20844692? ago

I'm stealing this OP. Just a heads up.


20846546? ago

great!! That's why I post them here :)

20842606? ago

Watch Free Movie Counter-Intelligence

For those not familiar with what the CIA “really” do, you might be interested to watch this free American made movie. Which exposed the CIA in 5 parts at http://metanoia-films.org/counter-intelligence/#watch

Alternative links 1:

  1. Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/oC6WDFZq5GMx
  2. Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fxtZUc4s1qcb
  3. Part 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MlWqPLCL8gzh
  4. Part 4: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FRRBzXx3pWar
  5. Part 5: https://www.bitchute.com/video/leBVGP1R68aJ

Alternative links 2:

  1. Part 1: https://vimeo.com/65148608
  2. Part 2: https://vimeo.com/65942057
  3. Part 3: https://vimeo.com/66019647
  4. Part 4: https://vimeo.com/66183267
  5. Part 5: https://vimeo.com/67967592

In summary, according to the Counter-Intelligence movie, the CIA is arguably by far the largest terrorist organization on earth. Including CIA's illegal terrorist events within the USA.

There are lots of good people working for the CIA and FBI. But allegedly and unfortunately, the bad people have intoxicated it beyond repair. Like a cancer? Will the Trump administration be able to drain the swamp? Time will tell.

Read an interview with Scott Noble, the American documentary author at https://dissidentvoice.org/2014/07/counter-intelligence-spying-deters-democracy/



To encourage the author to create more movies, your donation is welcome at http://www.metanoia-films.org/donate/

20842558? ago

There was an EO that trump signed to protect whistleblowers. Safe houses even armored cars in this EO.

20842293? ago

Lol. This sub is cancer, but OP brings up a great point. Well done.

20842131? ago

There are many many 9/11 whistle blowers Corbett Report just did a recap of some of the most reliable there last month. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I can name a few dozen more that he didn't mention. One of my favorites, though overall minor trivia, is the agent that took the call from Ted 'lets roll' Beamer from the flight that went down in Shanksville PA to advise he never said that on the call and the call lasted for 12 minutes after impact leading the operator to believe it was not a call from someone inside the plane, phone records verified the call lasted long past the point of impact.

Or the government employee with Dick Cheney when the plane was coming in for impact with the pentagon who recalled Dick receiving reports of the incoming plane and ordering the staff to do nothing in response. FYI the pentagon is armed with surface to air missiles and a shoot to kill no questions asked operating guideline for potentially hostile airspace intrusions.

Then there is AE9/11 truth and pilots for 9/11 justice (not explicitly whistle blowers but calling out the science). There are always whistle blowers they just get canned and discredited before you find out about them.

20842123? ago

Waiting for someone to say something about Obama

20842073? ago

Snowden or Assange for that matter.

20840866? ago

There were. They’re all dead. Most of them anyway. Sadly. Read the book, Murdered by the Invisible Hand.

20846559? ago

'CIA whistleblowers'

the comment stands

20840677? ago

this is because the people who knew the truth wanted to live another day.

20840422? ago

Sibling and cousins of the Clinton body count. And still counting...

20840370? ago

Also notice not one female accused Obama of sexual harrassment, rape, or even inappropriate behavior? Not one FEMALE ever.

20845514? ago

He didn't knew, not one FEMALE ever, in that way ...

20840312? ago

I don’t think the term whistleblower existed back then and there certainly were no laws to protect or encourage anyone.

20840193? ago

They tend to wind up dead.

20839827? ago

Extreeeeemly good point, OP.

20839486? ago

Or flat earth... OH wait Jullian Asange wiki leaks emblem...

20839383? ago

Robert David Steele?

20839317? ago

I'm borrowing this. Good call anon.

20839251? ago

Last but least, voter fraud by the deep state was left out.

20841748? ago

Their Symbolism Will be Their Downfall Anonymous ... https://voat.co/v/anon/3451514 ?

20839232? ago

Of ALL the things that someone could whistleblow about in our government and they have to change the rules to allow hearsay. There are plenty of useful idiots out there but these people just keep digging their own graves.

20839106? ago

No 'whistleblowers' for any of these events? Or if there were, they suddenly died?

Ok. Then this whistleblower on the Ukraine shit is, bullshit. It's kabuki theater Imo. Part of the show. Because, if this person is really a whistleblower, with all of the previous history...come on. Even Nancy is playing a role.

The impeachment stuff is the vehicle in which everything gets blown wide open to the public. It's got everyone's attention, yes? It's actually pretty fucking brilliant! Let the declas roll.

20839823? ago

Let the declas roll.

Man, Ric Ocasek just died.

Then again, riffing off his last name, the new Russian missile named Okhotnik, the name means "hunter". :)

20840669? ago

Damn, that's really cool!

20841072? ago


"Hunter becomes the hunted" is so awesome. Not "The hunter", but "Hunter" with a capital "H"!!! kekkitty!

20841280? ago

Ha haaaa! Kekkitty!

20838940? ago

Catholic cia niglets who are deep state dont spill

20839851? ago

Downvoted for Commie Race Bot.

20839713? ago

catholic>>>Jesuits>>>morranos>converted jews secretly practicin judism>>>jews

DC,City of London and Vatican run by the same tribe.

20839985? ago

So? They have a right to exist and can say the same about you.

20838916? ago

Or Oklahoma city or the first attack on the towers under the Clinton administration or Waco or Ruby Ridge or Lavoy Finicum's assassination or Fort Hood or the Gulf oil rig explosion or i am sure there are more examples.

20839207? ago

Submissions are character restricted, so I left it open ended for contributions just like this.

20850504? ago

Understood and thank you for your bringing up such an important topic.

20838838? ago

I think I'm going to steal this and tweet it out.

But be real...

None from the NSA, FBI, NYPD or FDNY either.

I'll add those in for you when I borrow your statement and attenuate it to the audience's educational base.

20840966? ago

We'll be awaiting your tweet, Mr. President. ; )

20842246? ago

I don't have much traction or following but I'm sure a few people will see it.

Timing is important too.

20839922? ago

Do it for me too! I’d do it but twitter banned me cause I called Miley Cyrus a “skank.”

20842067? ago

They got me for calling Stormy Daniels a two-bit whore. Telling the truth got me banned!

20845492? ago

Maybe she's only a one-bit ...

20841981? ago


20838774? ago

That's because they got suiceded before public knowledge.


20839260? ago

Trump has his own dead man switch with everything on it. They wouldn't dare try to JFK him.

20839682? ago

they already have

20839919? ago

More than once....

20843894? ago

the reason trump has not been assassinated is that the secret service is being augmented by trumps own private security and the military.

20838644? ago

You left out the bread and butter


20840617? ago

because none of that ever happened, goy, it wuz Muh Random Lone Gunman and Bad Cartel Peepulz and Fighting Muh Commies and shid

20845477? ago

You phorgoth Muh Shatanisht and Muh Lucipheriansh and shid.

20838949? ago

and Human Trafficking.. and child sacrificing...and Clinton Body count.....

20840416? ago

You forgot "muh joo" which is what this site blames for all problems.

20842079? ago

It is muh joo.

Mostly muh Amish, though.

20840830? ago

Everyone who knows anything about the history of earth hates the jews. Jews are the biggest problem.

Jews are anti-human. Biological parasites. Terrorists.

20841124? ago

No only shills speak this way.

We true Q followers know it is not the entire race of jews but INSTEAD it is LUCIFERIANS hiding behind jews or anything else they want to hide behind.

The MA JOO shills on QRV think they "get work done" with their lies and horseshit and bullshit posts... but it's NOT the case.

They are losing HARDCORE and will continue to do so because:

Stable fucking Genius.

Fuck all of you faggot luciferians, I want you ALL DEAD.

All Freemasons, all faggots in Secret Societies should be lined up and shot in the street, dead.

Fuck all of you.

20846395? ago

Freemasonry is essentially Jewish. Just look at their degrees and symbols and regalia. It is crawling with Hebrew words and phrases.

20845468? ago

"As a fellow human being"

As a fellow human being ... You suck at humaning !

How about the 'jews in charge' ?. Do they bear any responsibility in your mind ?

20842240? ago

Fuck you jew.

20841670? ago

I wonder why jews choose jews over all else??

Just like you have....

20841187? ago

Exactly! Speak the truth loud my friend! 🙏🏻

Our great leader stands with us.

[They] will NOT divide us.

20839337? ago

And finders cult

20838622? ago

But there were normal people whistleblowers on JFK. They all died though within a couple of months.

20839808? ago

just like vegas

20839573? ago

Dorothy Kilgallen!!!

20838602? ago

Yes I have noticed. The CIA is a criminal cartel, you don't have any "good guys" in their ranks

20839669? ago

implying anyone in the government is a "good guy"

20838830? ago

Is pompeo a spook unicorn?

20838862? ago

Not in my book. Unless he spill the beans on all of his/their crimes, testifies against his own fellow cartel members, makes restitution to their victims, etc...he's on my shit list

20838901? ago

He might just be doing that. If not we will help him.