'll save my question for the actual event.

20849637? ago

Was GHW Bush involved in Kennedy assassination and 9/11.

Is Ukraine the keystone?

Is Epstein alive?

20849107? ago

  1. How flat is the earth exactly? (a) very flat (b) kinda flat (c) mostly flat but a little concave in places

  2. Magnets?

20849042? ago

"We didn't do anything to deserve the influx of retards. Why did you send them over here?"

20848897? ago

What percentage of the population are serious drug addicts or a significant mental illness or a combination of both? When you factor in the brainwashed and legit morons I'd say 4-6% is way too low of an estimate. I'd be pleasantly surprised if the % of no-hopers was anywhere south of 50 in Canada. There's hordes of hardcore suckers up here.

20848798? ago

Do you have to try hard to be a huge faggot or does it come naturally?

20848916? ago

Was Hoover a Shriner and a Gay Homo...the Masons, the Vatican, the Arab ritual and Jewish Occultist, the Blackmail groups ...is there a link between it all? https://voat.co/v/anon/3451514 are all over the target?

20848759? ago

1) when are we going to know the truth about 9/11?

2) when are we going to know the truth about aliens?

3) when are we going to know the truth about WW2

There's a common denominator behind all three of the questions. The question is, when are we going to name it, and solve the problem with extreme prejudice...

My guess would be that a solution will never be implemented, but at present time, it is simply far too profitable.

20848724? ago

How about getting a backup channel?

20848677? ago
